3D Integrated Price Mass [acatwithwithcharts]

От acatwithcharts
This is the 3D version of my Integrated Price Mass indicator, based on taking the integral of and then re-normalizing my adaptation of Mark Whistler's WAVE-PM MT4 script.

This experimental indicator exists at the literal outer limit of what Pinescript actually allows you to do before throwing up errors.

I took Mark Whistler's WAVE-PM indicator and first integrated the result by taking a running total of the period number then re-averaged it in order to make it range-bound. This means that a 14-period WAVE-PM is normal, but as the period number increases it increasingly becomes the average of periods below it. In theory, this should create a measurement for the "impulse" of the "force" of a volatility expansion.

The 3D versions illustrate well that it works like WAVE-PM, but it smooths out choppy conflicting period numbers to give a better overall picture. It gains a lot of data from calculating more period lengths and promptly loses a bunch from its averaging effect. This is a trade-off, and thus 3D Integrated Price Mass is likely best used side-by-side with 3D WAVE-PM - also, this setup will melt your browser window (this is unfortunate, but I have not yet figured out how to avoid it.)

As with 3D WAVE-PM, it's designed to be used on log scale and it may not show up on the example chart until you change the scaling.
Информация о релизе
I realized I goofed the first time and published the incorrect older version number of the indicator. I doubt anyone will notice much difference, but this updated version should be modestly more precise.

Definitely not any faster or less likely to melt your browser though.
My volatility-based indicators are available for sale at

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions; more information is available on the SharkCharts website and the SharkCharts discord

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