[MAD MBS] L5 RiskManagementL5 RiskManagement of the "Modular Backtest System" series is a part from a framework of modules to easily implement custom strategies more ore less like "drag and drop"
This is the risk management module that uses my "multibit" signal communication
All this here in the interactive screenshot represents the whole framework, when interconnected and after propper configuration.
Some modules that have already been released or are planned to be released in the near future
Wavebuilder module (SMA EMA HMA,..)
Multispikes module
..... no idea what will come here next
Bollinger module
Statistics module
..... some ideas here (Trends,... Multitimeframe stuff)
Processor x8
Processor x16-x64
Risk management (contains an alert builder to generate commands for external webhook trading bots.
What can this risk management do?
Classic position handling from DCA to breakout
Multiple targets
position risk management by intelligent reduction of positions in case of overinvestment
SL automatically move profit after takeprofits
Position change strategies
and much more...
Statistics about all your positions including TP1, TP2, TP3, SL's,...
Testing own indicators:
Create a signal like this here inside your indicator and map the two outputs correctly
signalout = 0
signalout := (signal_buy? 1: signal_sell? -1: 0)
BM_color_signal = signal_buy? #4C9900 : signal_sell? #CC0000 : color.black
L_digital_signal = plot(signalout, title ="Digital signal", color=BM_color_signal, transp=0, style=plot.style_columns, display=display.none)
after this you use
set input to -1 0 1
daisychaint the stuff correctly together including signal mapping and you are ready to go
Chain looks like this:
L1 (your indicator)
L3 processor
L5 risk management
Some screenshots with finished configuration and different L1 signalsources
The libary used for this project