
Did ConocoPhillips (COP) Just Exhaust Itself?

От StockSignaler
ConocoPhillips has climbed quickly in the previous month. The stock should not remain at such a high level according to technical indicators and historics, Will it head south with strong action around the 46 level?

When we look at technical indicators, the relative strength index (RSI) is at 65.6636. RSI tends to determine trends, momentum, overbought and oversold levels as well as likelihood of price swings. I personally use anything above 75 as overbought and anything under 25 as oversold. Currently the RSI has come down from overbought levels. The historical significance of this move and it current level are detailed below.

The positive vortex indicator (VI) is at 1.2097 and the negative is 0.6935. When the positive level is higher than 1 and higher than the negative indicator, the overall price action is moving upward. When the negative level is higher than 1 and higher than the positive indicator, the stock is moving down. The positive and negative have begun to head back toward the 1 level after flirting with extremes consistent with positive stock movement. A retreat back to one typically flags the end of the upward movement while signaling a drop for the stock.

The stochastic oscillator K value is 90.4177 and D value is 93.3957. This is a cyclical oscillator that is highly accurate and can be used to identify overbought/oversold levels as well as pending reversals and short-term activity. I personally use anything above 80 as overbought and below 20 as oversold. When the K value is higher than the D value, the stock is trending up. When the D value is higher that the K value the stock is trending down. The stochastic is certainly in overbought territory The D value has just overtaken the K value at the time of writing; meaning the stock will continue to decline and could drop quicker than it rose.


I have created an algorithm which signals when stocks are truly overbought and oversold. The algorithm indicates when a particular stock meets multiple criteria culminating in an oversold or overbought signal. The overbought signal could occur over the next few days. Seeing the other signs of a downturn, proactively positioning short for the stock's decline prior to seeing this verifying signal could increase profits.

Upon back-testing this indicator, it has signaled overbought status 73 times dating back to 1981. The stock drops at least 2% over the following 35 trading days in eighty percent of these occurrences. The stock drops at least 3% seventy percent of the time and forty percent of the time loses 6.25%. Even though a drop does not always occur, these number combined with the following statistics have instilled confidence that a greater than 5% drop is looming.

On 13 occasions since 1985, the RSI has exited overbought territory and been at its current level while the stochastic was simultaneously overbought and the positive VI was retreating from a level above it current one. This might not be a significant amount of data points, it is plenty for when studying historical movement. Based on this data, the stock sees a median drop of 12.09% over the next 20-35 trading days.

Between all of the aforementioned historics, we are confident the stock could drop at least 5-7% over the following 38 trading days. A SAG gauge signal would further bolster this idea.
5percentdropCentered OscillatorsconocophillipsCOPEconomic Cycleslimitlesslifeskillssaggaugestochastic-overboughtSupport and Resistancetechnical_analysisvortexpositive
All forecasts are based on analysis of past behavior. Prior movements are not always indicative of future movement. Develop the theory, test the theory. Do your own research. Nothing in this analysis constitutes advice. YouTube For More. Good luck!!

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