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UI elements

Account Manager

Account Manager is a panel at the bottom of the screen. This panel can have multiple tabs.

Account Manager

You can configure Account Manager at the broker configuration level and for each sub-account separately. To do this, you should use one of the following options.

  • At the broker level, use /configdaccountManager.
  • At the sub-account level, use /accountsduiaccountManager.

Note that the data for Account Manager in any case is sent to /statedamData

Account Summary Row

Account Summary Row is a line that is always displayed after login into the integration. It contains the most important information about the current state of the selected sub-account.

Account Summary Row

By default, Account Summary Row displays the values of the /state request into three fields:

  • balance into the Account Balance,
  • unrealizedPL into the Profit,
  • equity into the Equity.

The equity parameter is used in the order ticket to calculate risks. This parameter is optional and can be calculated automatically as balance + unrealizedPl. If you calculate equity in a different way, provide the required value of equity in the response to /state.

"s": "ok",
"d": {
"balance": 41757.91,
"unrealizedPl": 1053.02,
"equity": 42857.56,

But Account Summary Row allows to display other required broker information after configuration. You can configure it at the broker or sub-account level. Setting at the broker level will allow displaying the same information for all sub-accounts. Setting at the sub-account level allows you display information for the user-selected account. In this case, the information can be different for different sub-accounts.

"s": "ok",
"d": [
"ui": {
"accountSummaryRow": [
"id": "accountBalance",
"title": "Account Balance"
"id": "Equity",
"title": "Realized P/L"
"id": "Open Profit",
"title": "Unrealized P/L"

For custom configuration of the Account Summary Row follow the steps below.

  1. Enable the supportCustomAccountSummaryRow flag in the /accounts request.
  2. Configure the Account Summary Row fields in the /config request in the daccountSummaryRow object if you need to configure it at the broker level.
  3. Set up uiaccountSummaryRow object in the /accounts to configure the Account Summary Row fields at the account level. The account level setting has a higher priority and will be applied if there is a configuration at both levels.
  4. Set up accountSummaryRowData object in the /state to configure the Account Summary Row fields.
  5. In the /state request in the accountSummaryRowData object, send the values for Account Summary Row. The order and size of the sent array must match the order and size of the array specified in the configuration.

If the display area of the Account Summary Row is undersized, the elements will be hidden sequentially, starting with the very first. This can happen on low-resolution screens. Therefore, arrange information in order of increasing importance.

Account Summary Tab

Account Summary Tab displays the fields received by the /state request as a set of tables. Only one table is displayed by default. It uses the balance, unrealizedPL, and equity (optional) fields.

Account Summary Tab

The information displayed in the Account Summary Tab can be flexibly configured at the broker or sub-account level. The settings made at the broker level will be displayed the same for all sub-accounts. Setting at the sub-account level will allow displaying information for the account selected by the user, and the information may be different for different sub-accounts.

  • At the broker level, the accountManager object is returned in the /config request.
  • At the account level, the accountManager object is returned in the /accounts request inside the ui object.

In both cases, it contains an array of table objects. The columns of the table are defined within each such array.

Regardless of the configuration level, values for the tables are returned in the /state query in the amData object. The amData object is an array of tables. It contains a nested array of strings with a nested array of columns as string values. This object must be the same size as the object defined in the configuration.

Demo accounts support

There are two ways to support demo accounts on TradingView platform mentioned below.

  • By adding subaccounts that are configured in the /accounts endpoint.
Order Ticket
  • By adding the LiveDemo Switcher. Please reach out to TradingView team to enable this feature.
Order Ticket


Orders with the Filled status should be returned in the /executions response. This feature allows users to see such orders on the chart.

Fills or trades are displayed as arrows with a specific price, specific quantity and a specific side (buy or sell) for each instrument.


Recommended maximum number of executions to be sent is 100 (the depth of the executions history). The bigger the number of the executions sent, the longer the chart page will be loading.

Order Ticket

Purchase behavior:

  • There is a Short Position and we set a trailing stop to buy.
  • When the market price goes down, the Stop Order price goes down as well.
  • But, if the market price rises, the Stop Order price remains unchanged.
  • And in the end, if the market continues to grow and reaches the price set in the order, it will be executed.

Selling behavior:

  • There is Long Position and we set a trailing stop to sell.
  • When the market price rises, the Stop order price rises as well.
  • But, if the market price goes down, the Stop order price remains unchanged.
  • And if the market continues to fall and reaches the price established in the order, it will be executed.
Order Ticket

Crypto Order Ticket

Crypto Order Ticket can be used for spot trading. To enable it, please set the supportCryptoExchangeOrderTicket flag in the /accounts endpoint to true. Please note that qty in the Place Order request is sent in base currency.

Crypro Order Ticket

Order preview

To show users additional order details without modifying or placing orders, you can implement the /previewOrder endpoint. For example, you can display the estimated order cost, commission, and expiry date, as well as any warning or error messages in the Order confirmation dialog.

Orders preview

To use the /previewOrder endpoint, set the supportPlaceOrderPreview and/or supportModifyOrderPreview flags to true in the /accounts endpoint.

  • supportPlaceOrderPreview is used when you want to provide more information about an order before a user places it.
  • supportModifyOrderPreview is used when you want to provide more information about an order before a user modifies it.

When a user places or modifies an order, the request is first sent to /previewOrder. In response, you can specify all the necessary information that will be displayed in the Order confirmation dialog. In Order confirmation, the user can click the Send Order button. This action will send the Place Order or Modify Order request.


TradingView REST API allows you to configure the duration (or Time In Force) separately for each of the supported order types. By default, any item from the durations list will be shown in the Order Ticket only for Limit, Stop, Stop-Limit orders. If this list should be different from the default one for any of the durations elements, you must submit it for this item in the supportedOrderTypes field. It must be an array of order types for which this duration will be available.


If a duration has Date Picker or/and Time Picker it is necessary to return datetime in /orders response which is equal to durationDateTime in Place Order request.


Leverage can be displayed in the Order Ticket in two ways.

  • If leverage is a constant value it can be displayed in the Order Info. It is necessary to set supportLeverage flag to false in /accounts and return marginRate value in /instruments.
  • If leverage is a dynamic value set by users, it can be displayed using the Leverage button. It is necessary to set supportLeverage and supportLeverageButton flags to true in /accounts. getLeverage, previewLeverage and setLeverage requests are sent in this case.

Margin Used scale configuration

Margin Used scale can be displayed in the Order Ticket.

Margin Used scale

The below is required to show the Margin Used scale:

  • Margin Used scale feature should be enabled from the TradingView side
  • It is necessary to return marginRate in the /instruments response.
  • It is necessary to return marginAvailable in the /state response.

Risk and reward

Setting bracket orders (Stop-Loss or Take-Profit) as a percentage of the account balance or in the account currency is enabled by default. It can be disabled by setting supportRiskControlsAndInfo flag to false in the /accounts on a sub-account level.


The risk control related information, such as the trade value, will not be shown in the Order Ticket and on the Chart if supportRiskControlsAndInfo flag is set to false.

Depth Of Market

Depth of Market or DOM (also known as Order Book), is a window that shows how many open buy and sell orders there are at different prices for a security. Let's say the current price is \$1, the DOM will show how many orders there are at \$0.90, \$1.10, etc. It's a great tool to see where the supply and demand levels are.

By default, DOM widget is enabled in the UI. However, you can control the way DOM operates from your side.

Examples of DOM implementation

By default, supportDOM flag in /accounts is set to true and the DOM widget is displayed as below:

Default DOM

If you provide Level 2 data, you can enable it in the TradingView UI by following the next steps:

DOM with Level 2 Data

If you wish to deactivate DOM, set the supportDOM flag in /accounts to false. In this case, the DOM widget will look as below:

Deactivated DOM

Informational popup

An informational message can be shown to users right after the successful authentication process. This feature is often used to display regulatory required messages.

Two conditions should be met in order to show the popup:

  • Provide TradingView team with a list of key values that correspond to certain messages.
  • Return connectWarningConfig with the necessary key value in /accounts response.

Please note that the text of an informational message should be provided from your end and reviewed by the TradingView team before it becomes available within the integration.