От AwesomeAvani
On the daily chart, BOIL price has never been lower and the relative volume has never

been higher in the past five years. Being mindful, this is leveraged it falls faster than an

the unleveraged counterpart of the same commodity ( UNG INL) However moves in the

opposite directions are also amplified. Horizontal red lines are drawn in consideration

of pivots on the 4H. Price was nearly $600 in 2019. Can you think of a fundamental

reason why price cannot rise from the present price to something closer to that

of 2019. To go from $4 to $600 is 150X in otherwords 15000%. Is there anything

wrong with my math or the chart?
Сделка активна
For a math exercise, suppose an equity price increases 2% per trading day and then compounds for 125 trading days or six months. What is the resulting total value of return given for instance $100 in initial shares? The answer might surprise you depending on how mathematically astute you might be.
Сделка активна
Just got a pop from the fed news of a rate hike.
BOILFundamental AnalysisKOLDLNGNatural GasNGnglongTrend AnalysisUNGUNL

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