ES - 15 Min / The Good, The Bad, The Break of Range

От HK_L61
Ultimately - the goal for Wally is to prop this crap up into next Weeks FOMC.

It's looking tenuous at best.

The ES needs to remain out of Bear Market Territory above 3850, and the NQ needs
to hang on to 12K+ ahead of Eron's next Fraudulent Hall of Mirrors report Wednesday.


Unfortunately, Apple gave us a tasty taste of what lay ahead. - Uncertain Economic
times, Layoffs, and reductions to CAPEX. Of course, this was couched by Timmo. It'll
be "some teams" who will be affected."

Apple employs 150,000 people, it would appear a banana bunch of them will be working
from home permanently - how many? Timmo would not kiss and tell, it'll be a large
amount for certain.


Eron's provided guidance as to Tesla's ability to move forward as a "Going Concern" - with
his unequivocal admissions of reality at the Cash Furance in Berlin and Austin. We'll see
if Wally gives it the Thrust up to 770+ ahead of the paperweight plunge to 660 and perhaps
far lower into Month's end.

IBM is not a Falcon Heavy lifter due to its lack of mass, it's been a Good / Bad / Ugly whipsaw
Monday for the Indies, BULLs could not be enticed to Buy. They abdicated their bullwhips
and buggies once again sending driverless carriages everywhere.


No matter - Globex will do the heavy lifting on low to no volumes.


Of Course - Bullish?

No, clearly not.

Dangerous from a VX standpoint?

Yes, absolutely.

How much more of this compression do we need to observe prior to a larger break?

A wee bit more, with plenty more squeezing and squirming as the Bad News just gets worse.


How is EPS Season stacking up so far?

If you enjoy buying grossly overvalued stuff, load up. Although 50% OUTRIGHT COLLAPSE in
NET MARGINS... isn't typically something that has the desired effect on Price.


I suppose some would argue the "Markets" are a discounting mechanism and the FED's recent
pivot from 100BPS back to 75BPS is a good sign...

It's not. 6/6 Quarters of declining GDP is not Bullish at all and will require an even larger and
outsized number of "Discounts" ahead.

How far can Wally game this Junk higher?

We'll see, but it is doomed to failure.

ES Unfilled GAPs in proximity @ 3803 / 3794
ESFundamental AnalysisTechnical IndicatorsSPX (S&P 500 Index)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysis

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