f_PerformanceMetrics(series float base, int Lookback, simple float startDate, bool Annualize = true) =>
// Initialize variables for positive and negative returns
pos_sum = 0.0
neg_sum = 0.0
pos_count = 0
neg_count = 0
returns_sum = 0.0
returns_squared_sum = 0.0
pos_returns_squared_sum = 0.0
neg_returns_squared_sum = 0.0
// Loop through the past 'Lookback' bars to calculate sums and counts
if (time >= startDate)
for i = 0 to Lookback - 1
r = (base - base[i + 1]) / base[i + 1]
returns_sum += r
returns_squared_sum += r * r
if r > 0
pos_sum += r
pos_count += 1
pos_returns_squared_sum += r * r
if r < 0
neg_sum += r
neg_count += 1
neg_returns_squared_sum += r * r
float [] export_array = array.new_float(12)
// Calculate means
mean_all = math.round((returns_sum / Lookback) * 100, 2)
mean_pos = math.round((pos_count != 0 ? pos_sum / pos_count : na) * 100, 2)
mean_neg = math.round((neg_count != 0 ? neg_sum / neg_count : na) * 100, 2)
// Calculate standard deviations
stddev_all = math.round((math.sqrt((returns_squared_sum - (returns_sum * returns_sum) / Lookback) / Lookback)) * 100, 2)
stddev_pos = math.round((pos_count != 0 ? math.sqrt((pos_returns_squared_sum - (pos_sum * pos_sum) / pos_count) / pos_count) : na) * 100, 2)
stddev_neg = math.round((neg_count != 0 ? math.sqrt((neg_returns_squared_sum - (neg_sum * neg_sum) / neg_count) / neg_count) : na) * 100, 2)
// Calculate probabilities
prob_pos = math.round((pos_count / Lookback) * 100, 2)
prob_neg = math.round((neg_count / Lookback) * 100, 2)
prob_neu = math.round(((Lookback - pos_count - neg_count) / Lookback) * 100, 2)
// Calculate ratios
sharpe_ratio = math.round(mean_all / stddev_all * (Annualize ? math.sqrt(Lookback) : 1), 2)
sortino_ratio = math.round(mean_all / stddev_neg * (Annualize ? math.sqrt(Lookback) : 1), 2)
omega_ratio = math.round(pos_sum / math.abs(neg_sum), 2)
// Set values in the array
array.set(export_array, 0, mean_all), array.set(export_array, 1, mean_pos), array.set(export_array, 2, mean_neg),
array.set(export_array, 3, stddev_all), array.set(export_array, 4, stddev_pos), array.set(export_array, 5, stddev_neg),
array.set(export_array, 6, prob_pos), array.set(export_array, 7, prob_neu), array.set(export_array, 8, prob_neg),
array.set(export_array, 9, sharpe_ratio), array.set(export_array, 10, sortino_ratio), array.set(export_array, 11, omega_ratio)
// Export the array