Market likes cycles. Time is paintig the same story like in 2000.
20 Years after, October 2020 when we touch 10666 it will be the top of the cycle.
Next longtherm target is around 2800 points.
It is historical and technical possible, the question is only about FED.
It will happen when they decide to let it happen.
Сделка активна
SELL SIGNAL HIT: 10666 08.07.2020 10:30 GMT.
Сделка активна
SL:10700, TP1: 10000
SL HIT. Next try, SELL: 11166, SL: 11266.
We will see what happen next.
Сделка активна
The Global ownturn has already begun.
Сделка активна
The Global downturn has already begun.
100fallnasdaqTrend AnalysisUSA

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