£10,000 in 2 weeks?

0.72000 was a key area of interest for me as resistance, yes price went 40 pips over this level but then dropped 50 pips under it as the bears push price lower my target is 0.68000 which is 350 pips away and is my next level of support.

Now this wont hit overnight so if you are looking for quick small wins then look at someone else's page, This is a swing trade as are all the trades on my page, i prefer to wait a few days or weeks to catch the big pip trades. Life is so fast paced these days that everyone wants things there and then.. including forex profits! Most people would place a trade and cash it out at £1000 in 1 day knowing if they let that same trade run they would make £10,000 but would have to wait 2 weeks. This is all to do with MINDSET, you need to change your mindset if you want to be successful.


Come have a chat with me if you need help trading :)

Lots Of Love Laura x
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