mcbw_RSI_candlesAn RSI can have any input, but most commonly used is the closing price. I thought it would be interesting to see if feeding the open high low and close information into the RSI to make RSI candles, if there are candlestick formations that can be recognized or possible patters in wicks.
To make it smoother there also is the option to turn the RSI candles into Heiken Ashi form, just check the box labeled HA. The result is an RSI that is easier on the eyes.
Happy trading!
Remember to not take everything too seriously
HEIKIN ASHI COLOUR CHANGE ALERTThis can be used to trigger an alert if Heikin Ashi bar changes color :)
Mister Transistor 3.0This is a general purpose very flexible program to test the effectiveness of HA bars.
Please note that if you are charting at tradingview using Heikin-Ashi charting, your system will be trading fictitious prices even if you check the "use real prices" box. Thought you might like to know that before you lose all your money.
This program performs the HA calcs internally thus allowing you to use HA bars on a standard bar chart and obtaining real prices for your trades.
Courtesy of Boffin Hollow Lab
Author: Tarzan the Ape Man
Volume Weighted Market Mean 3.0 [Dia]150924 - v3.0
This script is a complete rewrite of the previous version here .
It gathers market data from up to 8 different Bitcoin exchange pairs (8 is maximum due to script limitations).The influence of each single exchange can be customized individually, default is 50% for 0-fee exchanges, 10% for futures and 100% for all others. For each single exchange a standard deviation from the composite mean price and a average price range are determined. To make data from exchanges with different liquidity comparable, all single exchange price ranges are normalized to the range of the composite mean price. To make data from exchanges with different fee structure (= exchanges that constantly trade at a premium / discount) comparable, all single exchange prices are corrected by their respective standard deviations. To account for trade volume, all price data is weighted by the current candles volume.
- optional Heikin Ashi candle display
- optional EMAs
- lots of switches to play around with ;-)
CM Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks_V1Heikin-Ashi Paint Bars.
Paints Candlesticks or OHLC Bars The Exact Same as Traditional Heikin-Ashi Bars
CM_Modified_Heikin-Ashi_TrendBarsCreated By Request for lucalucious
Allows for EMA Smoothing with different values for Up and Down Trend.
Ability to Plot EMA to see Trend Filter