
BITCOIN: Corrective Waves - Now Leading Diagonal - Up, Up, Up!

D4rkEnergY Обновлено   
BITMEX:XBT   Биткоин
Dear Friends!

It's way past my bed time here. So I'll do it quick - Sometimes it's just better that way.

- Correction Triangle (ABCDE) 33333
- Now most likely 1st Wave Leading Diagonal (3rd subwave 1-1 ratio with the 1st subwave)
- Bring the popcorn

Watch it play out! Good night!

- D4!
BRING the popcorn :) Oh, I had such a wonderful dream that BTC was in 50k, and I just woke up, and see we are below 4k. Haha

My structure failed, guys. Back to drawing board!

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