
Today BTC is born

От UnlimitedFuture
Until now everyone has wondered if BTC is a Store of Value, is it Currency, is it Money etc.?

Today, it seems BTC is emerging from his womb. He will no longer be defined as relative to what has been known but now he is a new existence, it’s own being, live and kicking.

Whether the markets go up or down, whether world economies collapse or get strong, whether the presidency is contested or settled, whether chaos reigns strong or law and order abide ——- none of that matters to this little child who will continuously grow proving his own unique characteristics and value, realizing his potential.

Some people might want to limit it, saying it will probably grow to 15 maybe 20, get kicked around a bit by the older guys... We believe that the sky is the limit. Nothing can stop this guy!

This is the birth of a new world. Forget about everything you’ve known until now and embrace this new existence. The possibilities are endless.

Worlds will open from it and be created out of it. This will be the new standard. Soon, not only will he no longer need prove himself to the old folks, he will come back and help support them. There will come a time when we will all sit around laughing recounting the old days “Remember when you didn’t believe I would make it, here you are relying on my support”.
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