
AC.TO for the Long Run

I am 21 and besides trading , I have set aside a designated portfolio for long term holdings. Stocks to hold up to 30 years. This is why I believe Air Canada is a suitable stock for any retirement portfolio.

1) Current market price is lower than IPO price from 14 years ago.

2) Given the current market price, there’s a return opportunity of 158% or $30 gain per share assuming the ceiling price is the all time high of $50.

3) Canada has a population of less than 40 million people. Given that’s the second biggest country in the world with one of the highest qualifies of life, one can expect lots of immigration, travel, and tourism growth. All good news for the airline industry.

4) Oil prices have never been lower, and that’s another great news for a company who’s biggest operating expense is fuel.

5) Just like the United States government has bailed out United Airlines, the Canadian Government will do the same thing to save the biggest and most prestigious air line in the country. So even if the company goes bankrupt, government bailout is a reality.

Note - I believe the stock price will drop momentarily, and that’s when I’m preparing myself to double my current position.
aircanadaairlinesBeyond Technical AnalysisTrend AnalysisS&P/TSX Composite

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