string_utilsLibrary "string_utils"
Collection of string utilities that can be used to replace sub-strings in a string and string functions
that are not part of the standard library.
This a more simple replacement of my previous string_variables library since it uses types for better
performance due to data locality and methods that give a more intuitive API.
TurntLibraryLibrary "TurntLibrary"
Collection of functions created for simplification/easy referencing. Includes variations of moving averages, length value oscillators, and a few other simple functions based upon HH/LL values.
ma(source, length, type)
Apply a moving average to a float value
source : Value to be used
length : Number of bars to include in calculation
type : Moving average type to use ("SMA","EMA","RMA","WMA","VWAP","SWMA","LRC")
Returns: Smoothed value of initial float value
curve(src, len, lb1, lb2)
Exaggerates curves of a float value designed for use as an exit signal.
src : Initial value to curve
len : Number of bars to include in calculation
lb1 : (Default = 1) First lookback length
lb2 : (Default = 2) Second lookback length
Returns: Curved Average
fragma(src, len, space, str)
Average of a moving average and the previous value of the moving average
src : Initial float value to use
len : Number of bars to include in calculation
space : Lookback integer for second half of average
str : Moving average type to use ("SMA","EMA","RMA","WMA","VWAP","SWMA","LRC")
Returns: Fragmented Average
maxmin(x, y)
Difference of 2 float values, subtracting the lowest from the highest
x : Value 1
y : Value 2
Returns: The +Difference between 2 float values
oscLen(val, type)
Variable Length using a oscillator value and a corresponding slope shape ("Incline",Decline","Peak","Trough")
val : Oscillator Value to use
type : Slope of length curve ("Incline",Decline","Peak","Trough")
Returns: Variable Length Integer
hlAverage(val, smooth, max, min, type, include)
Average of HH,LL with variable lengths based on the slope shape ("Incline","Decline","Trough") value relative to highest and lowest
val : Source Value to use
include : Add "val" to the averaging process, instead of more weight to highest or lowest value
Returns: Variable Length Average of Highest Lowest "val"
Convert a positive float / price to a percentage of it's highest value on record
val : Value To convert to a percentage of it's highest value ever
Returns: Percentage
hlrange(x, len)
Difference between Highest High and Lowest Low of float value
x : Value to use in calculation
len : Number of bars to include in calculation
Returns: Difference
midpoint(x, len, smooth)
The average value of the float's Highest High and Lowest Low in a number of bars
x : Value to use in calculation
smooth : (Default=na) Optional smoothing type to use ("SMA","EMA","RMA","WMA","VWAP","SWMA","LRC")
Returns: Midpoint