Martin Armstrong, I am appealing you to please read this carefully so I can impart to you my domain expertise about Bitcoin and the distinction between the bona fide legacy protocol Bitcoin that Satoshi left for us and the mutated protocol so-called “official” Bitcoin Core (which is actually an impostor created by the 2017 New York soft fork agreement which broke the Nash equilibrium).
This is extremely important for you to understand, because predicting the outcome of the monetary reset for the world hinges on this knowledge. I have been attempting to impart this knowledge to you in communications I have sent you over the past few years. You seem to be resistant to learning that although you are correct about the end game of all the cryptocurrencies (except for the legacy Bitcoin) and that none of us will be rescued by cryptocurrency and that cryptocurrency is an evil, you are incorrect about the significance of Bitcoin on the upcoming monetary reset. It is crucial for you understand that legacy Bitcoin will not be accessible to 99.9% of people. It will be the international tier settlement asset in a two-tiered monetary system. The two-tier restriction will be achieved by both the transaction fees being driven to $50,000+ (due to the limited 1 MiB block size for the surviving legacy protocol) and due to FATF et al restricting who can cash in and out of Bitcoin to nation-state fiats.