
Decentralized Social to Launch PoS Testnet on May 1st


Decentralized Social is set to launch the PoS testnet on May 1st. Testnet nodes must be upgraded to the latest v4.0.0 pre-release by the launch date.

Refer to the official tweet by DESO:


📣 Reminder: Revolution PoS Testnet launches this week, on May 1st!

This is a massive upgrade to transition the DeSo Blockchain to a state-of-the-art Proof of Stake consensus.

Please upgrade your testnet nodes to the latest v4.0.0 pre-release by 5/1.

Апр 29, 2024


DeSo is a layer-1 blockchain specifically designed to decentralize social media. Its core mission is to shift control from big-tech companies to individual users, creators, and developers. DeSo focuses on empowering creators and users by allowing them to own their identities, profiles, content, and social connections on the blockchain, fostering a creator-led, user-owned internet ecosystem.

DeSo provides a platform for developers to build decentralized social applications in a gasless, permissionless, and transparent environment. It supports storage-heavy applications and enables a range of social media functionalities on-chain, including profile creation, posts, social tokens (creator coins), tipping, and NFTs. These blockchain-native features facilitate new forms of monetization and interaction, like social NFT experiences and influencer stock markets. All social data on DeSo is treated as a public utility and stored on a decentralized ledger, accessible to a wide array of independent third-party apps.

The DeSo token underpins the ecosystem, functioning as the primary means of transaction and interaction within the DeSo blockchain. It offers cost-effective on-chain storage solutions, significantly lower than existing smart contract infrastructures. With plans to transition to a Proof of Stake consensus by the end of 2022, DeSo aims to achieve high transaction throughput and scalability, focusing on social-oriented features implemented efficiently on the blockchain.