Sector Watch: Industrials

От tomontravel
Good: 2012 monthly upward channel in tact. Upward pressure building in weekly chart for breakout to higher RSI and upper part of channel if the trade truce happens, which is likely.
Neutral: If no break out above $80 resistance then range bound building pressure to break in direction of trade truce.
Bad: Is it too late for the global economy or can all the liquidity blunt the downside and create a soft bottom and recovery?
Expectations: Trade truce happens and industrials run on hope, then get cautious until recession gets real, which seems unavoidable.
Сделка закрыта: достигнута тейк-профит цена
More downside risk than upside potential. At best trade truce holds status quo and optimism continues until slowdown becomes obvious Q1 2020. At worst, truce doesn't happen and positioning shock down refutes seasonal hopes and more selling follows.
Chart Patterns

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