Price Action BoxBu Pine Script™ kodu, fiyat aksiyonuna dayalı bir gösterge oluşturarak piyasadaki arz (supply) ve talep (demand) bölgelerini çizmeye yönelik bir analiz sunar. Aşağıda, bu kodun işlevsel bileşenlerini daha detaylı olarak açıklıyorum:
Genel Amaç:
Bu gösterge, belirli bir periyotta swing high ve swing low seviyelerini belirleyerek bu seviyelere dayalı arz ve talep bölgelerini çizer. Aynı zamanda bu bölgelerin kırılması durumunda BOS (Break of Structure) işaretleri ekler.
Kodu Detaylandırma:
1. Ayarlar ve Kullanıcı Girdileri:
Swing High/Low Length: Swing yüksek ve düşük seviyelerinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan periyot. Bu, kullanıcı tarafından ayarlanabilir.
History To Keep: Göstergede geçmişteki arz ve talep bölgelerinin sayısını belirtir.
Supply/Demand Box Width: Arz ve talep kutularının genişliği, yani ATR'ye (Average True Range) göre ne kadar genişlik bırakılacağı belirlenir.
Visual Settings: Göstergeyi kişiselleştirmek için renkler ve etiketler için ayarlar.
2. İşlevler:
f_array_add_pop: Yeni bir değer ekler ve en eski değeri diziden çıkarır. Bu işlev, belirli sayıda veriyi saklamak için kullanılır.
f_sh_sl_labels: Swing yüksek ve düşük seviyelerine etiket ekler. Bu etiketler "HH", "HL", "LH", "LL" gibi fiyat aksiyonunu gösteren etiketlerdir.
f_check_overlapping: Yeni bir talep veya arz bölgesi çizilmeden önce mevcut bölgelerle örtüşüp örtüşmediğini kontrol eder. Eğer örtüşme varsa yeni bir bölge çizilmez.
f_supply_demand: Arz ve talep bölgelerini çizer. Bu fonksiyon, arz ve talep seviyelerinin üst ve alt sınırlarını belirleyip bir kutu çizer.
f_sd_to_bos: Eğer arz veya talep bölgesi kırılırsa, bölgeyi "BOS" (Break of Structure) olarak değiştirir.
f_extend_box_endpoint: Mevcut arz ve talep kutularını günceller, sağ sınırlarını bir sonraki bar indexine uzatır.
3. Hesaplamalar:
ATR (Average True Range): Fiyatın volatilitesini ölçmek için kullanılır. Bu, arz ve talep kutularının boyutlarını belirlemek için temel alınan değerdir.
Swing High ve Swing Low: Swing yüksek ve düşük seviyeleri, belirli bir periyot içindeki en yüksek ve en düşük fiyatlar kullanılarak hesaplanır.
Box Array ve POI (Point of Interest): Çizilen arz ve talep kutularının bir koleksiyonu ve bu kutuların içinde bulunan ilgilenilen seviyeler.
4. Ana Hesaplamalar ve Eylemler:
Yeni Swing High veya Swing Low Oluşumu: Eğer yeni bir swing yüksek veya düşük oluşursa, bu seviyeler kaydedilir ve talep veya arz bölgeleri çizilir.
BOS (Break of Structure): Eğer fiyat, arz veya talep bölgesini kırarsa, bu bölgeyi "BOS" olarak işaretler.
Kutuların Uzatılması: Arz ve talep kutuları, mevcut bar indexine göre sürekli olarak uzatılır.
Görsel Özellikler:
Supply (Arz) ve Demand (Talep) Bölgeleri: Arz bölgeleri kırmızı, talep bölgeleri yeşil renkte çizilir. Ayrıca, bölgelerin etrafında bir sınır rengi de belirlenmiştir.
POI Etiketleri: Her arz ve talep bölgesinin ortasında POI (Point of Interest) etiketi gösterilir.
BOS Etiketleri: Kırılmış arz veya talep bölgelerinin üzerine BOS etiketi eklenir.
Kullanıcı Girdileriyle Özelleştirme:
Show Price Action Labels: Fiyat aksiyon etiketlerinin görünürlüğünü ayarlamak için bir seçenek. Bu etiketler swing high ve low seviyelerini belirtir.
Farklı Renk ve Boyut Seçenekleri: Arz ve talep bölgeleri için renkler ve POI etiketleri için renkler kullanıcı tarafından özelleştirilebilir.
Bu Pine Script™, piyasada arz ve talep bölgelerini izlemek, önemli fiyat seviyelerini belirlemek ve bu bölgelerdeki fiyat hareketlerini analiz etmek için kapsamlı bir araç sağlar. Klasik fiyat aksiyon yöntemlerine dayalı olarak arz ve talep bölgelerinin yanı sıra bu bölgelerin kırılmasını tespit ederek işlem fırsatlarını işaret eder.
Фундаментальный анализ
Buyside & Sellside Liquidity and FOMO & PANİK]LuxAlgo'nun Buy-Side ve Sell-Side Likidite İndikatörüne Gelişmiş Özellikler Ekledik
Buy-Side ve Sell-Side Likidite (Likidite Avı) göstergeleri, piyasa yapıcıların (market maker) manipülasyonlarını anlamak ve yüksek hacimli bölgelerdeki fiyat hareketlerini analiz etmek için önemli bir araçtır. LuxAlgo'nun bu göstergesi, kullanıcıların piyasanın likidite akışını daha iyi değerlendirmesini sağlar. Ancak, bu güçlü aracın işlevselliğini daha da geliştirmek için bazı stratejik iyileştirmeler ve eklemeler yaptık.
İndikatöre Eklediğimiz Özellikler
1. Likidite Eşiği ve Zaman Dilimlerine Göre Analiz
Kullanıcı, kısa, orta ve uzun dönem periyotlar belirleyerek farklı zaman dilimlerinde likidite hareketlerini analiz edebilir.
Likidite Eşiği (%) parametresi sayesinde fiyat değişim oranlarına göre long (alım) ve short (satım) seviyeleri tespit edilir.
Her dönem için hacim eşik kontrolleri uygulanarak sadece yüksek hacimli hareketler dikkate alınır.
2. Long ve Short Likidite Bölgelerinin Tespiti
Buy-Side (Long) Likidite Bölgeleri: Fiyatın altındaki long giriş seviyeleri belirlenir ve fiyat bu seviyeye ulaştığında tepki sinyalleri oluşturulur.
Sell-Side (Short) Likidite Bölgeleri: Fiyatın üstündeki short giriş seviyeleri tespit edilir ve seviyeler grafik üzerinde görselleştirilir.
Bu bölgeler, likidite tuzaklarının olabileceği yerlerde market maker manipülasyonlarını tespit etmek için kullanılır.
3. Yüksek Hacimli Mumların Renklendirilmesi
Hacim analiziyle, yüksek hacimli mumlar farklı renklerle işaretlenerek fiyat hareketlerinin dinamiği daha net bir şekilde gözlemlenir.
Örneğin, hacim eşik seviyelerini aşan mumlar beyaz, sarı veya mavi gibi belirgin renklerle vurgulanır.
4. Wick ve Hacim Bazlı Long/Short Tuzaklarının Analizi
Mum gölgelerinin (wick) uzunluk oranları, ATR (Ortalama Gerçek Aralık) ve hacim değişimi baz alınarak long trap ve short trap tuzakları tespit edilir.
Bu tuzaklar grafik üzerinde belirgin şekilde işaretlenir ve kullanıcıya FOMO (kaçırma korkusu) ve Panik gibi piyasa psikolojisi sinyalleriyle desteklenir.
5. Likidite Bölgelerine Yakınlık ve Alarm Sistemleri
Fiyatın belirlenen likidite bölgelerine ne kadar yakın olduğunu ölçen algoritma ekledik. Bu sayede:
Üst likidite bölgesine %2’den az bir mesafede olan fiyat hareketleri analiz edilir.
Orta likidite bölgesi ve alt likidite bölgesine yakınlık için de aynı metodoloji kullanılır.
Alarm sistemi ile long trap veya short trap oluştuğunda kullanıcı uyarılır.
FOMO ve Panik Algoritması
Bu güncellemeler, yatırımcı psikolojisini analiz etmek için ek parametreler içerir:
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out):
RSI seviyesinin yüksek olduğu, fiyatın üst veya orta likidite bölgelerine yakınlaştığı ve ani fiyat/hacim artışlarının görüldüğü durumlarda bir FOMO sinyali oluşturulur.
Bu sinyal, yatırımcının bilinçsiz alım yapmaktan kaçınmasını sağlar.
RSI seviyesi düşük, fiyatın alt veya orta likidite bölgesine yakın olduğu ve ani düşüşlerin görüldüğü durumlarda panik sinyali tetiklenir.
Bu, yatırımcıların aceleyle satış yapmalarını önleyecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
Geliştirmelerin Yararları
1. Manipülasyonların Önlenmesi:
Likidite bölgelerine göre fiyat hareketleri analiz edilerek market maker’ın manipülasyonlarına karşı yatırımcıların korunması hedeflenir.
2. Tepki Seviyeleri ile Daha Güçlü Strateji:
Long ve short likidite bölgelerinin görselleştirilmesi, alım-satım stratejilerinde daha güvenilir sinyaller sağlar.
3. Psikolojik Bariyerleri Anlama:
FOMO ve Panik sinyalleriyle yatırımcı davranışlarının piyasa üzerindeki etkisi daha iyi analiz edilir.
4. Hacim ve Volatilite Bazlı Gelişmiş Filtreleme:
Hacim ve volatilite analizleri, yanlış sinyalleri minimuma indirir.
Bu güncellemelerle, LuxAlgo'nun orijinal Buy-Side & Sell-Side Likidite göstergesi daha güçlü bir araç haline getirildi. Kullanıcılar, piyasa yapıcıların hedefleyebileceği önemli seviyeleri tespit ederek daha bilinçli işlemler yapabilir. Hacim, likidite, RSI ve psikolojik bariyerler gibi birden fazla değişkeni bir araya getiren bu sistem, özellikle kripto para piyasasında daha sağlam bir analiz sağlar.
Link Long/Short Strategy - Long1. Introduction and structure
Your strategy is divided into several logical blocks, each block corresponding to a specific trading configuration (e.g. ‘Long_1’, ‘Long_2’, etc.). These configurations follow the same pattern:
Entry conditions (long/short): Based on the price position between predefined levels (LongRangeHigh, LongRangeLow, etc.) and a cross of EMA9 and SMA6 indicators.
Exit conditions: Conditional closing of a position if certain conditions are met (positive profit, inverse cross, etc.).
Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP): Defined by fixed levels for each configuration.
2. Technical indicators
You use two main indicators:
EMA9: Exponential moving average calculated over 9 periods.
SMA6: Simple moving average calculated over 6 periods.
These indicators are used to detect crossovers for entry and exit signals. The EMA9 crossover above the SMA6 triggers long opportunities, while the opposite crossover generates exit signals.
3. Price ranges and trading logic
For each ‘block’ in the strategy :
Price ranges are defined (LongRangeHigh, LongRangeLow, etc.) to determine where the price must be to execute a position.
Each range is divided into levels for long and short positions.
Example: Block 1
Long Range: Between 9.3 (LongRangeLow) and 10.85 (LongRangeHigh).
Short Range: Between 10.85 (ShortRangeLow) and 11.70 (ShortRangeHigh).
Special features:
An EMA9 crossover above SMA6 in the Long Range generates a long entry.
An inverse cross in the Short Range generates a conditional output.
4. Risk management
Each position is associated with Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) levels. These are defined as follows:
TP: Often equal to the upper limit of the Long Range or Short Range.
SL: Based on the lower levels of the ranges or other configurations.
Example: Block 1
TP set to LongRangeHigh (10.85).
SL could be adjusted according to ShortRangeHigh.
5. Visual display
The script uses plot to display the following elements on the chart:
The EMA9 (blue) and SMA6 (orange) indicators.
Price levels (LongRangeHigh, LongRangeLow, etc.) and SL/TP limits.
SMA: 1
EMA: 23
Period : From May 2024 to January 2024
Altcoin Exit Signal👉 This indicator is designed to help traders identify optimal times to sell altcoins during the peak of a bull market. By analyzing the historical ratio of the "OTHERS" market cap (all altcoins excluding the top 10) to Bitcoin, it signals when altcoins are nearing their cycle peaks and may be due for a decline. This is a good indicator to use for smaller altcoins outside of the top 10 by marketcap. Designed to be used on the daily timeframe.
⭐ YouTube: Money On The Move
⭐ Crypto Patreon:
👉 HOW TO USE: Historically, when the white line touches or crosses the red line, it has signaled that the top of the altcoin market cycle is approaching, making it an ideal time to consider exiting altcoins before a potential decline. While the primary focus is on smaller altcoins, this tool can also be useful for larger coins by identifying trends and shifts in market dominance. The indicator uses a predefined threshold tailored for smaller altcoins as a key signal for an exit strategy.
Disclaimer: As with all indicators, past performance is not indicative of future results. Cryptocurrency trading involves significant risk and can result in the loss of your investment. This indicator should not be considered as financial advice, nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial asset. Always conduct your own research and consult with a licensed financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Trading cryptocurrencies is speculative and inherently volatile, and you should only trade with money you are willing to lose.
Earnings ExpansionA professional-grade earnings visualization tool that plots EPS expansion directly on your charts, inspired by institutional-level technical analysis platforms. The indicator creates a distinctive earnings plot that helps identify stocks with strong fundamental momentum using methods familiar to IBD.
Key features :
Clean, institutional-style EPS line overlaid on price action
Growth acceleration detection
Dual-trend momentum analysis with clear strength ratings
Visual earnings surprise indicators with beat/miss multipliers
Dashboard for rapid fundamental assessment
The indicator plots a dynamic earnings line that helps identify price-to-earnings relationships and potential divergences. This visualization method is particularly useful for growth investors who follow IBD-style methodologies, helping spot stocks with strong earnings acceleration before institutional accumulation becomes obvious.
All calculations use reported earnings data without future data lookahead. The projection algorithm incorporates growth acceleration factors but should not be considered a prediction of future earnings .
Note: Valid on the weekly time-frame only.
Data TransformerIt is a data transformer. Is something TradingView lacks right now.
It is simple, it lets you transform the symbol of the chart into this options:
% change
QoQ change
QoQ change %
YoY change
YoY change %
Drawdawn %
Cameron's 1m Swing Structure IndicatorThis is based off of Pips2Profit's
I am no programmer, took the CC and had ChatGPT do the coding. I found it amazing, thought I would share.
For educational use only. :P
Mother Candle with TP LevelsTradingView'de 'Mother Candle with TP Levels' İndikatörü
TradingView kullanıcıları için geliştirilmiş Mother Candle with TP Levels indikatörü, piyasa hareketlerini anlamanızı ve analiz etmenizi kolaylaştırır. Bu indikatör, güçlü bir "Mother Candle" (ana mum) yapısını tespit eder ve bu mumun yüksekliği ile düşük seviyesi üzerinden TP (Take Profit) seviyelerini belirler. Ayrıca, hacim analiziyle bu yapının geçerliliğini artırır. İşte bu indikatörün detayları:
Mother Candle Nedir?
"Mother Candle", genellikle büyük bir hacimle oluşan ve sonraki mumların içinde hareket ettiği bir ana çubuktur. Bu mum:
Belirgin bir yüksek/düşük aralığı sunar.
Piyasanın yönünü tahmin etmek için önemli bir gösterge sağlar.
Bu indikatörde, bir mumun "Mother Candle" olarak kabul edilmesi için şu kriterlere uyması gerekir:
1. Sonraki 7 mumun, bu mumun yüksekliği ve düşüklüğü arasında olması.
2. Hacmin, hareketli ortalamanın (SMA) belirli bir katından yüksek olması.
Özellikler ve Fonksiyonlar
1. Mother Candle Tespiti:
Yüksek (High) ve düşük (Low) seviyeleri, hacim ve fiyat kriterleri ile belirlenir.
Bu seviyeler grafik üzerinde renkli çizgiler ve etiketlerle gösterilir.
2. TP (Take Profit) Seviyeleri:
Kullanıcı tarafından belirlenen katsayılarla (ör. 1, 1.618, 2.618) oluşturulur.
TP seviyeleri hem long (alım) hem de short (satış) işlemleri için hesaplanır.
Seviyeler grafik üzerinde mavi, kırmızı ve sarı renklerle işaretlenir.
3. Orta Nokta (Middle Level):
Mother Candle’ın orta noktası hesaplanır ve grafik üzerinde gösterilir.
Bu seviye, piyasanın potansiyel dönüş veya konsolidasyon bölgesi olarak değerlendirilebilir.
4. Hacim Analizi:
Hacim, 50 periyotluk SMA’ya göre kontrol edilir.
Mother Candle hacminin, belirli bir kat üzerinde olması şartı ile analiz derinleştirilir.
Kullanıcı Ayarları
İndikatör, kullanıcıların analizlerini özelleştirebileceği birçok ayar sunar:
Take Profit Seviyeleri: Long ve Short işlemler için farklı katsayılar girilebilir (ör. 1.618, 2.618 gibi).
Hacim Kriteri: Hacim katı ayarlanabilir (ör. SMA'nın 2 katı).
Görsel Özelleştirme: Çizgiler ve etiketler farklı renk ve konumlarla ayarlanabilir.
Kodun Avantajları
Otomasyon: Mother Candle’ı ve TP seviyelerini manuel tespit etmek yerine otomatik olarak işaretler.
Hacim Destekli Analiz: Fiyat hareketleri hacimle desteklenerek yanlış sinyaller azaltılır.
Esneklik: Kullanıcı ayarları, farklı piyasa koşullarına uyum sağlar.
Nasıl Kullanılır?
1. Kodunuzu TradingView platformuna yapıştırın.
2. İhtiyacınıza göre TP seviyelerini ve hacim katını ayarlayın.
3. Grafiği inceleyerek Mother Candle ve TP seviyelerini analiz edin.
4. İşlem stratejinizi belirleyin (ör. TP1'de kısmi kar alımı, TP3'te tam çıkış gibi).
Mother Candle with TP Levels indikatörü, özellikle piyasa yönünü belirlemede netlik arayan kullanıcılar için güçlü bir araçtır. Hacim destekli analizi, fiyat hareketlerini daha iyi anlamanızı sağlar. Bu indikatörü kullanarak, işlem stratejinizi daha verimli hale getirebilir ve potansiyel kazançlarınızı artırabilirsiniz.
MMRI by NicoThe great Gregory Mannarino provided us with a great indicator for assessing Risk in the market... this is an indicator that will let you keep an eye on it at every moment without leaving your TradingView screen.
The original indicator is here:
XRP Day Trading Strategy JT//@version=5
indicator("XRP Day Trading Strategy with Buy/Sell Indicators", overlay=true)
// Input parameters for EMA
emaShortLength =, minval=1, title="Short EMA Length")
emaLongLength =, minval=1, title="Long EMA Length")
// Calculate EMAs
emaShort = ta.ema(close, emaShortLength)
emaLong = ta.ema(close, emaLongLength)
// Plot EMAs
plot(emaShort,, title="EMA 9 (Short)")
plot(emaLong,, title="EMA 21 (Long)")
// RSI settings
rsiLength =, minval=1, title="RSI Length")
rsiOverbought =, minval=50, maxval=100, title="RSI Overbought Level")
rsiOversold =, minval=0, maxval=50, title="RSI Oversold Level")
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
// Plot RSI (values not displayed in overlay)
hline(rsiOverbought, "Overbought",, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
hline(rsiOversold, "Oversold",, linestyle=hline.style_dotted)
// Bollinger Bands settings
bbLength =, minval=1, title="Bollinger Bands Length")
bbStdDev = input.float(2.0, minval=0.1, title="Standard Deviation")
=, bbLength, bbStdDev)
// Plot Bollinger Bands
plot(bbUpper,, title="Bollinger Upper Band")
plot(bbLower,, title="Bollinger Lower Band")
plot(bbBasis, color=color.yellow, title="Bollinger Basis")
// Volume settings
volumeVisible = input.bool(true, title="Show Volume")
plot(volumeVisible ? volume : na, style=plot.style_columns,, 50), title="Volume")
// Alerts and Buy/Sell Conditions
emaCrossUp = ta.crossover(emaShort, emaLong)
emaCrossDown = ta.crossunder(emaShort, emaLong)
rsiBuySignal = rsi < rsiOversold
rsiSellSignal = rsi > rsiOverbought
buySignal = emaCrossUp and rsiBuySignal
sellSignal = emaCrossDown or rsiSellSignal
// Plot Buy and Sell Indicators
plotshape(series=buySignal, title="Buy Signal", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, text="BUY")
plotshape(series=sellSignal, title="Sell Signal", location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, text="SELL")
// Alerts for Entry and Exit Signals
if buySignal
alert("Buy Signal: EMA 9 crossed above EMA 21 and RSI indicates oversold conditions!", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if sellSignal
alert("Sell Signal: EMA 9 crossed below EMA 21 or RSI indicates overbought conditions!", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
indicator("Algo.sambu", shorttitle="Algo.sambu", overlay=true)
// MACD Inputs
fast_length =, title="Fast Length", group="MACD Settings")
slow_length =, title="Slow Length", group="MACD Settings")
signal_length =, title="Signal Smoothing", group="MACD Settings")
src = input.source(close, title="Source", group="MACD Settings")
// MACD Calculation
fast_ma = ta.ema(src, fast_length)
slow_ma = ta.ema(src, slow_length)
macd = fast_ma - slow_ma
signal = ta.ema(macd, signal_length)
hist = macd - signal
// MACD Plot
plot(macd,, title="MACD Line")
plot(signal,, title="Signal Line")
histoColor = hist > 0 ? :
plot(hist, style=plot.style_columns, color=histoColor, title="Histogram")
// Divergence Inputs
lookback_left =, title="Left Lookback", group="Divergence Settings")
lookback_right =, title="Right Lookback", group="Divergence Settings")
// Detecting Pivot Highs and Lows
pivotHigh(src, lbL, lbR) =>
src > ta.highest(src, lbL + lbR) ? src : na
pivotLow(src, lbL, lbR) =>
src < ta.lowest(src, lbL + lbR) ? src : na
ph = pivotHigh(hist, lookback_left, lookback_right)
pl = pivotLow(hist, lookback_left, lookback_right)
// Plot Divergence Points
plotshape(ph, style=shape.triangleup,, location=location.abovebar, title="Pivot High")
plotshape(pl, style=shape.triangledown,, location=location.belowbar, title="Pivot Low")
// Alerts
alertcondition(ta.crossover(macd, signal), "MACD Buy Signal", "MACD crosses above Signal Line")
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(macd, signal), "MACD Sell Signal", "MACD crosses below Signal Line")
Nadaraya+ Bullish/BearishVí Dụ về Cảnh Báo:
Cảnh báo "Bullish Entry" sẽ kích hoạt khi điều kiện vào lệnh mua thỏa mãn (giá cắt qua dưới Lower NWE và có Bullish Reversal Bar).
Cảnh báo "Bearish Entry" sẽ kích hoạt khi điều kiện vào lệnh bán thỏa mãn (giá cắt qua trên Upper NWE và có Bearish Reversal Bar).
Cảnh báo "Bullish Reversal Bar" và "Bearish Reversal Bar" sẽ giúp bạn nhận tín hiệu đảo chiều ngay lập tức mà không cần phải vào lệnh.
Correlation Pro
Smart Correlation Pro is an indicator for assessing the correlation between two assets in the market. It analyzes correlation over a selected period and provides traders with flexible tools for making informed decisions.
Key Features:
1. Correlation coefficient (-1 to 1):
• 1: Perfect positive correlation (movement in the same direction).
• 0: No correlation (assets are independent).
• -1: Perfect negative correlation (movement in opposite directions).
2. Dynamic analysis:
• Changes the color of the line depending on the strength of the correlation:
• Green — high positive correlation.
• Red — high negative correlation.
• Gray — weak or no correlation.
3. Trading signals:
• Automatic alerts when important correlation levels are reached (> 0.8 or < -0.8).
• Visual cues for identifying potential entry points or risk diversification.
4. Customizable settings:
• Compare any two assets (e.g., BTC and ETH).
• Ability to choose the correlation calculation period.
Who it’s for:
• Traders analyzing coin movements in the cryptocurrency market.
• Investors looking for the strongest or weakest assets for their portfolio.
• Those working with hedging or diversification strategies.
How to Use:
1. Set the second asset in the indicator settings.
2. Analyze the correlation change on the chart:
• High positive correlation → similar price movement, opportunity for hedging.
• High negative correlation → opposite movement, suitable for diversification.
• Low correlation → independence of assets, opportunity to choose the stronger asset.
• Easy to use.
• Instant analysis of asset correlations.
• Increases decision-making accuracy in the market.
Smart Correlation Pro — це індикатор для оцінки взаємозв’язку між двома активами на ринку. Він аналізує кореляцію за обраним періодом та надає трейдерам гнучкі інструменти для ухвалення обґрунтованих рішень.
Основні можливості:
1. Коефіцієнт кореляції (-1 до 1):
• 1: Ідеальна позитивна кореляція (рух в одному напрямку).
• 0: Відсутність кореляції (активи незалежні).
• -1: Ідеальна негативна кореляція (рух у протилежних напрямках).
2. Динамічний аналіз:
• Змінює колір лінії залежно від сили кореляції:
• Зелений — висока позитивна кореляція.
• Червоний — висока негативна кореляція.
• Сірий — слабка або відсутня кореляція.
3. Сигнали для трейдингу:
• Автоматичні оповіщення при досягненні важливих рівнів кореляції (> 0.8 або < -0.8).
• Візуальні підказки для визначення можливих точок входу або диверсифікації ризиків.
4. Гнучкість налаштувань:
• Порівнюйте будь-які два активи (наприклад, BTC та ETH).
• Можливість обирати період розрахунку кореляції.
Кому підходить:
• Трейдерам, які аналізують рух монет на криптовалютному ринку.
• Інвесторам, що шукають найсильніші або найслабші активи для портфеля.
• Тих, хто працює з хеджуванням або диверсифікацією.
Як використовувати:
1. Встановіть другий актив у параметрах індикатора.
2. Аналізуйте зміну кореляції на графіку:
• Висока позитивна кореляція → схожий рух цін, можливість хеджування.
• Висока негативна кореляція → протилежний рух, підходить для диверсифікації.
• Низька кореляція → незалежність активів, можливість вибору сильнішого активу.
• Простота у використанні.
• Миттєвий аналіз взаємозв’язків між активами.
• Підвищує точність рішень на ринку.)
ROE BandROE Band shows the return on net profit from shareholders' equity and the formula for decomposition
ROE Band consists of 5 parts:
1. ROE (TTM) is the 12-month ROE calculation in "green"
2. Return on Equity (ROE) is the current quarterly net profit / the average of the beginning and ending periods of shareholders' equity in "yellow"
3. Return on Assets (ROA) is the current quarterly NOPAT (net profit before tax) / the average of the beginning and ending periods of total assets in "blue"
4. Capital structure leverage (CSL) is a financial measure that compares a company's debt to its total capital. It is calculated by taking the average of the beginning and ending periods of total assets / the average of the beginning and ending periods of shareholders' equity. The higher the CSL, the more deb, in. "red"
5. Common earnings leverage (CEL) is the proportion of net profit and NOPAT (net profit before tax), where a lower CEL means more tax, in "orange"
The "😱" emoji represents the value if it increases by more than or decreases by less than 20%, e.g.
- ROE(TTM), ROE, ROA, CEL is decreasing
- CSL is increasing
The "🔥" emoji represents the value if it increases by more than or decreases, e.g.
- ROE(TTM), ROE, ROA, CEL is increasing
- CSL is decreasing
Entry-Exit pointThis indicator combines Bollinger Bands and RSI (Relative Strength Index) to generate entry and exit signals based on price movements and trend conditions.
### Key Features:
- **Bollinger Bands**: The indicator uses Bollinger Bands to assess volatility, with the upper and lower bands plotted around a simple moving average (SMA) of the price. The bands expand and contract based on the standard deviation, providing insights into potential overbought or oversold conditions.
- **RSI**: The RSI is used to determine if the price is overbought or oversold. In this case, it highlights conditions when the RSI is below 40 (oversold) for bullish signals and above 65 (overbought) for bearish signals.
- **Trend Analysis**: The indicator analyzes the previous high and low values to determine the market trend. It identifies uptrend and downtrend conditions based on recent price action.
- **Entry Signals**:
- **Bullish Entry (Green Arrows)**: A signal is generated when the price touches or dips below the lower Bollinger Band, the RSI is under 40, and the current candle shows a downtrend (lower high and low).
- **Bearish Entry (Red Arrows)**: A signal is triggered when the price touches or rises above the upper Bollinger Band, the RSI is above 65, and the current candle shows an uptrend (higher high and low).
### Visuals:
- **Green Up Arrows**: Indicate a potential bullish entry point, plotted below the bar.
- **Red Down Arrows**: Indicate a potential bearish entry point, plotted above the bar.
- **Bollinger Bands**: The upper and lower bands are shown in red and green, with the basis (SMA) in blue.
This indicator provides a clear, rule-based system for detecting potential price reversals based on both volatility (Bollinger Bands) and momentum (RSI), making it useful for traders looking to enter positions during strong trend reversals.
by Frank R.
Abraço primo Lucas Rodrigues
AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker [CHE]AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker
Efficiently Identify Top Performers and Underperformers Among 40 Crypto Assets at a Glance
In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency trading, staying ahead requires the ability to quickly assess the performance of multiple assets simultaneously. AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker is an advanced Pine Script™ indicator designed for TradingView that empowers traders to effortlessly monitor and evaluate 40 different crypto assets in real-time.
This tool is my Christmas gift to all traders. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and successful trades in the coming year!
Why It’s Important to Identify Winners and Losers Among 40 Assets at a Glance:
1. Time Efficiency: Managing a diverse portfolio can be overwhelming. With AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker, traders can swiftly identify which assets are performing exceptionally well (winners) and which are underperforming (losers) without the need to analyze each asset individually.
2. Informed Decision-Making: By having a clear overview of top gainers and losers, traders can make strategic decisions such as reallocating investments, taking profits, or cutting losses, thereby optimizing their trading strategies.
3. Risk Management: Quickly spotting underperforming assets helps in mitigating potential losses and adjusting positions to maintain a balanced and profitable portfolio.
4. Opportunity Identification: Recognizing top-performing assets allows traders to capitalize on emerging trends and maximize their returns by focusing on the most promising opportunities.
Key Features of AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker :
- Comprehensive Asset Tracking: Monitors 40 crypto assets simultaneously, providing a broad view of the market landscape.
- Max Gain and Adjusted Max Loss Calculations: Utilizes a 14-bar (configurable) period to calculate the highest gains and the adjusted maximum losses for each asset, offering insights into potential profitability and risk.
- Dynamic Ranking: Automatically sorts and ranks assets based on their performance, highlighting the top 10 gainers and top 10 losers for easy comparison.
- Customizable Display:
- Table Settings: Adjust the size, position, and colors of the performance table to fit your chart layout.
- Interactive Tooltips: Hover over asset names to view detailed tooltips, enhancing usability and information accessibility.
- Visual Alerts: Changes in asset performance are visually indicated through background color updates, allowing for immediate recognition of significant shifts.
- User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive table layout with clear headers and organized data presentation, making it easy for traders of all levels to interpret the information.
How It Works:
1. Data Calculation: For each of the 40 tracked assets, AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker calculates the maximum gain and adjusted maximum loss over the defined trading period.
2. Sorting and Ranking: The assets are sorted based on their maximum gains and adjusted maximum losses, automatically updating to reflect the latest market movements.
3. Real-Time Display: The top 10 gainers and losers are displayed in a neatly organized table directly on your TradingView chart, providing immediate visual insights.
4. Customization: Users can tailor the tracking period, select specific assets to monitor, and adjust the table’s appearance to match their trading style and preferences.
AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker is an essential tool for cryptocurrency traders seeking to enhance their market analysis and decision-making processes. By providing a comprehensive and customizable overview of multiple assets, it enables traders to efficiently identify profitable opportunities and manage risks effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting, AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker equips you with the insights needed to navigate the dynamic crypto market with confidence.
Get Started Today:
Integrate AlphaEdge Crypto Tracker into your TradingView setup and take control of your crypto trading strategy with unparalleled clarity and precision.
The content provided, including all code and materials, is strictly for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as, and should not be interpreted as, financial advice, a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, or an offer of any financial product or service. All strategies, tools, and examples discussed are provided for illustrative purposes to demonstrate coding techniques and the functionality of Pine Script within a trading context.
Any results from strategies or tools provided are hypothetical, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Trading and investing involve high risk, including the potential loss of principal, and may not be suitable for all individuals. Before making any trading decisions, please consult with a qualified financial professional to understand the risks involved.
By using this script, you acknowledge and agree that any trading decisions are made solely at your discretion and risk.
License Information:
This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0. You can view the full license (
© chervolino
FuTech : IPO Lock-in Ends FuTech: Lock-in Ends - First ever unique Indicator on the TradingView platform
Hello Everyone !
Introducing the first-ever unique indicator on the TradingView platform to track the lock-in period expiry dates for IPOs.
The FuTech Lock-in Ends Indicator is specifically designed to assist traders and investors in identifying the key dates when lock-in periods for IPO shares come to an end.
This provides an edge in preparing for potential market movements driven by buying or selling pressures associated with significant share volumes.
Key Features:
1. Tracks Multiple Lock-in Periods:
- Identifies dates when the 30 days, 90 days, 6 months, and 18 months lock-in periods for IPO shares expire.
- Helps traders anticipate potential market action driven by share releases.
2. IPO Lock-in Ends dates as per Compliance with SEBI Guidelines:
- SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) mandates lock-in periods for IPO shares based on investor categories:
- A) Promoters:
- Lock-in period reduced to 18 months for up to 20% of post-issue paid-up capital (previously 3 years).
- For shareholding exceeding 20%, the lock-in period is further reduced to 6 months (previously 1 year).
- B) Anchor Investors:
- 50% of allotted shares: Lock-in period of 90 days from the date of allotment.
- Remaining 50% of shares: Lock-in period of 30 days from the date of allotment.
- C) Non-promoters:
- Lock-in period reduced to 6 months (previously 1 year).
After these lock-in periods end, investors may buy / sell their shares, which can result in significant market activity.
3. Visual Indicator on Charts:
- The indicator draws vertical lines on the TradingView chart at the respective lock-in expiry dates.
- Alerts users in advance about potential market activity due to the release of locked shares.
- Traders can use these alerts to prepare for positions or adjust their existing holdings accordingly.
4. Customizable Settings:
- Users can modify the color of the labels and width of the lines to suit their preferences and enhance chart visibility.
5. User-defined Allotment Dates:
- If the allotment date is known, users can input this information directly. The indicator will then calculate the lock-in period dates based on the provided allotment date, ensuring precise results.
- If no allotment date is entered, the default calculation assumes the allotment date to be three trading days prior to the listing date .
Important Notes:
- Allotment Date Calculation:
- In the absence of user-defined allotment dates, the indicator estimates the allotment date as three trading days prior to the listing date .
- This approximation may deviate by one to two days from the actual event for certain IPOs.
- Proactive Alerts:
- Most dates are intentionally marked 1-2 days in advance to give traders sufficient time to act, whether for taking new positions or squaring off existing ones to avoid unfavorable losses.
The FuTech Lock-in Ends Indicator is a must-have tool for IPO traders and investors looking to stay ahead of market movements. Use it to track key dates and plan your trading strategy effectively with FuTech : Chart is Art.
Thank you !
Jai Swaminarayan Dasna Das !
He Hari ! Bas Ek Tu Raji Tha !
Brazil Real Interest RateEste script foi criado para calcular e exibir a Taxa de Juros Real, permitindo compreender o impacto da inflação sobre os juros nominais do mercado. Ele utiliza dois indicadores principais: a taxa de juros nominal, que reflete os juros antes de considerar a inflação, e a taxa de inflação anual, que mede o aumento dos preços em um ano.
O script funciona da seguinte forma: ele obtém diariamente os dados da taxa de juros nominal (representada pelo contrato futuro DI1) e da inflação anual (indicada pelo BRIRYY). Esses valores são processados para calcular a taxa de juros real, utilizando a fórmula de Fisher, que ajusta os juros nominais ao descontar o efeito da inflação. O resultado é uma medida mais precisa do retorno ou custo real, considerando o poder de compra.
Depois de realizar o cálculo, o script exibe a Taxa de Juros Real diretamente no gráfico, representada por uma linha verde. Isso permite acompanhar, de forma clara e visual, como a inflação e os juros afetam o cenário econômico ao longo do tempo.
This script was created to calculate and display the Real Interest Rate, allowing us to understand the impact of inflation on nominal market interest rates. It uses two main indicators: the nominal interest rate, which reflects interest rates before considering inflation, and the annual inflation rate, which measures the increase in prices over a year.
The script works as follows: it obtains daily data on the nominal interest rate (represented by the DI1 futures contract) and annual inflation (indicated by BRIRYY). These values are processed to calculate the real interest rate, using the Fisher formula, which adjusts nominal interest rates by discounting the effect of inflation. The result is a more accurate measure of real return or cost, considering purchasing power.
After performing the calculation, the script displays the Real Interest Rate directly on the graph, represented by a green line. This allows you to monitor, clearly and visually, how inflation and interest rates affect the economic scenario over time.
4-Year Cycles [jpkxyz]Overview of the Script
I wanted to write a script that encompasses the wide-spread macro fund manager investment thesis: "Crypto is simply and expression of macro." A thesis pioneered by the likes of Raoul Pal (EXPAAM) , Andreesen Horowitz (A16Z) , Joe McCann (ASYMETRIC) , Bob Loukas and many more.
Cycle Theory Background:
The 2007-2008 financial crisis transformed central bank monetary policy by introducing:
- Quantitative Easing (QE): Creating money to buy assets and inject liquidity
- Coordinated global monetary interventions
Proactive 4-year economic cycles characterised by:
- Expansionary periods (low rates, money creation)
- Followed by contraction/normalisation
Central banks now deliberately manipulate liquidity, interest rates, and asset prices to control economic cycles, using monetary policy as a precision tool rather than a blunt instrument.
Cycle Characteristics (based on historical cycles):
- A cycle has 4 seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
- Each season with a cycle lasts 365 days
- The Cycle Low happens towards the beginning of the Spring Season of each new cycle
- This is followed by a run up throughout the Spring and Summer Season
- The Cycle High happens towards the end of the Fall Season
- The Winter season is characterised by price corrections until establishing a new floor in the Spring of the next cycle
Key Functionalities
1. Cycle Tracking
- Divides market history into 4-year cycles (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
- Starts tracking cycles from 2011 (first cycle after the 2007 crisis cycle)
- Identifies and marks cycle boundaries
2. Visualization
- Colors background based on current cycle season
- Draws lines connecting:
- Cycle highs and lows
- Inter-cycle price movements
- Adds labels showing:
- Percentage gains/losses between cycles
- Number of days between significant points
3. Customization Options
- Allows users to customize:
- Colors for each season
- Line and label colors
- Label size
- Background opacity
Detailed Mechanism
Cycle Identification
- Uses a modulo calculation to determine the current season in the 4-year cycle
- Preset boundary years include 2015, 2019, 2023, 2027
- Automatically tracks and marks cycle transitions
Price Analysis
- Tracks highest and lowest prices within each cycle
- Calculates percentage changes:
- Intra-cycle (low to high)
- Inter-cycle (previous high to current high/low)
Visualization Techniques
- Background color changes based on current cycle season
- Dashed and solid lines connect significant price points
- Labels provide quantitative insights about price movements
Unique Aspects
1. Predictive Cycle Framework: Provides a structured way to view market movements beyond traditional technical analysis
2. Seasonal Color Coding: Intuitive visual representation of market cycle stages
3. Comprehensive Price Tracking: Captures both intra-cycle and inter-cycle price dynamics
4. Highly Customizable: Users can adjust visual parameters to suit their preferences
Potential Use Cases
- Technical analysis for long-term investors
- Identifying market cycle patterns
- Understanding historical price movement rhythms
- Educational tool for market cycle theory
- Based on a predefined 4-year cycle model (Liquidity Cycles)
- Historic Cycle Structures are not an indication for future performance
- May not perfectly represent all market behavior
- Requires visual interpretation
This script is particularly interesting for investors who believe in cyclical market theories and want a visual, data-driven representation of market stages.
Earnings Gap UpsBased on research conducted by John Pocorobba and Jason Thompson, the Earnings Gap Ups Indicator is designed to identify three types of earnings gaps, key levels, and the "alpha window"—a period when stocks often outperform following a gap. These gaps are frequently observed in high-performing stocks.
What is an Earnings Gap?
An earnings gap occurs when a stock's price makes a significant jump, after the company reports earnings signifying the street (institutions) were caught off guard.
The three different types of gaps are as follows: [/b
PEG (Power Earnings Gap)
Price gain of 10% or more
Volume is greater than 200% above the 50-day average
EPS surprise of at least 20%
Monster Gap
Price gain of 20% or more
Volume is greater than 300% above the 50-day average
No fundamental requirement
Monster Peg
Price Gain of 20% or more
Volume is greater than 300% above the 50-day average
EPS surprise of at least 20%
Key Levels and the Alpha Window
In addition to spotting these gaps, the indicator marks key levels on the chart and extends them through the alpha window, which represents the time period when the stock tends to outperform after the gap.
Key levels include:
High volume close: The closing price on a day with unusually high trading volume
High volume close minus 5%: A potential support level below the high volume close
Gap day high: The highest price reached on the gap day
Gap day low: The lowest price reached on the gap day
By understanding and tracking these gaps and levels, traders can map out a playbook for trading earnings gaps.
US 10Y - US 2Y Spread This script displays the Yield Spread between the 10 Year US Treasury Bond (US10Y) and the 2 Year US Treasury Bond (US02Y) as a blue line beneath the chart. It is best to be used on weekly charts a the yield spread is a leading indicator used for detecting possible recessions within the US economy.
A negative yield spread means the 2 year treasury bonds are paying a higher yield than 10 year treasury bonds indicating a possible slowdown of the US economy. In the past negative yield spreads where often followed by recessions and major corrections of the S&P500... you can see examples for this on the above chart for the Gulf War recession, the DotCom Bubble recession, the great recession due to the US housing market collapse and the short COVID recession.
Currently we are in an extended phase of negative yield spreads and if history repeats itself we could be in for a major correction on the financial markets within the next years.
Sector Relative Strength [Afnan]This indicator calculates and displays the relative strength (RS) of multiple sectors against a chosen benchmark. It allows you to quickly compare the performance of various sectors within any global stock market. While the default settings are configured for the Indian stock market , this tool is not limited to it; you can use it for any market by selecting the appropriate benchmark and sector indices.
📊 Key Features ⚙️
Customizable Benchmark: Select any symbol as your benchmark for relative strength calculation. The default benchmark is set to `NSE:CNX100`. This allows for global market analysis by selecting the appropriate benchmark index of any country.
Multiple Sectors: Analyze up to 23 different sector indices. The default settings include major NSE sector indices. This can be customized to any market by using the relevant sector indices of that country.
Individual Sector Control: Toggle the visibility of each sector's RS on the chart.
Color-Coded Plots: Each sector's RS is plotted with a distinct color for easy identification.
Adjustable Lookback Period: Customize the lookback period for RS calculation.
Interactive Table: A sortable table displays the current RS values for all visible sectors, allowing for quick ranking.
Table Customization: Adjust the table's position, text size, and visibility.
Zero Line: A horizontal line at zero provides a reference point for RS values.
🧭 How to Use 🗺️
Add the indicator to your TradingView chart.
Select your desired benchmark symbol. The default is `NSE:CNX100`. For example, use SPY for the US market, or DAX for the German market.
Adjust the lookback period as needed.
Enable/disable the sector indices you want to analyze. The default includes major NSE sector indices like `NSE:CNXIT`, `NSE:CNXAUTO`, etc.
Customize the table's appearance as needed.
Observe the RS plots and the table to identify sectors with relative strength or weakness.
📝 Note 💡
This indicator is designed for sectorial analysis. You can use it with any market by selecting the appropriate benchmark and sector indices.
The default settings are configured for the Indian stock market with `NSE:CNX100` as the benchmark and major NSE sector indices pre-selected.
The relative strength calculation is based on the price change of the sector index compared to the benchmark over the lookback period.
Positive RS values indicate relative outperformance, while negative values indicate relative underperformance.
👨💻 Developer 🛠️
Afnan Tajuddin
InspireHER Dynamic EMA RR Positioning IndicatorDynamic EMA and RR Positioning Indicator
This indicator is designed to provide traders with highly customizable buy and sell signals based on EMA (Exponential Moving Average) crossovers and Risk-to-Reward (RR) ratios. It works on any timeframe and allows users to toggle price data and additional position boxes for visualizing trade setups. Additionally, traders can choose between displaying dots or labeled signals for buy/sell indicators, making this tool versatile and user-friendly for different preferences and strategies.
What Makes This Indicator Unique
Customizable Parameters: The script offers extensive options for tailoring the indicator to your preferred trading style and strategy:
EMA: Configurable through settings (default is a 21-period EMA).
Risk-to-Reward Ratio (RR): Adjustable to meet your desired RR levels (default is 1:2.5).
Lookback Period: Visualizes buy/sell signals over the last six months.
Position Boxes for Trade Visualization: The indicator can "draw" position boxes on the chart, showing potential entry points, stop-loss (SL), and take-profit (TP) levels based on the selected RR. These visual aids simplify decision-making and help evaluate trade opportunities directly on the chart.
Price Data Toggle: Traders can choose to view or hide price data related to trade signals, including TP, SL, and RR values. By default, this is turned off to maintain a clean chart but can be activated when needed.
Flexible Signal Display Options:
Dots Mode: Displays buy signals as green dots and sell signals as red dots on the chart.
Label Mode: Displays buy signals as labels with the word "Buy" in green and sell signals as labels with the word "Sell" in red.
This toggle allows traders to customize how signals are displayed for a more personalized trading experience.
Simple Signal View: A toggle option provides a cleaner chart by enabling or disabling additional visual elements like circles or labels.
How It Works
Buy Signal: Triggered when the price crosses the EMA and closes above it.
Entry: Top of the candle.
Stop-Loss: Bottom of the candle.
Take-Profit: Calculated based on the selected RR.
Sell Signal: Triggered when the price crosses the EMA and closes below it.
Entry: Bottom of the candle.
Stop-Loss: Top of the candle.
Take-Profit: Calculated based on the selected RR.
Default Settings
EMA: 21-period.
Risk-to-Reward Ratio: 1:2.5.
Price Data: Off (can be toggled on in settings).
Position Boxes: Off (can be toggled on in settings).
Signal Display: Labels mode with "Buy" (green) and "Sell" (red) enabled by default; can be toggled to Dots mode.
Timeframe: Any timeframe supported.
How to Use
Add the Indicator to Your Chart: Once applied, the EMA line and buy/sell signals will appear by default.
Customize Settings: Navigate to the indicator's settings to adjust EMA, RR, or enable/disable Price Data, Position Boxes, or switch between Dots and Label modes.
Trade with Confidence: Use the visual aids and signals to assess trade opportunities based on your strategy and timeframe.
This indicator combines the reliability of EMA-based signals with the flexibility of configurable RR, visual trade setups, and multiple signal display options, making it a powerful tool for all types of traders. Happy Trading!!