
Equity Trade Risk Manager

Equity Trade Risk Manager is a simple indicator that helps you protect your portfolio by going into each trade risk first!

Equity Trade Risk Manager does this by calculating your ideal position size or ideal stop loss based on your account size, purchase price and risk tolerance. This ensures you are never risking more than your predetermined amount on each trade.

Unlike most position size calculators, that will only tell traders how many shares to purchase, Equity Trade Risk Manger allows the trader to choose whether they want to calculate the ideal number of shares to purchase or where to set the trades stop loss based on the number of shares owned. Not only that, but knowing traders need to act fast, the indicator also gives the option to quickly use the current price and low of the day as an entry and stop. Lastly, your stop loss will be plotted onto the chart for a visual aid.

Dynamic Risk Settings:
  • Account Customization: Input your account size to get metrics tailored to you.
  • Calculation Choices: Decide if you want the tool to calculate the number of shares you should buy or where to set your stop-loss.
  • Custom Risk Parameters: Use preset risk percentages or set your own to match your comfort level.

Price Point Flexibility:
  • Enter your entry and stop price or opt to use the current price and the low of the day.

Interactive Display Settings:
  • Customizable Interface: Adjust table positions, text size, and color schemes to match your trading dashboard aesthetic.
  • On-Chart Stop-Loss Indication: Visualize your stop loss on the chart itself.
  • Get a snapshot of your dollar risk, position size, shares to buy, and stop-loss.

Информация о релизе
Update to allow for more choices of automatic stop placements.

Auto Stops Include
  • Low of Day
  • Recent Swing Low
  • ATR Multiple from Low of Day
Информация о релизе
Update includes options for shorting, and changes to default settings.

Auto stops for shorts include:
  • High of Day
  • Swing High
  • % ATR from High of Day

For manual short entries, enter the number of shares owned as a negative number.
Информация о релизе
Update includes the ability to limit the maximum position size to a percentage of account value.
Информация о релизе
Update includes the option to use the current candles High or Low as an auto entry price for quick calculations.
Информация о релизе
Added option for previous candles high and low for auto entries.
Информация о релизе
Update to show the distance to stop level as a percentage in the data table.
Информация о релизе
bug fix

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