Codexis, Inc.

You're Gonna Want To Own This 10 Years From Now

От UnknownUnicorn1314136
It's true, I am a technical trader. But I am an overall investor when buying for the long haul. CDXS has dipped back below its IPO price, and the CEO has just purchased 10,000 shares of stock with his own money. He has sold stock in the past, but they were all options exercises, exercised and sold same day for a much higher price. Basically free money. His overall share count never changed. Until a couple days ago. Technically is running into the weekly 125 moving average, and coming up on horizontal support levels. But what this company does is very relevant in the lower drug price debate, and it has nearly 100 million in cash to use however it wants to foster additional growth. Put it like this--CDXS is the primary holding in the custodial account I have for my daughter. Tells you about all you need to know about my feelings about this company 10-15 years from now. Trade as you wish, but invest for the future, not the moment. Happy hunting and GLTA!!
CDXSenzymesarethebuildingblocksFundamental AnalysisinvestinginvestmentlongterminvestingMoving AveragesSupport and Resistance

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