All Ordinaries Index

Bears Capitulate, Get positioned NOW if you Short Covering Rally

Trading View Publication 000000002 30_10_2018

Please see previous Publication 0000000001 " ASX All Ordinaries gives October the boot"

Here is Today's result as the Market grew a pair.

Bears DONE & DUSTED!!!

-"..too early to call" I hear..? Yeah well maybe for some...I'll wave to you as the Train hits full steam.

Please see purple Text box for brief comment on what is about to unfold in wider Indices.

Banks are still a BASKET CASE...

Forget them and go put your hard earned into something CONSTRUCTIVE and GIVES something to this World, instead something that just takes and takes and gives very little back!

Msg to ALL Central Banks:

#shutitdown because soon CRYPTO will do that for you anyway!
Update at Close XAO finished with a number of 5880.

Smart Money piling in afternoon Trade, expect a HUGE Day Tomorrow!

Cant wait to see the size of this GAP at OPEN!
Corrrection * XAO PRINTED A CLOSE OF 5888
Сделка активна
Playing out nicely XAO closed @ 5913.3 - 31/10/2018
Сделка активна
To be clear;

I'm not against Shorters and Shorting as a whole Ie. when a Stock deserves to be punished for bad ethics/trust betrayal or has become excessively overvalued due to speculative activity.

I am however against Shorting when it is used as a weapon to damage a juvenile productive businesses ability to raise funds and therefore grow and expand OR it is used by Large Predators engaged in a hostile takeover Strategy of smaller Companies which ultimately robs Shareholders and Management of 'Fair Value.'
Beyond Technical Analysis

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