Hello traders, I hope you enjoy the pleasure of growth, isn't your dreams getting closer? and all this thanks to the new boss who manages our money :) Today I would like to tell you a little from the back office, what the system looks like, what we can expect, why the demand for digital gold will only increase, how to get rid of the pressure on Bitcoin and what role do cryptocurrencies really play. Ok, let's start with the Bitcoin system! The genius of his wizard predicted in the system that there would be 100,000,000 satoshis per 1 Bitcoin, which means that 1 satoshi is 0.00000001 Bitcoin, eight decimal places. If $ 1 equals 100 ct., Then $ 1 million = 100,000,000 ct, meaning 1 ct = 1 satoshi (isn't st. Similar to ct?) And 1 Bitcoin = $ 1 million. There will not be a smaller unit like satoshi, the bitcoin system does not provide for it.
The fact that for 1 ct. practically nothing can be bought, it does not mean that it will also happen to owners of 1: 100,000,000 Bitcoin parts. On the contrary. Bitcoin is threatened with deflation, which means that even the price of its one hundred millionth part will be so high that it may make it difficult to buy everyday goods. Where is this deflation coming from? Well, from the demand pressure. And where are the roots of this demand pressure? In the worthlessness of fiat money. US public debt has exceeded $ 23,000,000,000,000 (23 trillion US dollars)! - and is constantly growing. Thus, we currently have a situation in the market where a good - "value" - of virtually unlimited input, can at any moment be converted into a good whose input is almost exhausted. If we wanted to convert the US debt to Bitcoin today, Bitcoin should be worth USD 1,250,000 today! The fact that this is not the case owes the dollar and the US economy to the remaining trust of those who, flying into the abyss with full wallets of "empty" dollars in their pockets, hope that during this decline they will buy wings for these dollars, or at least a parachute . The absurdity of the American public debt (and the European countries of the Eurozone as well) clearly shows how de facto worthless money are fiat currencies. This absurdity is due to the fact that the debt is unpayable! Demand for Bitcoin What can, given the worthlessness of world currencies such as the dollar, euro or yen, relieve the inevitable demand pressure on the Bitcoin price with a predetermined effort limit? In my opinion, these are primarily digital tokens, the issue of which is based on assets, in the sense of value. They can absorb the oversupply of empty money at the beginning. Taking into account the anchor of the value of tokens in the form of assets, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, currently existing assets, i.e. assets earned for today; but you also need to take into account future, but certain assets, i.e. values that, although they will be earned in a specific or predetermined time, are still agreeable for today, e.g. profit on the sale of rolls for 1000 residents for the next 100 days, of 1 ct per bread roll, it gives an aggregate value added for today of up to $ 1,000. Financing start-ups is of a similar nature. The amount invested in them today shows the added value of the future period. Therefore, if we were to look to relieve the demand pressure for Bitcoin in the issue of subsequent cryptocurrencies, there would have to be a specific added value behind them, not contractual, but actual. But what is the value of bitcoins themselves? Well, they are digital remuneration for the costs incurred for their "extraction": premises, equipment, "excavators" needed to extract them, electricity, workload, etc. The more of them in one hand, the greater the share of the total computing power of the entire network, the higher the remuneration in the form of the amount of mined bitcoins. The added value inherent in them, represented by the market price, is a bonus. Because just as a baker does not sell rolls at cost, bitcoin mines do not mine bitcoin for expenses. Therefore, if there are no other cryptocurrencies and digital tokens (digital token) based on assets on the market (including tokens as local currencies issued by local governments), and in exchange trading, the deflationary pressure on Bitcoin will be enormous. Bitcoin's quantitative limit and the need to incur higher and higher expenses related to bitcoin mining resembles the situation with gold, the resource of which on Earth is also limited, and the extraction of which is also becoming more and more expensive. The unit price of a finite resource, having exchangeable or thesisable properties, grows because the added value generated every day must be reflected in something exchangeable, widely recognised as valuable, and easily marketable. However, gold is difficult to divide and therefore it is difficult to be traded as a common means of payment, the more so as the temptation to "mint a coin" on the basis of gold with a smaller amount or gold parity in the unit would lead back to what we currently have : to the gigantic, yet undisclosed inflationary overhang that, when it crashes onto the market, will wipe out everything and everyone on the way. Therefore, the value of tokens (expressed in their price on the cryptocurrency exchange), based on assets expressed in the form of accumulated added value generated on a constant basis by economic entities, with their supply limited in advance, will grow.
The value / price of tokens of one issuer, de facto indivisible information, can be "diluted" with subsequent issues. We call this process "quantity easing". This is a topic "practices" by Mr. Draggi to Euro, which, incidentally, will soon lead this "currency" to collapse - but this is a separate topic. It is impossible to "dilute" bitcoins: 21 trillion satoshis is everything, their entire pool. What does this mean for Bitcoin? It seems that, instead of a currency, it will take over the function of storing added value, similar to gold. Unless the world of "crypto-finance" releases digital "derivatives" on Bitcoin, which, however, would destroy the brilliant idea underlying it. Pressure on Bitcoin Therefore, other, parallel cryptocurrencies and digital tokens based on assets, acting as a kind of by-passes draining excess pressure on its price, can remove the deflationary pressure from Bitcoin. It can also be done by withdrawing bitcoins from circulation entirely and turning them into a means of hoarding added value; that is, making Bitcoin a reference, testing value, similar to gold, but much easier to store and transfer. What would it mean for the price of Bitcoin if, by taking advantage of its aforementioned values, it began to accumulate most of the added value generated in the world? Its unlimited growth, where today one million dollars for one satoshi may prove to be an unprecedented opportunity. In the case of cryptocurrencies and digital tokens, the technology that is beyond the reach of manipulation by the political authority and the banking system means that the "emissions" are fully controlled by the so-called ecosystem (i.e. by all market participants related to a given cryptocurrency or digital token), and not by the state or central banks (see the European Central Bank or the FED). It is important that the cryptocurrencies / tokens are listed on the cryptocurrency exchange from the very beginning, because it is a circumstance that disciplines the issuer, e.g. the company and its shareholders, to behaviour consistent with the expectations of the entire ecosystem, i.e. to generate added value. Doping for the issuer company to such behaviour may be the fact that either most of the company's tokens are in the hands of the majority shareholders, so they will be the main beneficiaries of the increase in the value of tokens, or an increase in the value of tokens dispersed more or less evenly, will be in the interest the entire ecosystem, which will also be controlled by the company's representatives in terms of generating added value. The important role of cryptocurrencies If America does not start a war in defence of the dollar, i.e. in order to reduce to zero its public debt (of which China is the main creditor, horror! the parallel currency function to replace all worthless fiat currencies when all bitcoins are "mined". Basing the world economy on cryptocurrencies with limited supply limits in advance will introduce a real new world order and a return to the labour-based economy, i.e. the generated added value in the form of tangible and intangible goods and services (these, however, must be strongly anchored on material resources and labor). that will have real, measurable value). An economy where only 10-20 percent. society produces something, and the rest either consume or deal with nonsense in the superstructure (of the type of pseudosciences of "gender" science), and receive for it still unworthy "worthy" money (which as a complete deviation confirms what I am writing about) must fail. It will come sooner, as we all think. Unless there is a total war and a new deal takes place, which has already happened many times on Earth, see the Atlantes civilisation, residual preserved by the Hellenes in ancient Greece. But if a group similar to the Hellenes persisted after this war, and its members remembered the cause of the war, which wiped out the whole system in which a few worked for the rest, and the difference between the generated added value needed to maintain the whole and the real needs of the whole was empty money, this few will build a system based on the supply of means of payment, the issuance of which is based on assets, with a generated positive value, where the discipline of maintaining the limit is not controlled by a human, but by a system that is beyond human interference - and this is the case with the bitcoin system. Thus, Bitcoin & Alt-coins is a chance to save the world from a total catastrophe, and not a more or less needed alternative on the financial markets.
I hope you had a nice time reading my scribbles Best wishes
the balloon is inflated, so we're going on;)
When we break the limits of USD 57.5 thousand, we should quickly reach USD 80 thousand. When we get there, I'll do a new analysis
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