3 фев 2021 г., 03:44

$GME - The Squeeze is coming. Final Boss Fight. Tomorrow. Длинная

GameStop CorporationNYSE


My original post:

Guys, it's happening. They know they are screwed. Yellen is having an emergency meeting tomorrow or the day after with the SEC heads, Federal Reserve, Federal Bank, Bank of New York and the CFTC and the meeting is about Gamestop Volatility!!!

"What volatility?" I'm sure you're asking.
THE ONE COMING FROM THE SQUEEZE. They are mega fucked. Today only around 1.5% of float GME remains. There is sufficient real research on this sub that shows that we are ACTUALLY diamond handing. (SEE LOCKED IN SHARES TOP LEFT RETARDS)

On another note, some people's sell limit at 3.2k and 5k got filled today for 1 single GME share on this sub.

Goldman Sachs and the big boys have deleveraged their stake in GME and said they are reducing risk while also calling what already happened as the squeeze and that other hedges deleveraged as well. I can't tell if this is FUD or if they truly believe this. This info is in their daily customer subscription mailers, only actual GS customers get these mailers afaik. I don't know what is the truth anymore.

If Yellen wants to meet for volatility on a fizzling stock that is 98.4% ish locked in by buyers, this screams all kinds of alarms in my head. They are either going to try and stop the party or they are looking for money to pay us and not crash everything at the same time.

Tomorrow is the final fight. Yellen and all the bigwigs are the bosses.
Also i think it makes sense for the squeeze to happen this week before Friday due to the naked short puts the HFTs have been selling that are likely 2/05 of expiry. They DO NOT want this squeeze to happen next week when all those shorts are gone and the price is back way up. They also don't want the squeeze to happen on Friday due to the extreme volatility due to their naked 2/05 puts.

If all that makes sense, this means that the squeeze is coming tomorrow or the day after and NOT next week or this Friday.
If none of this happens, Cohen still has this smoking gun to trigger it.

Final words.

-Set your sell limits.




-There's SOME consensus on the sub that realistically it should be ~800. Add a few lottos at 5k and 10k too as some people were lucky to get filled on 3.2k and 5k today. Don't get too greedy or you might not fill.

Good luck retards. I am 220k in on GME and 80k in on AMC at 50% loss as we all are.
Hey what would be a good limit sell for AMC, BB, and NOK?
@amescobar, Can't comment on BB and NOK, i'm not a believer. NOK has a 1.3% short float only, i think it's just a black hole that swallows money. Dunno much about BB. Maybe it's just a good investment in general. For AMC i'd set multiple sell limits from 20-25-30-35-40-45 all the way up to 120. For GME i'd set them at 350-420-450-550-690-800-900-1000-1234-1690-1929.
@leenixusu, Thanks! Also, what happens if you don't sell in the next few days, do you miss the chance on selling them? Sry rookie here. XD
@amescobar, I can't give you advice on what to do. If we don't see a moon in the next 3 weeks with a deadline on the 25'th of Feb, i have no choice but to keep both stocks. There is no exiting them for me.
@leenixusu, even if we don't see the moon i believe in the future of this company, i think the changes happening right now are gonna be a great benefit for us.
I like your research! Diamond Hands! I'm all in as well, scared money don't make money! Stay strong brotha!
Big day Thurs eh? Any guesses on timing?
effing fidelity won't let me set the sell limit at 800 "The limit price you have entered is too far away from the Bid Price for this security."
I dont think it said anything about the meeting happening in the next couple of days?
@anson269, Janet Yellen is meeting today or tomorrow with the bigwigs. I think it makes sense that they HAVE to squeeze this week to not lose MORE money than if they'd let the squeeze happen next week. Who knows though, these people are unpredictable. Point is though, IT'S HAPPENING!