
Indicators & Conditions Test Framework [DTU]

7 060
Hello All,
This script is a framework to build strategies by combining indicators and conditions (long, short, exits). You are able to analyze your strategies in realtime by changing the input parameters related to indicators, conditions and their combinations.

With this Study/Strategy framework, you will be able to create strategy conditions, display them on the chart, and test them using existing indicators as well as external and custom indicators that you can add.
The main purpose of the Framework is to choose your indicators to be used in the conditions and test your strategy by producing your "Long, short, Exit long, Exit short" combinations.
Although may be, it can be a bit difficult and complicated at first start, but you can understand the logic on its use in a very short time.
I removed external links off descriptive images and video to be comply with Trading view violation House Rules
Since I am new in the community and still trying to understand the pine script language I can make errors and violations on my script. Please Inform me on any issue that I made..


[u]STEP 1: SETTINGS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________[u]
  Select the Source, timeframe and Secure type that your indicators will use.
  Here, the Secure entry consists of 3 parts and the f_security function is used to determine it.
     This option is defined as reducing repaint in tradingview calculations as much as possible. The following function is used., _res, _src[1], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
   b)Semi Secure
     While this option can reduce repaint in tradingview calculations as much as possible, it is less secure. The following function is used., _res, _src[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0])[barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1]
     This option turns on the repaint feature. The following function is used., _res, _src[0])[0] : na

   Ind Source:
    You can the source that indicators will use their own calculations

   Ext Source:
    You can import external Indicator sources from here . It appears on condition/combination area as "EXT".
    To export the External indicator plot it with a title. It will be visible in source dropdown input

    Determine your strategy testing period by selecting start and end date/time
    (!!! According to your tradingview subscription, it takes the last 5000, 10000.. bars.
    The extra bar option may cause problems such as not appearing in the calculations or errors).
   Plot Alerts:
    Plot condition result as alerts arrows on the chart's bottom for "LONG" and the top for "SHORT" entries, exits
   Close on opposite:
    When selected, a long entry gets closed when a short entry opens and vice versa
   Show Profit:
    It appears if script is in strategy mode (not in study) this can display current or open profit for better reanalyzing your strategy entry exit points. (Currently under development)

  This option has 4 entries
   a) Mult
    Sets the multiplier for the selected Plot Type (stochastic, Percentrank, Org Range (-1,1) ) except for "Original" in the range (-1,1).
    EXAMPLE: When 1000 is selected, the indicator in the range of (-1,1) will appear in the range of (-1000, 1000) on the screen.
   b) Shift
    It determines the shift that will appear on the screen for the selected Plot Type (stochastic, Percentrank,Org Range (-1,1) ) in the range (-1,1) other than "Original".
    EXAMPLE: When Shift:35000 and mult:1000 are selected, the indicator will appear in the range (34000, 36000) on the screen.
   c) Smooth
    This option (only for Stochastic & PercentRank) allows to smooth the indicator to be displayed.
    Here, tradinview [url= function is used.
   b) hline
    Adjusts the horizontal lines to appear on the screen according to the mult factor for the range (-1,1)
    The lines represent the values ​​(-1, -05, 0, 05, 1)

STEP 2: INDICATORS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
 You need to choose indicators that you can use in strategy conditions.
 Here, the indicators come from the dturkuler/lib_Indicators_DT open script library defined in the code
 In addition, you can add the indicators that you will create in the area defined in the code to this list..
 You can also import external indicators and test them with other variables on the system..
 You can choose a maximum of 5 indicators that you can use in total. (can be increased in new versions)
 Indicators are categorized in 3 main sections

  Indicator Selection:
   You can select your indicators from this area
   a)Moving Averages
    These are indicators such as EMA, SMA that you can show on the stock. They come from the library.
    These indicators are fed from Settings/source. Only the length value can be used as a parameter.
    In addition, line colors can be changed..
    As of now, there are 28 indicators in the library in total and 5 indicators are left as future use for this field for now.
   b)Other Indicators
    These are different indicators from the stock value such as RSI, COG. They come from the library. These indicators are fed from Settings/source.
    Only the length value can be used as a parameter. In addition, line colors can be changed.
    As of now, there are 24 indicators in the library in total and 5 indicators are left as a future use for this field for now.
   c)Custom Indicators
    These indicators are the ones you can create by programming yourself in the source code..
    The area at the bottom of the settings screen is reserved for the parameters of this type of indicators.

  Indicator Length:
   You can update your selected indicator length value from here. (Not: it doesn't work for custom indicators since they have their parameter on cust. Ind. input screen )

  Indicator Plot Type:
   Next to the indicators, there is an input selection field about how they will be displayed on the screen.
    The indicator is displayed on the screen with its current values. It is an ideal solution for displaying moving average indicators such as (EMA, SMA) over current stock.
    Since the values ​​of indicators such as (RSI, COB) are low (-100,100 : -1.1), they appear at the bottom of the screen and make analysis difficult.
    For this reason, other options may be more suitable for these.
    The indicator is displayed on the screen with stochastic calculation in the range of -1.1.
    It uses the stochastic(50) calculation method to spread indicators such as (RSI, COB) over the range (-1,1).
    Indicators in this selection can be fixed and monitored under stock on the screen with the parameters under the Plot Type section.
    You can see the original values ​​of the relevant indicator on the Data Window screen.
    (!!! Do not use the values ​​on the chart in your condition calculations. Instead, get the values ​​from Data Window)
    The indicator is displayed on the screen with stochastic calculation in the range of -1.1. .
    Since the values ​​of indicators such as (RSI, COB) are low (-100,100 : -1.1), they appear at the bottom of the screen and make analysis difficult.
    Indicators in this selection can be fixed and monitored under stock on the screen with the parameters under the Plot Type section.
    You can see the original values ​​of the relevant indicator on the Data Window screen
    ((!!! Do not use the values ​​on the chart in your condition calculations. Instead, get the values ​​from Data Window)
   d)Org Range (-1,1)
    If your indicator is in the range of -1.1, your indicator will be displayed on the screen with its original calculation in the range of -1.1.
    Indicators in this selection can be fixed and monitored under stock on the screen with the parameters under the Plot Type section.
    You can see the original values ​​of the relevant indicator on the Data Window screen.
    (!!! Do not use the values ​​on the chart in your fitness calculations. Instead, get the values ​​from Data Window)


STEP 3: CONDITIONS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  After choosing the indicators you will use in the conditions, you move on to the "CONDITIONS" section.
  There are 4 conditions type here.


  The use of each condition is the same.
  There are 3 combinations you can use in each condition. (can be increased in new versions)

  There are 3 combinations you can use in each condition. (can be increased in new versions)
  Each combination are build from 4 parts
   1)1st Indicator
    If set to "NONE" this combination will not be used on calculations. You can select
     IND1-5: from indicators (See above),
     EXT: value from externally imported indicator
     Stock built-in values: close, open...
     Selected Operator compares 1st Indicator with the 2nd one. You can select different operators such as
      crossover, crossunder, cross,>,<,=....
   3)2nd Indicator
    This indicator will be compared with the 1st one via selected Operator. You can select
     IND1-5: from indicators (See above),
     VALUE: a float value defined in the combinations value parameter
     EXT: value from externally imported indicator
     Stock builtin values: close,open...
    When the 2nd indicator field is "VALUE", value area compares the entered value.
    ex: 1st indicator="open", op=">", 2nd indicator="VALUE", value=3000.12 means is(close>3000.12)
    In other conditions, it compares the previous values ​​of the indicator.
    ex: 1st indicator="open", op=">" 2nd indicator is "close" and value is 2 means is(open>close[2])

  indicator 1= "IND1", Operator=">", indicator 2= "IND2" => is(IND1>IND2)
  indicator 1= "IND1", Operator=">", indicator 2= "VALUE", "0.1" => is(IND1>0.9)
  indicator 1= "IND2", Operator="crossover", indicator 2= "IND1" => is(IND2 crossover IND1) : like a=ta.crossover(IND2, IND1)
  indicator 1= "IND1", Operator="<", indicator 2= "close" => is(IND1>close)
  indicator 1= "IND1", Operator="<", indicator 2= "EXT" => is(IND1>EXT) , EXT mean external imported indicator that define on settings section
  indicator 1= "IND1", Operator="<", indicator 2= "IND1", Value="1" => is (IND1>IND1[1])

  Each combination in Condition is compared with the next one via JOIN operator
  The join operator can be selected as AND or OR.
   1st combination= is(IND1>0.9) true
   2nd combination= is(IND2 crossover IND1) false

   1st combination "AND" 2ndcombination" => false (is(IND1>0.9) AND is(IND2 crossover IND1))
   1st combination "OR" 2nd combination" => true (is(IND1>0.9) OR is(IND2 crossover IND1))

  When the 2nd indicator field is "VALUE", value area compares the entered value. In other conditions, it compares the previous values ​​of the indicator.
  In cases where "VALUE" is not selected, integer values ​​must be entered in this field. (float should not be entered. ie 1, 2 should be entered)
  !!!If the 1st indicator is "NONE" in the combination, that combination is cancelled.
  Each combination returns true/false, allowing the selected value to be compared with another value
  Example: EMA(21)>EMA(50) returns true under all conditions or (EMA(21) crossover EMA(50)) returns true when passed.
  You can use , Value of 5 indicators (IND1-IND5) or (VALUE) that you have defined in combinations or import indicator (EXT) or stock values ​​(close, open, high...) in your calculations.
  combination Compares the 1st indicator with 2nd indicator via the operator.

STEP 4: CUSTOM INDICATORS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  There is an area in the code for designing Custom Indicators.
  Here you can design your own indicators and use them in the framework.
  You can also create unlimited parameters for your indicators in the SETTINGS custom indicator field.
  For now, only 3 Custom indicators have been defined.
  Examples are entered in the code for custom indicators.
  Including / updating custom to the code is explained in the source code

  !!! According to your tradingview subscription, it takes the last 5000, 10000.. bars. More bar options may cause problems such as not appearing in the calculations or errors.


  This Script can be used as an indicator if the last strategy parts in the code are commented out and converted to the initial strategy study.
  It was originally prepared for my use with my own strategy framework and has export functions accordingly.
  When integrated to my own strategy framework it brings many more features over strategy definition of trades.

  TODO: Add tooltips to the settings screen
  TODO: Add double triple, Quatr factor for all indicators (convert any indicator to factor2-4 facotr. ex: EMA to DEMA, TEMA, QEMA...)
  TODO: Add factorized Fibo avg range indicator (good for trend definition and entry exit points)
  TODO: Add bands to the indicator and conditions
  TODO: Add debug window for exporting indicator's parameters
  TODO: Add isRising(value) isFalling(value), is...(value) .... to combinations (they can be used as custom indicator also
  TODO: Reassess condition entry screen for user friendly GUI
  TODO: Increase # conditions from 3 to 4
  TODO: Reassess strategy entries, exit and close (should be improved)
  TODO: Add Alerts, Condiional alerts for indicator (study) part
  TODO: Create export function v3 for Pinecoders Indicator framework

  For Pine script format docs RicardoSantos.
  For Pine script coding standards Pinecoders.
  For moving average script used on library s RodrigoKazuma.

Информация о релизе
ADD: Tooltips addec to the settings screen. (Tooltip constants added)
ADD: Falling and rising operators added to combinations. USAGE:(1st Indicator---Falling---IS(1st Indicator,VALUE)----int VALUE)
Calculates: ta.falling(1st indicator, VALUE)... VALUE Should be integer (1,2...n)
Desc: if the 1st indicator is falling since the previous # of bars (VALUE).
ADD: use Simple Log addded for testing purpose but not available for usage (to be corrected)
UPD: Strategy part improved. Long close and short close know worksas expected (without opposite close)
UPD: functions updated: fn_get_source() , fn_plotFunction(), fn_get_indicator(), fn_get_Condition_Indicator(), fn_get_Condition_Result()
Информация о релизе
//UPD: lonclose and shortclose codes updated. Now works as expected
//UPD: Some remarks updated
Информация о релизе
ADD: Number condition increased from 3 to 4 for aech combination (longentry, shortentry, longclose, shortclose)
ADD: Stochastic, Percent value added for each indicator
ADD: Source data added for each indicator
UPD: Calculation bug on src_data removed
UPD: Indicators default values updated (Arranged to BTCUSDT for testing purpose)
Информация о релизе
ADD: Number of custom indicators increased from 3 to 5 (see the cutom indicator inputs and functions)
ADD: Added double triple, Quatr factorizer for all indicators (like convert EMA to DEMA, TEMA, QEMA...)
ADD: fn_factor function added
UPD: fn_get_indicator updated
UPD: Some tooltips updated
Информация о релизе
ADD: Custom CRONEX T DEMARKER indicator added to custom indicator 4
ADD: Plotting Type constants added, fn_plotFunction and Inputs options updated
UPD: Increased number of spare operators to be used in future
UPD: Condition tooltip updated

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