USD.CHF > Bearish Bat - 1.0028 & 1.0039

Currency pair - USD.CHF
Chart timeframe - 1hr
Area of interest - 1.0028 & 1.0039
Chart pattern - Bearish Bat

Potential target 1 - .9993
Potential target 2 - .9972
Potential extended target - .9958
D leg completion at 1.0028
If you entered at 1.0028 your target 1 will be closed.

This was not a position was involved in due to exposure to a USD pair.
If you entered at 1.0028 your target 2 will be closed.

This was not a position was involved in due to exposure to a USD pair.
Harmonic PatternsukforexsignalsUSDCHF

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