
How to Best Use Tradingview and Learn to Trade Profitably

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this is NOT a post to discredit the work of 'HONEST' Tradingview members.
It is both a 'HOW TO' and cautionary advisement.
Draw your own conclusions and do the research.
(You will also be provided with many URL links as we go.)

When I was new to Tradingview...

I was severly overwhelmed and somewhat lost.
It took a LONG time to figure out what was going on, who to trust, what to do first. probably viewed my POST because...
- you are eager to learn.. and if possible, only from the best
- you want profitable trades, most of the time, enough to make a living
- you want all this... NOW ::LOL::

My goal is to help you NOT fall into the traps and mistakes I made when I was new.
I can give you great direction, but you still have to do the work.


***Trading is BOTH Psychology and Methodology***

- The 'state of mind' of the trader is everything in crypto trading
- but methodology is what improves your odds of making money

Although methodology includes TA (tech analysis)...
TA is incomplete and there are other methods that work well.
They can also all be used in combinations.
If anyone tells you otherwise, thank them and be on your way.

You should read EVERYTHING here in sequence...

If you skip something.. just ONE little idea or a few paragraphs...
you will kick yourself when you start losing money and realize the info
you need was once presented to you... but you failed to read it through.

Facts about myself:

My 75% success rate in trading generates big profits; they exceed my living expenses.
I knew NOTHING about trading when I first started and I paid the price.
I am opening a local day trading school, but I promote ETHER over BTC.
I follow BTC intensely; it predicts ETHER movement one minute in advance.
I do not consider myself an expert in TA, but I am one of the best traders I know.
Formerly a trusted and respected psych therapist.
Once owned a finance company with 100 brokers.
Currently an IT pro; hired by big companies, bond trading rooms, etc.
In spite of all this: I still need GOOD TA from others to 'check' my baselines.
That's because I am wrong sometimes and I need challenging ideas.
Now following 27 members, some are top authors, some are just small.
Not everyone I follow does good TA; I study good vs bad characters for my own reasons.

My 'therapist nature' motivated me to share this post.
Wisdom: The more you give in life, the more you are rewarded.


The best way to learn to make great trades is by getting involved with those that do.

Tradingview uses a secret formula to identify top publishers of the day, week and month.
It is based on categories, not just performance.

There is NO quality control with this method. The more times someone makes
the top author box, the more they cement their rating.

It is very helpful, but beware its shortcomings.

After your first login to Tradingview, bookmark the URL to your browser bar:

Under the TOP Authors in Tradingview, are vertical columns of the most recent posts
These are usually NOT top authors:
- Browse visually; then open the IDEAS of those that interest you
- Select 'FOLLOW' on those members that grab your interest
- Your limit is 30. After 30, botton members vanish without warning
- Member posts show on the far-right sidebar (click LIGHT BULB icon above BELL icon)
- Once your list hits 20, start removing the less valuable ones
- Edit your email and notifications for what they publish
- DO NOT overwhelm yourself (example: I stopped emails and read my sidebar)

Guidelines on what to say in IDEA Rooms...

Following others is a great way to learn.
As you kmow, you click on their IDEA to see their first chart.
Observe the date... note where the price is currently.
TRY to read everything, even if you do not understand it all.

Below the last comment update by the author...
There are conversations that flow -- with most recent on top.
Scroll down and read ealier conversations.
Next.. return to the newest comments and try to participate.
Always look at the ratings of the person you speak with (click their name)

When you are new, it is best to ASK questions.
Do not advise unless you're a PRO at your topic.
When you get answers from others, realize they may be right or wrong.
Those who KNOW are more rare than those who think they do... and don't.

Never be rude, never use bad language.
If you disagree with someone, do it respectfully...
Isolate the idea, write clearly, do not attack the person.
If someone attacks you personally, they are damaged, do not FORGET THAT.
If someone uses bad language, click the FLAG by the comment and report them.
SECTION 2 - How to single out the GOOD Idea Authors

Regardless of member popularity, to find the best quality forecasts and advice, you must derive your own emotional profile of the author. Fact: Trading is HALF psychology. This is why bad guidance can impair your chance to make good profits.

Statistically, 85% of Tradingview members are well intentioned people. However, as an experienced online community expert, I suggest systematic scrutiny for those offering trading advice.

Here are my methods; they work well for me.

***PART A - Critical Assessment Points

-- Relaibility and Accuracy
(Note) Trades that earn money 70+ % of the time matter most
Do you track the author's forecasts?
Do they 'play out' as shown on their chart?
Are they more focused on posting exciting news/hype?
What percentage of the time do they reach their target?
How often do they come within reasonable range?
Does the author publish on a regular basis?
Do they comment on important price action events consistently?
Do they publish at times it matters most to you?

-- Ego
(Note) Ego is NOT strength; it flatters one, at the cost of others:
Does the author rant emotionally? (see list below)
Writer veers off original topic before the conclusion is drawn
They talk about themselves and emotional content.. often
Sentence structures are hard to follow (they ramble)
You are told HOW to think instead of led to think for yourself
They ask for LIKES too often, say they LOVE YOU too often

A writer may come off as RIGID or arrogant when:
They reply to your comments with hostility
-(let us assume you did NOT provoke them)
They shame you for considering methods they dislike
-(even if accepted by others)
They are short with you or quick to discredit you
-(be ready to back your claims with GOOD research)

-- Denial
Note: Denial is very convincing...
It is dangerous to even the denier, since they are fooling themselves
A denier never admits being dead wrong
They act as if their errors never happened
Their charts rarely show alternative price action plays
Price movement in their charts are vague
-(but their after-boasts are grand and specific)
***PART B - Secondary Assessment Points

-- Agenda
(Note) We ALL have an agenda. Making a Profit.
The question is does the agenda promote abuse:

Some web sites pay bounties to advertise crypto and ICOs.
They reach out to top authors on the web and offer commissions.
Authors may also own businesses that feed off what they publish.
ALL ARE OKAY.. if they state risk and have ZERO MISREPRESENTATION.
MISREPRESENTATION can include 'fake' TA to persuade a purchase.

-- Bias
(note) Everyone has bias, even those using careful diplomatic methods.

A great author identifies their own bias.
Bias is not condemned when it ends up being correct in the final equation.
This still does NOT make it OKAY.
Bias is BAD when it influences your decision and said outcome turns out incorrect.
Bias always skews TRUE results.
Real science tries to eliminate bias in all valid experiments.

-- Intelligence

Authors can use big terms and intimidating charts.. but

Common sense and experience often 'trumps' science sense..
... but many TA pros will DENY this. (Ego or Agenda is their problem)

A super intelligent author may be a great guy.
Some are opposite and behave like arrogant children.
Children are often terrible at making ETHICAL decisions.
Child-like adults are also damaged people.

-- Sociopaths and Folks with serious Mental Disorders

Researchers recently concluded many business owners care less about you
They just want something from you.

Emotionless people are prevalent online
They can be found in ANY community.

Mental Disorders; said folk are eager to chat & rarely listen.
You'll know after a while if they are crazy.
Don't call them crazy, just say you are not interested.
Tell them straight out you don't want any future chat.
Then block them.
Next Topic?

Psychology of the Trader?

How to resist and control Fear of Missing Out vs Fear of Imminent Loss?

How to control your emotions during trades?

(I struggled with those for months!)
For those of you following frequently..

I have written new sections. But I feel my language on the main chart is a bit too strong. Will be republishing a new IDEA in the next 23 hours. I will RECOPY everything from this current idea, so do not worry about having to straddle IDEAS. Everything will be repeated and then CONTINUED in the new idea.
Will be covering trader psychology. IE: Keeping a cool head, details on what causes FOMO and how to recognize and beat it down, how to avoid habits that make you trade badly.
If any of you are liquid at this moment.. you might consider getting ready..

- log in to your account and keep logged in
- watch for a fall to 5800 Bitcoins
- ETH watch for a fall to 425 ETH

there might be a big enough bounce there to make a small trade
HOWEVER.. I expect us to fall further
Sorry to frustrate my loyal followers

I had to re create this channel perhaps for ONE last time

The language i was using in the title chart was TOO STRONG. No one told me this, but I have a conscience and a heart. The new channel will hopefully be the permanent one
Okay. You are about to see a REPOST of all the first sections of the original education series. There will be about 4 old posts and TWO new ones. Hopefully this will the last time I abandon a channel and have to redo the series. MY APOLOGIES for the inconvenience and string of alerts.
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