USD (basket) / XAG Spread

Hey all; I made this script for default usage on the 15 min chart for XAGUSD, try it out and tell me what you think.

It is similar to what the original user /u/MarcoValente published for his gold/silver spread script; however I have made some changes so this is usable for XAGUSD and utilizes my 'holy grail' method of basket weighting the USD (aka why the code is protected) for comparison against silver and I also made some visual enhancements like color changes, filled area of interest, and crossover markings.

One way this script can be thought of actually 'doing' is measuring the true strength of the USD against a basket vs silver. As the USD gains strength, the price per unit of silver should decrease; as the USD loses strength the price per unit of silver should increase.

The filled area is the difference between the spread and the slow MA; the marked crosses are the cross of the spread with the slow MA.

Feel free to PM me with questions etc. I find that this script is slow to load sometimes so if it doesn't immediately load try changing time frames a few times before returning to 15 min and if all else fails just wait it out haha
averagebasketmovingMoving AveragesSilverspreadstrengthXAGXAG USD ( Silver / US Dollar)

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