Novavax, Inc.

[NVAX] Novavax: Preliminary studies produce promising results

Preliminary studies on coronavirus vaccines have produced promising results.

I'm still a believer in their technology. Check out my previous NVAX posts and/or the first one. They have a promising technology that could revolutionize the vaccine industry. We (humanity) are already very behind in how we produce vaccines AKA using chicken eggs. So Novavax will hopefully pave the way for vaccines going forward.

Things to watch even after COVID-19:
- NanoFlu™
- ResVax™
- Recombinant Nanoparticle Vaccine Technology
- Matrix-M™ Adjuvant Technolog

TL;DR - To the moon and (probably) back lol

*Note: This is pure speculation and my own opinion*

NY Times:
The big picture:
Novavax (NVAX) - Vaccine Testing - SARS, MERS, SARS-CoV-2 (2019)
Beyond Technical AnalysisbiopharmabiotechCoronavirus (COVID-19)coronavirusstockscovid-2019novavaxNVAXvaccinevaccines

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