

От The_ForexX_Mindset
BTC must make it to at least $72,450. This will NULL and VOID BEARISH REVERSAL. I'm still with the same concept of a BEAR TRAP.
I have pips with ATR target at $70,902 but I conclude it won't end there, will go much higher as the BULLS keep pushing the price up.

Was this the SMART MONEY cunning move they had in mind? They Plotted retail traders to then cause a ROCKET LAUNCH. There will be plenty of Panic until BTC is ready to move up.

EQUAL LOWS indicates a move to the upside.

BTC is not under ATTACK and no CRASH is in process.

I was told my investments for altcoins were doomed. REALLY, how does anyone know that, and then haters greet them.

Is there’s any possibility anyone can maybe please wait until the weekend is over BECAUSE I CLEARLY STATED about 3 or 4 times from days ago, BTC WILL HAVE A BULL RUN after 20 to 24 hours or at anytime within the weekend. It’s still Saturday. We have one more day to go.
Why hasn’t anyone taken at least the time by giving me the space of respect than responding harshly when the dip was happening.
Makes me to just walk away.
I was about to submit another positive report but I won’t, first I’ll wait for BTC to fall a little more then I’ll submit it because I know what comes next. I will not submit positive reports just because it’s moving up. That’s not how I trade.
I really want to submit that positive comment but I’m forced not to just because BTC is positive, I’m still waiting for BTC to go negative because it will recover if it does.
There’s a moment the BULLS will plunge BTC into space which indeed it’s in prep and will astonish all who trade.
Who remembers when I said about 2 days ago: there’s a PLOT the bulls are planning? It’s finally all coming together like putting a puzzle together.
SEEMS BULLS are pushing this BABY up, so might as well say what I wanted to say when BTC would go back to negative:

So where are the silent BTC haters? Why aren’t they saying anything? because they talk through momentum. This is what divides me from them, when BTC was showing contraction symptoms through a GRIZZLY FALL, I still stood up for my studies and had the nerves to create two more ideas which still showed, BTC shooting up to the sky.
Yet it’s useless in trying to explain all this.
Neither will I respond any comments. I’m not in the mood and still need to know once I’m calmed if I still feel the same.
BTC has now been predicted to keep moving up. I used my RENKO blocks to confirm.
Hopefully by tonight or tomorrow BTC might have as what I’m expecting and did expect from days ago a BEAST RUN OF 8k. I had already mentioned this before to all who follow.

I can only back up about 6k but the other 2k is a must have.
WHY: because there is a set price QUOTA BULLS NEED TO SET if they want to NULL and VOID the 1 WEEK HANGING MAN.

I conclude with how much I know smart money movements even if HM was not made NULL & VOID, it’s up to the bigger players if they really want to allow BTC to take that big down move but as wise trader, I would not stick around for that to happen because a HANGING MAN on a 1 WEEK CHART means A DEATH DIP.
BULLS have been preparing to PLOT the BEARS and confusion their game and I’m now thinking the time has arrived.

This only way to find out if this hanging man is made NULL & VOID is through DECODING Candlesticks, this hanging man will not show in Heiken Ashi candlesticks.
If you don’t believe me, talk to the bigger players; ask if there’s really a hanging in a 1 WEEK CHART.
I PROMISE you the answer will be yes.
Volume Reversal in Process
As we call can see here in this idea. BTC made equal lows. This gives confidence to the upside, means equal lows pushes the trend up not down.
Despite the reversal in process both in agreement.
My 5,6, and 7 DAY TF read my combinations of volume which I’ve called whales low and high volume because it’s mainly moved by whales revenue.
Every time I get a whales low volume means a powerful move to the upside on a 1DAY TF but this is a 1WK TF (despite the 5 and 6) which has now read low volume.
To many low volume might mean negative but not here, majority of the time low means uptrend.
I’ll update this volume by expanding it into a lower TF to see what can we expect.
I might as well tell everyone at TRADINGVIEW, IVE DECODED ALL candlesticks and I have a BULLISH ENGULFING on a 4hr TF.
Making an idea to show through volume, BTC has a lot more to go.
I'm showing two bullish engulfings. All will see the previous BE with how much revenue it brought vs the new BE and then compare it to my custom-built indicator. I've added the total volume to this indicator so all will see what can be expected.
Why did the BULLS have to wait near the hanging man's 1 WK TF?
I've measured BTC and may have the potential to reach 9.34% and it's currently at 2.69%
BULL  COLUMNS: BTC will not see $40k or $50k before ATH
I hate to inform, BTC has been manipulated for days now. It’s not operating under normal behavior. The goods news is based on long term, BTC reads nowhere near a crash below 50k or 40k but as always, No trader and neither can guarantee that.
Trading always comes with risk. When traders start making demands by promising price targets. I would always reconsider their mindset otherwise…

PIPS is my number #1 method to calculate percentage based on price range. Pips can be calculated but it’s a pain once it moves away form it’s trending location but in this idea, I was able to catch on time to read the pips in an easy manner and BTC may hit no lower than 56k but does show to move up based on pips $72,450.

PIPs means percentage in Points (price)

Profit and Loss Calculation: Pips allow you to calculate their potential profit or loss accurately. By knowing your lot, the value of each pip, and the number of pips change, you can determine their financial outcomes.

Risk Management: Pips play a significant role in managing risk. Traders use stop-loss orders, which are placed a certain number of pips away from the entry price, to limit potential losses like this idea.

Trade Analysis: Pips help traders analyse the performance of currency pairs over time. By tracking the number of pips gained or lost in a trade, traders can identify trends, patterns, and potential entry or exit points.

Economic Data Interpretation: Percentage points are essential in interpreting economic data. Changes in interest rates, inflation rates, or other key economic indicators are always expressed in percentage points.
This idea stands behind my price range from 6k to 8k which I’ve mentioned days ago.
I have plenty of BULL CONFIRMATIONS but with what’s happening, BULLS wont get unleashed until manipulation is over.
Once BTC is back to normal mates, remind me if any of you want pips calculated, call out the TF you want and I’ll submit pips in numbers, you can then pin point it with trend lines or use a long position and enter the pips información but not until manipulation is over.
Manipulation conclusion: Retail traders are pointing the middle finger to smart money. Especially on Altcoins because majority of retail traders will not sell for losses.
Smart money does back testing by rising the BTC price by little, the big movers then see ALT-Coins recover quickly, this is a way for them to know if traders have sold for losses or not. Many factores to explain but I won’t get into it. Just wanted to share a glimpse.
So if you’re an ALT HOLDER, Relax, They will recover faster like when rabbits come together:).
So what does smart money do next: they manipulate BTC as well as ETH to reduce the price, this also
Helps ALTCOINS follow their momentum.
As long as retail traders hold, ALTCOINS READ SPACE.
As manipulation ends will be because BTC will have no choice but to surge it and I’ll explain why later.
Quick update, let’s hope manipulation is now over.
If so, then we can look forward to this pips idea.
Decoded candlesticks
1. Current candlestick is a BULLISH LLS
2. Previous candlestick is a DOJI STAR
3. Then prior to DOJI STAR comes the BULLISH ENGULFING pattern which I’ve mentioned before, all this on a 23hr TF.

I’ve mentioned DOJI STAR before but failed, not because TA was incorrect but because of manipulation.
FYI: under my algorithm, the way I come know which all would depend on my facts but if BTC can remain stabled moving up with small dips and has gone over a certain percentage which I have established would indicate to me manipulation is over.
Percentage, I can’t share due to smart money connections by intruders. I don’t want them to use it against me (us).
All is possible in this trading business. I always want to rule out possibilities.
Remember mates, do your research, I’ve done mines by this pips calculation: it’s valid.

Never consider anyone’s ideas as financial advice because I’ve explained what pips mean.
All should have a stop loss with targets because we never know when manipulation may start up again.

Using long term with pips helps off set manipulation as well.
If manipulation is really over and done with then, many BULL confirmations have I received but were put on hold because of manipulation.

1 WK hanging man is in the mid 50’s in my STOCH RSI meaning we can get an up movement but will continue to dip until oversold yet may not continue to dip due to halving: halving has predicted over 100k before we can get some major corrections.
BTC has maintained support at equal lows, has revisited support zone plenty of times.
ADR ENTRY LEVEL with 2 Targets
If BTC drops below 60k we could be seeing 57k zone according to pips with ATR.

BTC is falling like a wedge with pullbacks. Next pullback has a LH and may continue to 57k zone.

The whole wide volume 1D TF image shows a little more dipping but doesn’t mean BTC has to start from below the start point, it can start moving up now but once DUMB MONEY stops selling. Its volume price which dictates Price movement. It’s a no-brainer

I want the falling to stop but in reality if we want BTC to hit over 100k it must be accompanied by a major dip but I don’t see it happening yet.

BTC will move up to $80 to 90k then will dip again before reaching over 100k.
There seems to be spaces between 20K to 10K in price movements from the upside of the downside
Remember the HANGING MAN WARNING. All before the dip started. We were warned in advance
No signals of this BULL ending soon. I don’t know where to start because I have way too many spinning top white candles especially on a 1 Day TF and many still keep aiming to a crash and some have given up by updating the crash.

More than 5 days go I said this was exactly how smart money wanted many to believe: to sell off. They are psychology masters.
I refused and believing there was a huge correction on its way which indeed there is but no one knows,
I’ve already mentioned with advance warning, we should not get any lower than 56k to 57k, if this did happen then we’d have to break to the downside below 60k
We have to wait 4 BULL PLOT to be over.
BULLS will regain strength, plot to then make it a bull run. Requires patience
Beyond Technical Analysis

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