6 мар 2021 г., 19:12

OPTT going on a bumpy ride down hill before likely turnaround. Короткая


This is still in a downtrend. A few spots where it will correct, but we will wait till it comes back to .35 to buy and hold for next up trend. Currently at a good place if you want to short this one on the way back down
Thanks for the insight - I thought it was about to find its bottom and bounce back up. What do you think the driving force is for the downward trend?
@dzygadlo, More sellers than buyers is the simple answer. the sharp uptrend that you see is what is called a dead cat bounce, but we see it as still in a downtrend, better to short than to buy but do your own research and make the best choice for you.
You can’t possibly be serious about this hitting .35 lmao what a clown