9 янв 2022 г., 13:00


Beyond Meat, Inc.NASDAQ


Nobody buys this crap in the middle of a pandemic with empty shelves.

It's still stocked full.

Bankruptcy is on the horizon.

God is in control and this synthetic existence is NGMI.

These globalists lose... They just think they have the power.

The next few years after the cleansing they will know who is in control.

Adam and Eve pattern to delist...

Still buying vegan / veg meat. Sick and tired of torture and destruction of sentient beings. Farmers should start to get with the program and only farm ethical / sustainable meat production. Ideally optimise and switch to 95% veg, and 5% meat. As was the case in the past.
@ofcoursebutmaybe, nobody said to eat meat every single day, I boycott vegan sh..
@Sweetcanary, wow. Did I say that...It beyond the point isn't it. He says, NOBODY buys this crap in the pandemic. But they do.
Beyond that, BYND has a marketing problem in the sense that there is MASS adoption of this shiitaki at the moment. There is too much competition. So his thesis is totally wrong. The reason BYND is tanking is because there are too many products (in NL at least).
@ofcoursebutmaybe, I see, I am allergic to shitaki mushrooms... but I don't trust industrial type production of meatless products that look like or aim to replace meat, they can put unhealthy things in it... usually allergens like corn or soya. I prefer to make my own food... From the news I hear traditional farmers are not being favored around the world- it is very sad.
@ofcoursebutmaybe Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” God put animals here to eat. Over population of animals would make it impossible to live on this planet. Tell a tiger, a bear, an eagle not to eat sentient beings. I knew there was something about you I'd didn't like. I eat meat 3 times a day. Will continue to eat every part of the animal I can as not to waste that beings life. But I will eat it none the less. God didn't give us incisors to eat lettuce.
@BitFink, haha Fink doesn't think. You can use the bible for anything mate. Get with the program. Farming has destroyed the Earth. A rebalancing is necessary. The bible also says take care of her "Woe to those that disturb His world! Hail to those that preserve His world!" I am all for predators balancing of the wild. I am against industrialisation and destruction. Your meat probably comes from Brazil. Maybe you should look up what happens down there, and what we are losing.

Don't take what you don't need. Don't be greedy. Don't be wasteful. Don't be lazy. Slothy. BitSloth would be more appropriate at the moment.
@Sweetcanary I eat meat vegetables fruits and nuts everyday.
@BitFink, awesome. Cut back on the meat. You don't need it. Don't be a fool. God doesn't want you to consume meat unnecessarily. Why harm something for a product that you don't need. It's based on the idea that you think your body needs it. Expectations created by others, conditioning, addiction. Etc. Of course it tastes good and feels good. But do you really need it. No. So you should abstain more.
@ofcoursebutmaybe, You're a carnivore eating rabbit food telling other carnivores that they should eat more rabbit food on a website that has nothing to do with food.
@dRends35, I wish it was that simple dRends. Nature nurture freedom of choice. You become what you do, not, you become what you are. If you're weak, fine, go eat meat. Enjoy.
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