
Maybe it's time to get out of comfort zone?🧐

От RocketBomb

Have you noticed, that one of the most comfortable sleeping positions is curled up in a ball. The legs are pulled up to the stomach, the head is lowered, the arms are hidden on the chest, the back is slightly arched. Cover yourself with a blanket and sleep. Warm, dark and calm. A sense of safety arises.

And the secret of this protective posture is in subconscious imitation of the fetus in the mother's womb.

There, in the warmth of the mother's womb, is the first comfort zone, that a person leaves when he is born. Subconscious memories of how comfortable, calm and good it was, remain with us for life.

If you wanna live, you have to be born.

For a baby, this jerk is extremely uncomfortable. You find yourself in a cold and unfamiliar place, and some monster slaps on your 🌰🌰 🤣🤣

After a while you want to eat and drink, and you have to do it yourself, and everything around is so huge, loud...really don't wanna repeat that.

Therefore, subconsciously, we always resist leaving our comfort zone. The experience has already been. Didn't like it!

But the stress mechanism, that is triggered during childbirth (and then every time you leave your comfort zone) is a protective function of the body. Stress activates the reserves of the body and brain, forces us to act more actively, to fight the aggressive world.

However, nature also took care of the reward.

If stress doesn't become constant, but is a one-time surge, that activates forces, relaxation and satisfaction follow.

So, we figured out the physiology of the comfort zone. Why going beyond it guarantees stress is understandable. Now the question is: <<why is trading outside its borders?>>

The birth of a trader

In fact, everything new, unknown and unusual is outside the comfort zone. Even if we go to the store in a new way - that's a mini-stress for our brain, forced to work out a different route instead of saving resources while the body is moving on autopilot. Any change of scenery, new job means going beyond the familiar world. And the higher the unknown, the more uncomfortable the path.

For most people, trading is terra incognita. Trading isn't taught at school, it's not taught at universities. Trading forces you to take responsibility. Most importantly, trading is always associated with risk.

Risk is danger and uncertainty, and the brain reacts accordingly. He begins to ask insistently: "Do you really need this? No, are you sure?"

Leaving the comfort zone and becoming a trader is also hindered by social stereotypes. First, society reacts negatively to any attempts to break the system, that is, to do something that goes beyond the standard life path: creativity, politics, business. Secondly, trading is one of the areas, that make most people wary (and statistics, according to which only 5% of traders achieve success, reinforce this feeling). So if you want to become a trader, you are already challenging society.

That's why the birth of a trader so often becomes a struggle with the usual way of life, basic attitudes, other people's opinions and yourself.

What happens, when you become a trader ?

Think your comfort zone problems will end? Nothing like this. Two ambushes await the trader. The first is the inability to cope with responsibility for your life.

The second ambush is stagnation. After overcoming difficulties, learning to trade and starting to receive a stable profit, the trader finds himself ... Right, in a new comfort zone!

After all, what is it? The comfort zone is above all stability.

But the calmness puts you to sleep. Periods of economic stability in history often turn into a stage of stagnation and stagnation. The same in human life. Psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson established as early as 1908 that performance doesn't improve in a state of comfort. Motivation falls asleep.

In order to become a successful trader, it is not enough to leave your comfort zone. You may have to struggle with its attraction more than once.

Therefore, leaving your comfort zone, take care of your psyche:

✔️Pump up motivation. Be clear about why you are breaking the wall and whether you need it.
✔️Work through your fears so that the body does not engage in self-sabotage mode.
✔️Develop resistance to stress and brain flexibility. Choose non-standard routes more often - in the broadest sense of the word.
✔️Take care of insurance, think over different scenarios for the development of the situation.
If you feel that getting out of your comfort zone is difficult for you, do not take a running ram. Take small steps.

Have you ever tried to leave your comfort zone?

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