Aftermath of Witching March 17th 2023

От Courtneyd
alright lets talk about witching which is my favorite time to trade out of all the times of the market. Why? well isnt it obvious... It's proven that every 3rd month on its 3rd Friday contracts expire worthless. so what does this mean for traders and how can any one profit from this. It's Simple wait until SPY Peaks usually about 3 weeks before witching . my contracts are usually a month out from there. But If you as an investor would like to participate in one the the best times to invest.... witching is it. just look at how Spy rebounded from when it dipped the week prior and recovered quickly the following week. so if your not best day trader please focus on buying stocks in the areas you will benefit from the most
Chart PatternsinvestingSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend AnalysisWave Analysiswitching

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