DJI: Yearly trend analysis

От IvanLabrie
In this chart you can see the signals we see in the yearly DJI chart, using Timemode to process the data. This method has had great accuracy in all markets, a great way to analyze and trade trends in different assets. The stock market trend is up, despite what bears like to think, and there's still time left for the major trend cycle here to go into a consolidation period again. Due to fundamentals, price charts of stocks tend to trend upwards, so we only need to know when to be invested and when to remain on the sidelines. If we followed the consensus of analysts and the media, we would be in cash or in gold since 2009...Some food for thought.
What's interesting is to compare this to the trend signals in individual stocks, for instance, take TSLA, it has a signal indicating it may rally until 2023, and reach a price as high as 5000 or close to it.

Another interesting thing is to try and adjust the DJI to inflation, which at times helps explain inconsistencies in certain chart signals time duration (I've observed this in TRV for example, if we don't adjust it to inflation, long term trend duration is a bit off).
It's good to verify both charts to be safe.

Here's the inflation adjusted chart:
In this case the bull market duration is a bit longer in the yearly.
The 2 month timeframe works well for mid term swings, in both charts:

Props to timwest who came up with this methodology to analyze market trends.


Ivan Labrie.
Yearly signals both inflation adjusted and normal point to the end of the bullish trend happening later than SPX shows, by 2022 or 2024, contrary to 2020 for SPX yearly data. The market now bottomed at the range of the election in 2016.
#DJI yearly data shows that the bullish trend in equities can outlast the signal from the #SPX chart, extending to 2022 or 2024, if using inflation adjusted data. Inflation adjusted #SPX also extends the duration to 2022, so worst case scenario we may see one more swing up for 2 years, before a long term consolidation period starts.
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