Relative Strength indicator comparing the current symbol to SPY (or any other benchmark). It may help to pick the right assets to complement the portfolio build around core ETFs such as SPY.
The general idea is to show if the current symbol outperforms or underperforms the benchmark (SPY by default) when bought some certain time ago. Relative performance is displayed as percent and is calculated for three different time ranges - short (1 mo by default), mid (1 quarter), and long (half a year). To smooth the volatility, the script uses linear regression to estimate the trend and takes the start and the end points of the linear regression line to compute the relative strength.
It is important to remember that the script shows the gain relative to SPY (or other selected benchmark), not the asset's gain. Therefore, it may indicate that the asset is profitable, but it still may lose value if SPY is in downtrend.
Therefore, it is crucial to check other indicators before making a decision. In the example above, standard linear regression for one quarter is used to indicate the direction of the trend.