
Catching the SHORT Trade

PanzyPips Обновлено   
FX:GBPUSD   Британский фунт / Доллар США
From our 4 hour analysis of this pair, it is clear that this pair is building up to continue it bearish dip. On the 3o minutes, we have begun to see clear signs of Bearish setup.
We are now looking to catch a trade on this pair.
As shown on the chart, I have created a trade setup. Entry will be at the break of the current low at 1.22431 and our profit target will be the 4 hour liquidity target at 1.20376.

Сделка активна:

From our analysis of yesterday on this pair, we saw a possibility of the market dropping Bearish. Our predictions have come true, as we have seen the prices melt.
The market is expected to continue to dip all the way down to the 4 hour liquidity target.
Сделка активна:

The market has continued to melt as predicted. The market is still holding bearish, and we are still holding to our position. Our trade target is the 4 hour liquidity point.
Bears all the way.

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