Most people that don't own a computer that includes an NVIDIA graphics processor will not know the core reason for why NVIDIA as a company is doing so well. NVIDIA updates their more current lineup of graphics processors on a regular basis the same way Microsoft has updated their systems with finite tweaks. Each month Nvidia updates and upgrades their processors and usually multiple updates are available each month. These updates come as the new games and technology are released. Nvidia releases updates to keep their technology on user computers in trend with the on-going releases of computer games. Without the constant care and finicky attention to detail by the company for the sake of their computer users the stock would not perform as well as it does. By keeping committed to the value of investing their interests in keeping the computers users own up-to-date this creates a strong bond between customer and business that leads to the relationship of customers to trust NVIDIA more than other companies. In the past graphics slowly went outdated and eventually computers underperformed. Now with NVIDIA always updating their graphics the same way microsoft updates their operating system the owner of the computer with installed NVIDIA graphics can maintain a connection between the latest technology updates and their computer without always the need to buy a new computer every year to update the main components of the computer that become outdated.
2024Beyond Technical AnalysiscomputersgraphicsnasdaqnividiaStocks

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