How many decisions BTC how many?!

От dhillon7800
Student of the game here. A lot of nothing going the way it seems these days. Gotta step outside the box and think.

Scenario 1:
Bitcoin makes a decision to pop up!
Doesn't seem like it has the strength because of sells having more power than the buys recently.

Scenario 2:
The inevitable down....
More likely because of the same reason. Even if theres another pop up, we WILL be coming down in a matter of time to a lower point than we are now.
The manipulation is never a permanent solution and always exits when the money is made and people's minds are made up that we are up up up.

BTC you have a lot of hearts you break but boy is the ride so exciting!

Lets see what decision is to be made. I have been holding to trade in fiat just for confirmation purposes.

What are your tactics currently??
BTC or alt??
Will alts fall when BTC falls?
BTCChart PatternsfiatTrend Analysis

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