NIO Inc.

NIO Daily Chart Idea (Bigger Picture!)

От eulenman
We have ticker symbol NIO. Recently NIO had a tremendous run but now that bullish run seems to reach a critical point. It re-gained its 200 EMA and now tested and failed 90 EMA. 90EMA is very important to consider here because all last bounces failed to overcome that. The most probable move is: the price action will test 200 EMA and then after testing the channel it might go back to the buying range of box. It is hard to predict right now how down it will go, NIO has very aggressive moves. But we see that there is a gap up at 22$ range, I wouldn't be surprised that it fill that and bounce right up at 26$ on the same day. In NIO's price action case any thing is possible :) But its a possibility that it might fill that.

Disclaimer: Not financial advice, just an idea. Feel free to comment and express your thoughts.
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