Vote for TV and make your forum a prestigious place....

От padiyara
I found this in the TV notification, it is fully acceptable to me and I voted.
TradingView is featured in a competition for the Best Analysis Platform at the Benzinga Fintech Awards. Benzinga are good partners of ours and host a fun event for the industry every year.
Competitors have been getting votes since December, and we just entered. The voting closes in just 2 days, on March 31st. Can we beat 10,000 votes in 2 days with your help?

Vote here, only takes a second –>
*One share = one vote.
Make your voice heard and then watch TradingView on stage in NY on May 11th. It’ll be fun!
those who are interested in Gann Year time table
please go to the link, will show a table.
This is the link for vote

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