1 окт 2020 г., 15:16

Simple Answer to the Question "Where to Store Savings?" 🟢🔵🔴🟡 

U.S. Dollar Currency IndexTVC


This is that case when the chart talk better than words!

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Good luck and profits!
Mikhail Hypov
I don't store saving ever. Savings is a waste of time, but I see you are talking about where to invest with the best gains. What about risk also? Bitcoin is the obvious winner but it's very volatile and most people couldn't handle their savings fluctuating. I would like to see people lose that savings account concept because it's outdated and hodling fiat is not smart considering it's back by debt only. Personally I use actual Gold and Silver assets both physical and tokenized, The physical gives me a fallback if everything is lost in a crash or anything like it. The tokenized gold gives me access to gold potentially anywhere and the government cannot attempt to confiscate it which will happen eventually.

I keep assets in the US markets as well as many other markets. I also trade a lot of Crypto currencies now and have been moving assets from US markets into crypto because the US markets are not going to last much longer with the FED printing unlimited funds, negative interest rates and FED buying stocks. It's not sustainable and it will get really bad for a lot of people. Eventually the swap line countries will say screw it and drop the US dollar and then the dollar will be worthless, probably overnight in a year or so but decline will start for a lot of companies sooner. If Joe Biden is elected POTUS then it will be the end of their free maker system and it will all go to hell. They will not recover. My opinion, obviously I am going to make as much as I can there before it does but the sooner I am out of the USD the better.
@Z3R05UM, First, thank you very much for your detailed comment. You have done a great job and I appreciate and respect it immensely!
As for your fears. Fortunately or unfortunately, I do not share them and I do not see such a big catastrophe as you described. Physical storage of gold is a good idea, but I see no point in keeping the bulk of your savings in it. This carries enormous risks. It can simply be stolen or the costs associated with bank custody. In my opinion, the ideal answer should be diversification between risk exposure and liquidity. In this regard, I do not see a problem to keep most of it in the same Swiss francs and US dollars, so that later you can pick up the fallen stock market.
@Hypov, As I said I maintain no savings because savings don't draw interest, I have to have all my assets working for me at all times with the few exceptions of backup funds on an Air Gaped hardware wallet for Crypto and the physical gold which only makes up about 8% of my low risk and growth portfolios. Might be a bit less cause I sold some while it was high. I wish I could say I had your confidence in the markets but I see the writing on the charts. I don't see a way out once the other nations say they don't want to depend on the dollar and adopt a new world currency which is a terrible idea but one that is probably going to happen unless Crypto see universal adoption. Even if it does the central banks will find a way to infiltrate and find a way to milk it too I fear. The central banks have been at this a long time and live off our debt which is what drew me to Crypto because of being my own bank is great. I like being responsible for my assets and if I lose everything it will be my fault alone. Of course I hope I am wrong but I honestly don't know how more don't see it with zero interest and negative interest being discussed. The FED printing so unlimited FIAT currency and then buying stocks and bonds. What happens when they start to own large percentage of major corporations like FORD or other distressed stocks. Then you have just a few with controlling or close to it all bought with worthless money or what will be at some point because they printed it with nothing backing it. Do you know what an American Social Security Number actually is? If not take a look at it really is for and it's not medicare benefits.

I think this was a great topic for discussion, awesome job, My Friend.
@Z3R05UM, I understand what you are talking about and I understand why you are afraid. I respect your point of view. I want to believe that the global community will find a way out of the situation. Perhaps this will be a global transition of the national currency into the crypto space. It's hard for me to predict yet. But I am sure that if the crash does happen, it will not be as soon as it seems and not so fast. We will slide into the abyss slowly but surely. To be honest, I don't know anything about the American Social Security Number actuall is. I would be glad to hear your point of view on this
@Hypov, The Fed is not owned or operated by the federal government despite the name, but I am sure you are already aware of that but most in the US aren't. It is a group of private bankers. A Social security number is linked to US citizens portion of the US Debt, This is a little known fact that every US citizen is born with a debt over their head. It's not their debt but the governments debt. Essentially they are using American Citizens and their finances as collateral. The more you see this system work the more amazing it is that they have mastered this terrible way of staying on top. The truly rich don't pay taxes or work for money. I'm not saying they don't do some kind of work but they don't really work for a paycheck. That's besides the point but the central banks have been doing this since before the Roman Empire and it always ends the same. I study history and many other topics trying to keep my information as good as possible but too many just don't care so I don't see anyone doing anything to stop it.

I agree it probably won't be nearly as fast as I think but it will go downhill fast and the middle class is already almost non existent in America. They are on the edge of becoming a socialist nation which means once they get the citizens guns it's all over. Yes there will be plenty of Americans willing to fight and that's why you are seeing the law enforcement becoming nationalized. It is following the exact path of Nazi Germany if you know your history. I have no fear because I am always prepared for anything, my fear is for those who are oblivious to this and could get destroyed not only financially but in every possible way. It's getting more difficult to even locate true history and information that used to be public knowledge. I mean if anyone still used real books they would be burning them here soon. Thanks for the chat and I hope you find the information clearly. I want all my money out of the US markets by this time next year at the latest and I pray I am totally wrong but I see to many points of failure and a huge bubble forming.

Here is a link to explain American Social Security
This explains Birth Certificate and SSN:

The second one is a bit iffy as far as the site's credibility but I assure you the information is correct because you can take your birth certificate and SSN to brokerage firm ad get your worth and balance. It's truly unnerving how they fooled all. Thanks for the conversation and I appreciate your information.
@Z3R05UM, I knew that the Fed is not a government organization, but I never thought that the social number was somehow tied to the government debt. All this is very interesting and frightening at the same time. I will definitely study your material. Thank you so much for sharing. I endlessly respect your work and knowledge.
@Z3R05UM, I would be very grateful if you could share your approach to investment. I realized that part of your savings is in physical gold and silver, and part in cryptocurrency assets. But how do you make them work to make a profit? How do you plan to avoid financial losses?
It would be fair to calculate Bitcoin's profit after Bitcoin futures have been made.