19 мар 2024 г., 00:27

Will Any Other Chip Company Catch NVIDIA? 



NVIDIA leads the chip industry, especially AI chips and their product announcement today was nothing short of remarkable. They had the entire web buzzing about their newest releases. It does not appear that any other company is even close to what they've accomplished and they are years, if not decades ahead. Even Intel and AMD are chasing with a longshot.

The big question is whether any of these companies can catch up with NVIDIA in a matter of years or if NVIDIA will stay ahead. However, this also leads me to the real reason I am writing this post: Are there any other chip companies we should keep an eye on? Share your thoughts and suggestions for other companies to research in the comments!
They are definitely leading today’s race by leaps and winning the game played with today’s rules.

We’ll have to see what happens when the game changes or the rules start changing over time.
(Credit to Nvidia for resilience here as well)
For instance, what happens the models running on GPUs can be engineered down to run with smaller CPUs (some mathematically innovation) or breakthrough in quantum computing changes need for expensive GPUs and GPU based data centers for AI.

Regardless, compute will become the most expensive future commodity as AGI permeates into human society (like mobile phones have), and that’ll be a trillion dollar startup!
Tech wise, it seems like it will be years before AMD catches up, and they're the closest at the moment. That said, MSFT, META, etc don't want to be paying NVDA's prices forever, capital is flowing into the ecosystem to cut away at NVDA's massive gross margins.