As WW3 escalates (as expected by most analysts), 2023 may experience a "longer flatter bottom" as well with a possible flash crash bottom before 2023-10. If WW3 did not escalate as much, then this forecast would be more precise for 2022 and 2023. However, this forecast clearly hints to an increase in 2023, but does not say which quarter of 2023. This was intentional with the "known uncertainty" for the Q1 2023 start of the next official recession.
So if the official announcement of the recession is announced on 2023-01-06 then, BTC will fall from 2023-01 to 2023-03.
The very latest that day0 predictive analysis is forecasting the TOTAL & BTC very bottom is near or during 2023-09. However, this is without WW3 escalating too far into the interconnected blockchain markets; in terms of market price.