Another dip coming March 5? - Mercury retrograde analysis

От cyberalchemy
This analysis correlates the apparent retrograde motion of Mercury to the cycle we've been in since the end of January. All times are given for the west coast United States. Add 8 hours for UTC.

It all started as Mercury stopped its forward motion to go retrograde at 8pm January 30. Prices flattened out for 2 days in a very narrow range. Then exactly 2 days after Mercury went retrograde, prices started rising sharply.

The average pattern during Mercury retrograde was about 5 days of upward trend followed by 2 days of sharp downward trend. The length of the upward trends shortened by about a half-day each time.

Just as Mercury resumed forward motion on February 20 there was a very sharp dip with a half-hearted attempt at recovery before the plummet down.

The 5-day rise and 2-day fall trend accelerated and reversed. It only took 3+ days for prices to fall from ATH to near bottom and then a 1-day rally attempt failed, leading to a 4+ day plunge to lower lows. The bottom was the same support level that was in effect when Mercury went retrograde.

For the last 3.5 days we've been in another upward trend. If this pattern continues, I expect another pretty sharp drop in another day or so, followed by a very steep climb from the bottom.

This will finish off the inverted head and shoulders pattern and return us to previous highs. With such a steep climb, there will likely be another small correction about 5-6 days after the dip. If the pattern continues that'll last for 2 days and then we can continue the climb upward.

March 13 is the last day of Mercury retrograde shadow period so after that Mercury will be moving forward through a new part of the sky and this pattern may not apply.

Because of this unknown, I am cautious about the March 13 date. The lows we experienced a few days ago were the support levels before Mercury retrograde inflated all of the prices so there is a chance of another giant correction. But my gut says that the bears are done for a while and everyone is ready to climb to new highs.

The chart is color coded. Orange for Mercury retrograde and direct. Green for highs and upward trends, red for lows and downward trends. You can hover over the markers for more exact information.
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