You all will be wondering why I am publishing this out of nowhere. I feel its important to know the value of money. Here is the question.
I am going though a very hard financial crisis (can't share everything here). I just wanted to come out of this situation as fast as i can and that's why i wanted to learn trading. Having said that let me tell you that my intentions are very clear, in a sense that i'll definitely pay the fees to the person who will teach me. I tried to convince many good traders but no one is ready to do so without money. But i have decided that i will keep on requesting seniors untill i get one.
Answer : One should not trade during financial crisis as trading is more about psychology. To become a trader who earns "jackpot" money, one should have 1. knowledge 2. patience 3. hardwork 4. time 5. trading strategy 6. discipline 7. Experience. Did I leave the important thing here? Yes... It is MONEY. You need money for your capital. If you fall in to the river as a "twig", you will be washed away in the flow. To jump in to the river as a fish, set your life in order, out of chaos and think about trading.
Dont trade during financial crisis. And dear readers dont ask me to teach trading , as time is an asset for me and I charge high amount to teach trading and ofcourse if you pass in my entrance test :)