Review of multiple markets

От ScottBogatin
7. 19. 22 Euro futures 6E1! Dxy Wheat ZW1! Soybean oil ZL1! This is a quick review of a few tradable futures markets. I show what attracts me to look at a market, and sometimes that requires that I use much larger time frames. I used to Euro futures as an example of longer-term trading and give some possibilities for Traders who don't want to DayTrade as much as they want to hold longer-term positions. I am not an expert on using Futures currencies for qualified accounts, but you should be able to trade Futures currencies in your IRA... check with your broker. I was a little sloppy with my Fibonacci numbers, but this is nothing new and I don't have time to do another video, and I know most of you will be able to know what I'm saying. The numbers are on the chart, my description what's less than perfect, as usual. The most important point on this video is to find a market and a time frame that you relate to. It is very easy to bypass great opportunity because the timeframe you are evaluating and your initial biases don't connect with a true opportunity of that market.
Beyond Technical Analysis

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