REMA CROSSOVER BY JUGNUThis indicator triggers alerts for long and short positions on DAILY TIME FRAME for SWING trades based on the conditions which described below. This script will generate alerts when the following conditions are met:
RSI(14) above 50.
EMA(5) crosses above EMA(10).
Indicator Triangle Green below price bars
RSI(14) below 50.
EMA(5) crosses down EMA(10).
Indicator Triangle RED above price bars
This script plots green and red triangles below and above the price bars to indicate long and short alert conditions, respectively. It also triggers alerts when these conditions are met.
Скользящие средние
Heikin Ashi Smoothed Buy Sell with FiltersWhat is the Heikin Ashi Smoothed Buy-Sell Indicator?
This Pine Script code defines a complex indicator used to determine buy-sell signals on financial charts. The indicator operates based on the smoothed version of Heikin Ashi and is fortified with various filters.
1. Parameters and Settings:
At the start of the code, there are a series of input parameters for the user to customize the indicator. These parameters include:
Trend Filter: Checks whether it is above or below the long-term moving average.
Momentum Filter: Uses the RSI (Relative Strength Index) indicator to check if the market is overbought or oversold.
Volatility Filter: Evaluates the market's volatility level using the ATR (Average True Range) indicator.
Volume Filters: Uses various volume-related parameters to measure the strength of the trade signal.
Trade Settings: Specifies percentage values for target and stop-loss levels to be used in trading.
Moving Average Settings: Allows you to select which moving average to use and its duration.
2. Heikin Ashi Smoothed Calculations:
Heikin Ashi is a charting method used to more clearly represent price movements. The smoothed Heikin Ashi ensures smoother price movements.
3. Moving Average Calculations:
The indicator contains a function to calculate different types of moving averages. These moving averages are used to determine the market trend.
4. Filters:
This indicator includes a series of filters to enhance the quality of the signal. Filters help reduce false signals and produce more robust trading signals.
5. Buy-Sell Signals:
All these filters and calculations are brought together to determine potential buy and sell signals. Signals are triggered when all the specified conditions are met.
6. Chart Visualizations:
This indicator uses various plotting functions to visualize signals and trend information on the chart. This allows the user to easily see signals and the trend on the chart.
7. Trade Settings:
When buy and sell signals are triggered, this section checks if it has reached the specified targets and stop-loss levels.
8. Alerts:
This indicator also sends alerts to the user when specific conditions are met. This ensures that the user doesn't miss potential trading opportunities.
In conclusion, this Pine Script indicator produces buy-sell signals by analyzing market movements and applying various filters. Based on the smoothed version of Heikin Ashi, this indicator is useful for trend followers and is fortified with various filters, thus enhancing the quality of trading signals.
Heikin Ashi Yumuşatılmış Al-Sat Göstergesi Nedir?
Bu Pine Script kodu, finansal grafiklerde al-sat sinyallerini belirlemek için kullanılan karmaşık bir göstergeyi tanımlar. Gösterge, Heikin Ashi'nin yumuşatılmış sürümünü temel alarak çalışır ve çeşitli filtrelerle güçlendirilmiştir.
1. Parametreler ve Ayarlar:
Kodun başlangıcında, kullanıcının göstergeyi kişiselleştirmesi için bir dizi giriş parametresi bulunmaktadır. Bu parametreler şunları içerir:
Trend Filtresi: Uzun vadeli hareketli ortalamanın üstünde veya altında olup olmadığını kontrol eder.
Momentum Filtresi: RSI (Göreceli Güç Endeksi) göstergesini kullanarak piyasanın aşırı alım veya aşırı satım durumunu kontrol eder.
Oynaklık Filtresi: ATR (Ortalama Gerçek Aralık) göstergesi ile piyasanın oynaklık seviyesini değerlendirir.
Hacim Filtreleri: Ticaret sinyalinin gücünü ölçmek için hacimle ilgili çeşitli parametreleri kullanır.
Ticaret Ayarları: Ticarette kullanılacak hedef ve stop-loss seviyeleri için yüzdelik değerleri belirtir.
Hareketli Ortalama Ayarları: Hangi hareketli ortalamayı kullanacağınızı ve bu ortalamanın süresini seçmenizi sağlar.
2. Heikin Ashi Yumuşatılmış Hesaplamaları:
Heikin Ashi, fiyat hareketlerini daha net bir şekilde göstermek için kullanılan bir grafikleme yöntemidir. Yumuşatılmış Heikin Ashi, fiyat hareketlerinin daha pürüzsüz olmasını sağlar.
3. Hareketli Ortalama Hesaplamaları:
Gösterge, farklı türde hareketli ortalamaları hesaplamak için bir fonksiyon içerir. Bu hareketli ortalamalar, piyasa trendini belirlemek için kullanılır.
4. Filtreler:
Bu gösterge, sinyal kalitesini artırmak için bir dizi filtre içerir. Filtreler, yanlış sinyalleri azaltmaya yardımcı olur ve daha sağlam ticaret sinyalleri üretir.
5. Al-Sat Sinyalleri:
Tüm bu filtreler ve hesaplamalar, potansiyel al ve sat sinyallerini belirlemek için bir araya getirilir. Sinyaller, belirlenen koşulların tümü karşılandığında tetiklenir.
6. Grafik Görselleştirmeleri:
Bu gösterge, sinyalleri ve trend bilgisini grafik üzerinde görselleştirmek için çeşitli çizim fonksiyonları kullanır. Bu, kullanıcının grafik üzerinde kolayca sinyalleri ve trendi görmesini sağlar.
7. Ticaret Ayarları:
Alış ve satış sinyalleri tetiklendiğinde, bu bölüm belirlenen hedeflere ve stop-loss seviyelerine ulaşıp ulaşmadığını kontrol eder.
8. Uyarılar:
Bu gösterge ayrıca, belirli koşullar karşılandığında kullanıcıya uyarı gönderir. Bu, kullanıcının potansiyel ticaret fırsatlarını kaçırmamasını sağlar.
Sonuç olarak, bu Pine Script göstergesi, piyasa hareketlerini analiz ederek ve çeşitli filtreleri uygulayarak al-sat sinyalleri üretir. Heikin Ashi'nin yumuşatılmış sürümüne dayanan bu gösterge, trend takipçileri için kullanışlıdır ve çeşitli filtrelerle güçlendirilmiştir, böylece ticaret sinyallerinin kalitesi artar.
Machine Learning: SuperTrend Strategy TP/SL [YinYangAlgorithms]The SuperTrend is a very useful Indicator to display when trends have shifted based on the Average True Range (ATR). Its underlying ideology is to calculate the ATR using a fixed length and then multiply it by a factor to calculate the SuperTrend +/-. When the close crosses the SuperTrend it changes direction.
This Strategy features the Traditional SuperTrend Calculations with Machine Learning (ML) and Take Profit / Stop Loss applied to it. Using ML on the SuperTrend allows for the ability to sort data from previous SuperTrend calculations. We can filter the data so only previous SuperTrends that follow the same direction and are within the distance bounds of our k-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) will be added and then averaged. This average can either be achieved using a Mean or with an Exponential calculation which puts added weight on the initial source. Take Profits and Stop Losses are then added to the ML SuperTrend so it may capitalize on Momentum changes meanwhile remaining in the Trend during consolidation.
By applying Machine Learning logic and adding a Take Profit and Stop Loss to the Traditional SuperTrend, we may enhance its underlying calculations with potential to withhold the trend better. The main purpose of this Strategy is to minimize losses and false trend changes while maximizing gains. This may be achieved by quick reversals of trends where strategic small losses are taken before a large trend occurs with hopes of potentially occurring large gain. Due to this logic, the Win/Loss ratio of this Strategy may be quite poor as it may take many small marginal losses where there is consolidation. However, it may also take large gains and capitalize on strong momentum movements.
In this example above, we can get an idea of what the default settings may achieve when there is momentum. It focuses on attempting to hit the Trailing Take Profit which moves in accord with the SuperTrend just with a multiplier added. When momentum occurs it helps push the SuperTrend within it, which on its own may act as a smaller Trailing Take Profit of its own accord.
We’ve highlighted some key points from the last example to better emphasize how it works. As you can see, the White Circle is where profit was taken from the ML SuperTrend simply from it attempting to switch to a Bullish (Buy) Trend. However, that was rejected almost immediately and we went back to our Bearish (Sell) Trend that ended up resulting in our Take Profit being hit (Yellow Circle). This Strategy aims to not only capitalize on the small profits from SuperTrend to SuperTrend but to also capitalize when the Momentum is so strong that the price moves X% away from the SuperTrend and is able to hit the Take Profit location. This Take Profit addition to this Strategy is crucial as momentum may change state shortly after such drastic price movements; and if we were to simply wait for it to come back to the SuperTrend, we may lose out on lots of potential profit.
If you refer to the Yellow Circle in this example, you’ll notice what was talked about in the Summary/Overview above. During periods of consolidation when there is little momentum and price movement and we don’t have any Stop Loss activated, you may see ‘Signal Flashing’. Signal Flashing is when there are Buy and Sell signals that keep switching back and forth. During this time you may be taking small losses. This is a normal part of this Strategy. When a signal has finally been confirmed by Momentum, is when this Strategy shines and may produce the profit you desire.
You may be wondering, what causes these jagged like patterns in the SuperTrend? It's due to the ML logic, and it may be a little confusing, but essentially what is happening is the Fast Moving SuperTrend and the Slow Moving SuperTrend are creating KNN Min and Max distances that are extreme due to (usually) parabolic movement. This causes fewer values to be added to and averaged within the ML and causes less smooth and more exponential drastic movements. This is completely normal, and one of the perks of using k-Nearest Neighbor for ML calculations. If you don’t know, the Min and Max Distance allowed is derived from the most recent(0 index of data array) to KNN Length. So only SuperTrend values that exhibit distances within these Min/Max will be allowed into the average.
Since the KNN ML logic can cause these exponential movements in the SuperTrend, they likewise affect its Take Profit. The Take Profit may benefit from this movement like displayed in the example above which helped it claim profit before then exhibiting upwards movement.
By default our Stop Loss Multiplier is kept quite low at 0.0000025. Keeping it low may help to reduce some Signal Flashing while not taking extra losses more so than not using it at all. However, if we increase it even more to say 0.005 like is shown in the example above. It can really help the trend keep momentum. Please note, although previous results don’t imply future results, at 0.0000025 Stop Loss we are currently exhibiting 69.27% profit while at 0.005 Stop Loss we are exhibiting 33.54% profit. This just goes to show that although there may be less Signal Flashing, it may not result in more profit.
We will conclude our Tutorial here. Hopefully this has given you some insight as to how Machine Learning, combined with Trailing Take Profit and Stop Loss may have positive effects on the SuperTrend when turned into a Strategy.
ATR Length: ATR Length used to create the Original Supertrend.
Factor: Multiplier used to create the Original Supertrend.
Stop Loss Multiplier: 0 = Don't use Stop Loss. Stop loss can be useful for helping to prevent false signals but also may result in more loss when hit and less profit when switching trends.
Take Profit Multiplier: Take Profits can be useful within the Supertrend Strategy to stop the price reverting all the way to the Stop Loss once it's been profitable.
Machine Learning:
Only Factor Same Trend Direction: Very useful for ensuring that data used in KNN is not manipulated by different SuperTrend Directional data. Please note, it doesn't affect KNN Exponential.
Rationalized Source Type: Should we Rationalize only a specific source, All or None?
Machine Learning Type: Are we using a Simple ML Average, KNN Mean Average, KNN Exponential Average or None?
Machine Learning Smoothing Type: How should we smooth our Fast and Slow ML Datas to be used in our KNN Distance calculation? SMA, EMA or VWMA?
KNN Distance Type: We need to check if distance is within the KNN Min/Max distance, which distance checks are we using.
Machine Learning Length: How far back is our Machine Learning going to keep data for.
k-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) Length: How many k-Nearest Neighbours will we account for?
Fast ML Data Length: What is our Fast ML Length?? This is used with our Slow Length to create our KNN Distance.
Slow ML Data Length: What is our Slow ML Length?? This is used with our Fast Length to create our KNN Distance.
If you have any questions, comments, ideas or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.
VAcc (Velocity & Acceleration)VAcc (Velocity & Acceleration) is a momentum indicator published by Scott Cong in Stocks & Commodities V. 41:09 (8–15). It applies concepts from physics, namely velocity and acceleration, to financial markets. VAcc functions similarly to the popular MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) indicator when using a longer lookback period, but produces more responsive results. With shorter periods, VAcc exhibits characteristics reminiscent of the stochastic oscillator.
🟠 Algorithm
The average velocity over the past n periods is defined as
((C - C_n) / n + (C - C_{n-1}) / (n - 1) + … + (C - C_i) / i + (C - C_1) / 1) / n
At its core, the velocity is a weighted average of the rate of change over the past n periods.
The calculation of the acceleration follows a similar process, where it’s defined as
((V - V_n) / n + (V - V_{n - 1}) / (n - 1) + … + (V - V_i) / i + (V - V_1) / 1) / n
🟠 Comparison with MACD
A comparison of VAcc and MACD on the daily Nasdaq 100 (NDX) chart from August 2022 helps demonstrate VAcc's improved sensitivity. Both indicators utilized a lookback period of 26 days and smoothing of 9 periods.
The VAcc histogram clearly shows a divergence forming, with momentum weakening as prices reached new highs. In contrast, the corresponding MACD histogram significantly lagged in confirming the divergence, highlighting VAcc's ability to identify subtle shifts in trend momentum more immediately than the traditional MACD.
Forex Pip MakerIntroducing Forex Pip Maker: A trend detection/riding tool
Let me introduce you to "Forex Pip Maker," a tool that is used for any kind of market condition.
Seize Opportunities with Instant Alerts
In Forex, timing is crucial. Forex Pip Maker comes with an alert system that keeps you updated on potential trading chances with it's real-time alerts.
Navigate Tricky Sideways Markets with Ease
Ever been puzzled by those times when the market seems stuck, making it tough to decide your next move? That's where Forex Pip Maker excels. It's great at spotting and guiding you through these tricky sideways market situations. It does this by keeping an eye on changes in market volatility, ensuring you stay one step ahead.
Simplicity Meets Precision with Color Codes
Trading can be complex, but Forex Pip Maker simplifies it. It employs a color-coded system, making it easy to understand market signals. Green means one thing, red means another – it's that straightforward. You'll be able to make well-informed decisions effortlessly.
Make Confident Choices with the Buy/Sell Dashboard
When decision time arrives, rely on the Buy/Sell dashboard. It provides all the information you need to make smart choices. No more second-guessing – you'll have a crystal-clear view of your options.
See the Bigger Picture with Longer Timeframes
Forex Pip Maker doesn't just focus on short-term trends. It also examines data from longer timeframes, giving you a broader perspective for even wiser decision-making.
Whether you're a novice or a trading expert, Forex Pip Maker is a great addition to any trading setup.
TimeFrame: This is the time frame which the Forex Pip Maker will calculate the time frame for. By default, it will be the current chart which you've selected, you can however change this to any time frame and display it on any time frame chart which you use. For example, if you want signals for the H1 time frame while you are on the M15 time frame, you can set this to H1 and you'll see the H1 scenerio. It is recommended to leave this the default because the next setting is more important.
TimeFrame: This is the time frame which the Forex Pip Maker will calculate the time frame for. By default, it will be the current chart which you've selected, you can however change this to any time frame and display it on any time frame chart which you use. For example, if you want signals for the H1 time frame while you are on the M15 time frame, you can set this to H1 and you'll see the H1 scenerio. It is recommended to leave this the default because the next setting is more important.
TimeFrameConfirmation: This is the time frame where it will help filter out most of the false moves on your current chart. With this, you will only receive signals in the direction of the trend on this time frame which should always be set to a higher time frame than the one you are trading on. The higher the time frame, the more accuracy you'll have but the fewer signals you will have(which is normal).
TimeFrame: This is the time frame which the Forex Pip Maker will calculate the time frame for. By default, it will be the current chart which you've selected, you can however change this to any time frame and display it on any time frame chart which you use. For example, if you want signals for the H1 time frame while you are on the M15 time frame, you can set this to H1 and you'll see the H1 scenerio. It is recommended to leave this the default because the next setting is more important.
Input Setting: When using this indicator, traders and users can set a value called "Periud." It's like telling the indicator how far back in time to look. This helps you decide how many past price points or time periods the indicator should pay attention to.
Calculation: Inside the script, this "Period" value is used to do some math. It helps figure out which historical data should be used to make the indicator's predictions.
Effect on Indicator: The "Period" you choose can change how the indicator acts. If you pick a short "Period," the indicator quickly responds to recent price changes. But if you choose a longer "Period," it smooths out its predictions by considering a broader history of prices.
Customization: Traders can tweak the "Period" to match their own trading style. Short "Periods" are great for looking at short-term trends, while longer "Periods" are better for spotting long-term trends. It's all about making the indicator work the way you want it to.
The 'Speed' setting is like a speed control knob. Traders and users can adjust it to make the indicator react to price changes either quickly or slowly. If you turn the 'Speed' up, the indicator becomes faster and responds to short-term price moves. But if you turn it down, the indicator moves more slowly and focuses on longer-term trends. This way, traders can make the indicator work the way they want it to, whether they prefer quick responses with higher 'Speed' or smoother, longer-term views with lower 'Speed'.
The "Price" option is a handy setting. It lets users pick which part of the price data to focus on when using the indicator. You can choose from different options like "Close," "Open," "High," "Low," "HLC3," "HLC2," and "OLC4." Each choice represents a different aspect of the price movement. For instance, "OLC4" considers Open, Low, Close, and High prices together. This customization is great because it means traders can make the indicator work just the way they want it to. Whether you're into short-term or long-term trading, there's a "Price" option to fit your strategy.
When utilizing the indicator, traders can input a "Shift" value, which determines how many bars or candlesticks the indicator's data is shifted. A positive shift takes the analysis back in time, providing insights into past market conditions, while a negative shift shifts the focus forward, potentially offering glimpses of potential future market scenarios. This customization of the "Shift" setting provides traders with a valuable means to explore historical data and consider potential future developments in their analysis.
The "ShowHisto" option is like a toolbox for tweaking how you see the indicator's histogram on the chart. It's all about personalizing your view. You've got choices like "Hide Histogram" for a cleaner chart, "More or Less" for judging how much prices are changing, and others like "One Close," "Double Close," "High/Low range," and "High/Low trend," each giving a different take on price movements. It's your way of fine-tuning the chart to match your analysis style. Whether you're into spotting trends, measuring volatility, or watching price ranges, "ShowHisto" helps you tailor the chart to your liking without any extra fuss.
The "ShowMA" parameter serves as a crucial tool for configuring the display of a specific type of moving average on the chart. It offers a range of options to tailor the appearance of the moving average, allowing users to select the most suitable representation for their analytical needs. The available choices include "Hide Moving Average" to remove it from view, "as Dots" to present it as discrete data points, and "as Line" to display it as a continuous, smoothed line. "ShowMA" grants users the flexibility to fine-tune the visual presentation of the moving average, enabling them to align it with their chart aesthetics and analytical requirements. Whether the preference is for a minimalist, unobtrusive look or a detailed and comprehensive view, "ShowMA" facilitates precise customization of the moving average's presentation on the chart.
"FilterPips" acts like a precision tool for examining price changes on the chart. It lets you specify a certain number of pips, which represent very small price movements. This number becomes a kind of filter. If you choose a positive value, the script will highlight price movements that are larger than this filter, helping you notice significant shifts. Conversely, if you choose a negative value, it will ignore price drops that are smaller than the filter. Essentially, "FilterPips" allows you to zoom in on the price movements that align with your analysis, providing a clearer focus on the chart.
Traders have the power to decide how far the price needs to move before a new trade signal pops up. It's like setting your own trading rules. If you want a new trade signal, the current price must move a certain distance from the previous trend. You can tweak this distance to control how often you get trade signals. Bigger distances mean fewer signals. It's all about putting you in control and helping you make informed trading choices based on significant price moves.
Although not a very important setting, you can set a preferred option, such as "More or Less" or "Double Close," and the script will display trade signals based on the chosen condition. This customization ensures that the chart reflects the trader's unique strategy and criteria, making it easier to focus on relevant trade opportunities.
ARROWBAR functions as a user-defined reference point, allowing traders to specify how many bars or periods in the past the script should begin searching for trade conditions. This level of customization means that trade signals can be precisely placed on the chart based on a trader's strategy.
The Forex Pip Maker has a dashboard that displays directly on your chart which displays Buy or Sell when the appropriate time has come. It displays the brokers server time as well as the momentum(trend) of the current market. You can enable or disable this.
Allows you to change the background color of the board as well as the font displays inside.(Only the server and momentum info can be color changed)
IDEAL PAIRS : Since the Forex Pip Maker's strength is riding trends, the trend-bound pairs are the best to use for trading. There are a few pairs that have had decent trend rides in the recent times and they are mentioned below.(Note that you can use any pair in theory, but these are ideal)
Hull WavesThe Hull Waves indicator is based on the Hull Moving Averages (HMA), which are special moving averages that stand out for their ability to filter out market noise and offer a clearer view of price trends. Compared to traditional moving averages, HMAs are more responsive yet smoother, allowing traders to capture significant price movements without getting overwhelmed by short-term fluctuations.
The HMAs integrated into Hull Waves provide two distinct perspectives on the price trend:
8-period HMA: This short-term HMA is extremely reactive and closely follows price changes. It is ideal for capturing short-term trading signals while the medium-term 21-period HMA offers a more balanced view of price trends and identifies medium-term trends.
By crossing HMAs, traders can efficiently identify trend reversal points or strong market continuations.
Another feature of the indicator is the “fan” of dynamic lines, which acts as a visual float for price candles, allowing traders to quickly evaluate trading opportunities.
The "fan" or float of dynamic lines represents a visual representation of the candle's price movements. These lines extend from the start point to the end point, like an open fan. This visual approach makes the market dynamics immediately evident.
Long Entry Signal (Buy):
When the Hull Waves range shows a series of upward sloping lines and the Hull Moving Averages (e.g. 8-period HMA) crosses the 21-period HMA upwards, it is a long entry signal.
Confirmation of the signal can come from an increase in trader volume or other supporting indicators.
Place a buy order at the next closing price.
Short Entry Signal (Sell):
When the Hull Waves range shows a series of downward sloping lines and the Hull Moving Averages (e.g. 8-period HMA) crosses the 21-period HMA downward, it is a short entry signal.
Confirm the signal with an increase in trader volume or other relevant indicators.
Place a sell order at the next closing price.
Exit Signal (Closing a Position):
To close a long position, wait for a signal reversal, such as the Hull Moving Averages crossing downwards or a change in the Hull Waves range.
To close a short position, wait for a signal reversal, such as the Hull Moving Averages crossing higher or a change in the Hull Waves range.
[AIO] Multi Collection Moving Averages 140 MA TypesAll In One Multi Collection Moving Averages.
Since signing up 2 years ago, I have been collecting various Сollections.
I decided to get it into a decent shape and make it one of the biggest collections on TV, and maybe the entire internet.
And now I'm sharing my collection with you.
140 Different Types of Moving Averages are waiting for you.
Specifically :
AARMA | Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Moving Average
ADMA | Adjusted Moving Average
ADXMA | Average Directional Moving Average
ADXVMA | Average Directional Volatility Moving Average
AHMA | Ahrens Moving Average
ALF | Ehler Adaptive Laguerre Filter
ALMA | Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
ALSMA | Adaptive Least Squares
ALXMA | Alexander Moving Average
AMA | Adaptive Moving Average
ARI | Unknown
ARSI | Adaptive RSI Moving Average
AUF | Auto Filter
AUTL | Auto-Line
BAMA | Bryant Adaptive Moving Average
BFMA | Blackman Filter Moving Average
CMA | Corrected Moving Average
CORMA | Correlation Moving Average
COVEMA | Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average
COVNA | Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average
CTI | Coral Trend Indicator
DEC | Ehlers Simple Decycler
DEMA | Double EMA Moving Average
DEVS | Ehlers - Deviation Scaled Moving Average
DONEMA | Donchian Extremum Moving Average
DONMA | Donchian Moving Average
DSEMA | Double Smoothed Exponential Moving Average
DSWF | Damped Sine Wave Weighted Filter
DWMA | Double Weighted Moving Average
E2PBF | Ehlers 2-Pole Butterworth Filter
E2SSF | Ehlers 2-Pole Super Smoother Filter
E3PBF | Ehlers 3-Pole Butterworth Filter
E3SSF | Ehlers 3-Pole Super Smoother Filter
EDMA | Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
EDSMA | Ehlers Dynamic Smoothed Moving Average
EEO | Ehlers Modified Elliptic Filter Optimum
EFRAMA | Ehlers Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
EHMA | Exponential Hull Moving Average
EIT | Ehlers Instantaneous Trendline
ELF | Ehler Laguerre filter
EMA | Exponential Moving Average
EPF | Edge Preserving Filter
EPMA | End Point Moving Average
EREA | Ehlers Reverse Exponential Moving Average
ESSF | Ehlers Super Smoother Filter 2-pole
ETMA | Exponential Triangular Moving Average
EVMA | Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average
FAMA | Following Adaptive Moving Average
FEMA | Fast Exponential Moving Average
FIBWMA | Fibonacci Weighted Moving Average
FLSMA | Fisher Least Squares Moving Average
FRAMA | Ehlers - Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
FX | Fibonacci X Level
GAUS | Ehlers - Gaussian Filter
GHL | Gann High Low
GMA | Gaussian Moving Average
GMMA | Geometric Mean Moving Average
HCF | Hybrid Convolution Filter
HEMA | Holt Exponential Moving Average
HKAMA | Hilbert based Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average
HMA | Harmonic Moving Average
HSMA | Hirashima Sugita Moving Average
HULL | Hull Moving Average
HULLT | Hull Triple Moving Average
HWMA | Henderson Weighted Moving Average
IE2 | Early T3 by Tim Tilson
IIRF | Infinite Impulse Response Filter
ILRS | Integral of Linear Regression Slope
JMA | Jurik Moving Average
KA | Unknown
KAMA | Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average & Apirine Adaptive MA
KIJUN2 | Kijun v2
LAG | Ehlers - Laguerre Filter
LCLSMA | 1LC-LSMA (1 line code lsma with 3 functions)
LEMA | Leader Exponential Moving Average
LLMA | Low-Lag Moving Average
LMA | Leo Moving Average
LP | Unknown
LRL | Linear Regression Line
LSMA | Least Squares Moving Average / Linear Regression Curve
LTB | Unknown
LWMA | Linear Weighted Moving Average
MAMA | MAMA - MESA Adaptive Moving Average
MAVW | Mavilim Weighted Moving Average
MCGD | McGinley Dynamic Moving Average
MF | Modular Filter
MID | Median Moving Average / Percentile Nearest Rank
MNMA | McNicholl Moving Average
MTMA | Unknown
MVSMA | Minimum Variance SMA
NLMA | Non-lag Moving Average
NWMA | Dürschner 3rd Generation Moving Average (New WMA)
PKF | Parametric Kalman Filter
PWMA | Parabolic Weighted Moving Average
QEMA | Quadruple Exponential Moving Average
QMA | Quick Moving Average
REMA | Regularized Exponential Moving Average
REPMA | Repulsion Moving Average
RGEMA | Range Exponential Moving Average
RMA | Welles Wilders Smoothing Moving Average
RMF | Recursive Median Filter
RMTA | Recursive Moving Trend Average
RSMA | Relative Strength Moving Average - based on RSI
RSRMA | Right Sided Ricker MA
RWMA | Regressively Weighted Moving Average
SAMA | Slope Adaptive Moving Average
SFMA | Smoother Filter Moving Average
SMA | Simple Moving Average
SSB | Senkou Span B
SSF | Ehlers - Super Smoother Filter P2
SSMA | Super Smooth Moving Average
STMA | Unknown
SWMA | Self-Weighted Moving Average
SW_MA | Sine-Weighted Moving Average
TEMA | Triple Exponential Moving Average
THMA | Triple Exponential Hull Moving Average
TL | Unknown
TMA | Triangular Moving Average
TPBF | Three-pole Ehlers Butterworth
TRAMA | Trend Regularity Adaptive Moving Average
TSF | True Strength Force
TT3 | Tilson (3rd Degree) Moving Average
VAMA | Volatility Adjusted Moving Average
VAMAF | Volume Adjusted Moving Average Function
VAR | Vector Autoregression Moving Average
VBMA | Variable Moving Average
VHMA | Vertical Horizontal Moving Average
VIDYA | Variable Index Dynamic Average
VMA | Volume Moving Average
VSO | Unknown
VWMA | Volume Weighted Moving Average
WCD | Unknown
WMA | Weighted Moving Average
XEMA | Optimized Exponential Moving Average
ZEMA | Zero Lag Moving Average
ZLDEMA | Zero-Lag Double Exponential Moving Average
ZLEMA | Ehlers - Zero Lag Exponential Moving Average
ZLTEMA | Zero-Lag Triple Exponential Moving Average
ZSMA | Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average
Don't forget that you can use any Moving Average not only for the chart but also for any of your indicators without affecting the code as in my example.
But remember that some MAs are not designed to work with anything other than a chart.
All MA and Code lists are sorted strictly alphabetically by short name (A-Z).
Each MA has its own number (ID) by which you can display the Moving Average you need.
Next to the ID selection there are tooltips with short names and their numbers. Use them.
The panel below will help you to read the Name of the selected MA.
Because of the size of the collection I think this is the optimal and most convenient use. Correct me if this is not the case.
Unknown - Some MAs I collected so long ago that I lost the full real name and couldn't find the authors. If you recognize them, please let me know.
I have deliberately simplified all MAs to input just Source and Length.
Because the collection is so large, it would be quite inconvenient and difficult to customize all MA functions (multipliers, offset, etc.).
If you need or like any MA you will still have to take it from my collection for your code.
I tried to leave the basic MA settings inside function in first strings.
I have tried to list most of the authors, but since the bulk of the collection was created a long time ago and was not intended for public publication I could not find all of them.
Some of the features were created from scratch or may have been slightly modified, so please be careful.
If you would like to improve this collection, please write to me in PM.
Also Credits, Likes, Awards, Loves and Thanks to :
— 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 !
So just a Big Thank You to everyone who has ever and anywhere shared their codes.
G Channel with Arrows
1. Channel Calculation:
- The indicator calculates an upper channel ( `UpperBuffer` ) and a lower channel ( `LowerBuffer `) based on the input parameters `ChannelPeriod` .
- The channels are determined by a dynamic calculation that considers the current price ( `src` ) and the previous values of the upper and lower channels (` aBuffer` and `bBuffer` ).
2. Middle Channel:
- The middle channel ( `MiddleBuffer` ) is the average of the upper and lower channels, providing a central reference line.
3. Exponential Moving Average (EMA):
- The script calculates an Exponential Moving Average (`EMAValue`) based on the closing prices with a specified period (`EMAPeriod`).
4. Channel Plots:
- Plots for the upper, lower, and middle channels are displayed on the chart, each with a distinctive color and style.
5. Fill Between Channels:
- The space between the upper and middle channels is filled with a blue color (`#1900ff`), and the space between the lower and middle channels is filled with a red color (`#f70a0a`).
6. EMA Line:
- The EMA line is plotted on the chart in green.
7. Buy and Sell Signals:
- Buy signals ( `buySignal` ) are generated when the EMA crosses above the middle channel.
- Sell signals ( `sellSignal` ) are generated when the EMA crosses below the middle channel.
- Arrows are plotted at the respective locations of buy and sell signals.
8. Breakout Arrows:
- Additional arrows are plotted when the closing price breaks out above the upper channel (green arrow) or below the lower channel (red arrow).
9. User Input Parameters:
- Traders can customize the input parameters such as `ChannelPeriod` and `EMAPeriod` to adjust the sensitivity of the channels and the EMA.
Overall, the indicator provides traders with a visual representation of price channels, an EMA trend reference, and signals for potential buy/sell opportunities and breakout points. It can be used as part of a trading strategy to identify trends, reversals, and potential entry/exit points in the market.
Moving averages & clouds
Hi all!
This is a script that lets you have 3 moving averages (of a user defined type) and maybe have an alternative cloud (fill) between them. The cloud can be customized and turned on/off in the "style" tab for the indicator.
Alerts can be configured to fire on up/down/all crosses and are activated when the whole candle has crossed the morning average.
A higher time frame can be configured for the moving averages.
You can hide the moving average, but show the cloud:
You can have multiple clouds:
You can have moving averages from a higher time frame (here from weekly time frame on a daily chart):
Best of trading luck!
Fiboborsa+BistTitle: "Fiboborsa+Bist Indicator for TradingView"
Description: The "Fiboborsa+Bist" indicator is a powerful tool designed for TradingView users. This indicator offers a comprehensive set of technical indicators to assist you in your technical analysis and trading decisions.
Simple Moving Averages (SMA): You can enable or disable SMA with different periods (20, 50, 100, 200) to observe different timeframes and trends.
SMA Strategy: Use SMA crossovers to determine trends. Watch for the 20-period SMA crossing above the 50-period SMA for a bullish signal. For a bearish signal, observe the 50-period SMA crossing below the 100-period SMA.
Exponential Moving Averages (EMA): Similar to SMA, you can enable or disable EMA with different periods (5, 8, 14, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233) for more precise trend analysis.
EMA Strategy: Use EMA crossovers and crossunders for short-term trend changes. A buy signal may occur when the 5-period EMA crosses above the 14-period EMA, while a crossunder suggests a selling opportunity.
Weighted Moving Averages (WMA): Customize WMA settings with various periods (5, 13, 21, 34, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987) to suit your trading style.
WMA Strategy: Use WMA crossovers to verify trends. When the 13-period WMA crosses above the 34-period WMA, it may indicate an uptrend.
Buy and Sell Signals: The indicator provides buy and sell signals based on EMA crossovers and crossunders. Strong signals are also highlighted.
EMA Buy and Sell Strategy: Make informed trading decisions using buy and sell signals generated by EMA crossovers and crossunders.
Ichimoku Cloud: You can enable the Ichimoku Cloud for a clear visual representation of support and resistance levels.
Ichimoku Strategy: Use the Ichimoku Cloud to determine trend direction. Entering long positions is common when the price is above the cloud and considering short positions when it's below the cloud. Verify the trend with the Chikou Span.
Bollinger Bands: Easily visualize price volatility by enabling the Bollinger Bands feature.
Bollinger Bands Strategy: Bollinger Bands help you visualize price volatility. Look for potential reversal points when the price touches or crosses the upper or lower bands.
Use the "Fiboborsa+Bist" indicator to enhance your trading strategies and make informed decisions in the dynamic world of financial markets.
Additional Information:
Bollinger Bands: Bollinger Bands are a technical analysis tool used to monitor price volatility and determine overbought or oversold conditions. This indicator consists of three components:
Middle Moving Average (SMA): Typically, a 20-day SMA is used.
Upper Band: Calculated by adding two times the standard deviation to the SMA.
Lower Band: Calculated by subtracting two times the standard deviation from the SMA.
As the price moves between these two bands, it becomes possible to identify potential buying or selling points by comparing its height or low with these bands.
Ichimoku Cloud: The Ichimoku Cloud is a comprehensive indicator used for trend identification, defining support and resistance levels, and measuring trend strength. The Ichimoku Cloud comprises five key components:
Tenkan Sen (Conversion Line): Used to identify short-term trends.
Kijun Sen (Base Line): Used to identify medium-term trends.
Senkou Span A (Leading Span A): Calculated as (Tenkan Sen + Kijun Sen) / 2 and shows future support and resistance levels.
Senkou Span B (Leading Span B): Calculated as (highest high + lowest low) / 2 and indicates future support and resistance levels.
Chikou Span (Lagging Line): Enables tracking the price backward.
The Ichimoku Cloud interprets a price above the cloud as an uptrend and below the cloud as a downtrend. The Chikou Span assists in verifying the current trend.
**Strategy: Two-Stage Trading Strategy Using RSI, MACD, and Fiboborsa+Bist Indicators**
**Stage 1: Determining the Trend and Selecting the Trading Direction**
1. **Trend Identification with Fiboborsa+Bist Indicator:**
- Analyze the simple moving averages (SMA), exponential moving averages (EMA), and weighted moving averages (WMA) used with the Fiboborsa+Bist indicator. These indicators will provide information about the direction of the market trend.
2. **Identifying Overbought and Oversold Conditions with RSI:**
- Use the RSI indicator to identify overbought (70 and above) and oversold (30 and below) conditions. This helps in measuring the strength of the trend. If RSI enters the overbought zone, a downward correction is likely. If RSI enters the oversold zone, an upward correction is probable.
3. **Evaluating Momentum with MACD:**
- Examine price momentum using the MACD indicator. When the MACD line crosses above the signal line, it may indicate an increasing upward momentum. Conversely, a downward cross can suggest an increasing downward momentum.
**Stage 2: Generating Buy and Sell Signals**
4. **Combining RSI, MACD, and Fiboborsa+Bist Indicators:**
- To generate a buy signal, wait for RSI to move out of the oversold region into an uptrend and for the MACD line to cross above the signal line.
- To generate a sell signal, wait for RSI to move out of the overbought region into a downtrend and for the MACD line to cross below the signal line.
5. **Confirmation with Fiboborsa+Bist Indicator:**
- When you receive a buy or sell signal, use the Fiboborsa+Bist indicator to confirm the market trend. Confirming the trend can strengthen your trade signals.
6. **Setting Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Levels:**
- Remember to manage risk when opening buy or sell positions. Set stop-loss and take-profit levels to limit your risk.
7. **Monitor and Adjust Your Trades:**
- Continuously monitor your trade positions and adjust your strategy as per market conditions.
This two-stage trading strategy offers the ability to determine trends and generate trade signals using different indicators. However, every trading strategy involves risks, so risk management and practical application are essential. Also, it's recommended to test this strategy in a demo account before using it in a real trading account.
TMA Bands with Break Arrow @ClearTradingMind
The "TMA Bands with Break Arrow" indicator, developed by ClearTradingMind, is designed to provide traders with insights into potential trend reversals based on the movement of price within a channel defined by the Triangular Moving Average (TMA) and its bands. The TMA is a smoothed moving average, and this indicator adds upper and lower bands to visualize potential breakouts.
Key Components:
1. TMA Bands: The indicator plots the upper and lower bands of the TMA channel. These bands represent potential overbought (upper band) and oversold (lower band) conditions.
2. Break Arrows: The indicator generates buy (green triangle up) and sell (red triangle down) arrows when the closing price breaks above the upper band or below the lower band, indicating a potential trend reversal.
3. Background Color: The background color dynamically changes based on the last generated signal. A blue background suggests a recent buy signal, while a red background indicates a recent sell signal. This provides a quick visual reference for the prevailing market sentiment.
1. Trend Reversals: Traders can use the buy and sell arrows as signals for potential trend reversals. A buy signal suggests a possible upward trend, while a sell signal suggests a potential downward trend.
2. Channel Breakouts: Watch for price breaking above the upper band (buy signal) or below the lower band (sell signal). These breakouts may indicate the start of a new trend.
3. Volatility Analysis: The width of the TMA channel represents volatility. A widening channel suggests increased volatility, while a narrowing channel suggests decreasing volatility.
4. Background Color: The background color provides additional context. A blue background indicates recent bullish sentiment, while a red background suggests recent bearish sentiment.
- TMA Period: The number of bars used to calculate the Triangular Moving Average.
- ATR Period: The number of bars used to calculate the Average True Range (ATR) for determining the width of the TMA channel.
- ATR Multiplier: A multiplier applied to the ATR to determine the width of the TMA channel.
Note: This indicator is a tool to assist traders in their analysis, and it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other technical and fundamental analysis methods for more comprehensive decision-making.
Disclaimer: Trading involves risk, and this indicator does not guarantee profit. Users should conduct thorough analysis and risk management before making trading decisions.
Crossover EMMMCrossover EMMM is an indicator that displays the Madrid Moving Averages (EMMM) and detects crossovers (upward crossings) and crossunders (downward crossings) between two moving averages. It uses two input parameters to define the fast and slow EMMM lengths. The script calculates the EMMM values, their changes, and assigns colors based on the change direction. The fast EMMM is plotted in green or red, and the slow EMMM is plotted in blue or red, depending on the change direction. The script also displays triangle shapes below or above the bars to indicate crossovers and crossunders.
The "Madrid Moving Average" (EMMMM) is a type of moving average used in technical analysis to smooth price fluctuations of financial assets, such as stocks or currency pairs. Unlike the Simple Moving Average (SMA), which treats all data equally, the EMMM gives more weight to recent data. This results in the EMMM responding more swiftly to price changes, making it well-suited for identifying short-term trends.
TTP Pair Slope/HedgePair slope/hedge uses linear regression to calculate the hedge ratio (slope) between the two assets within a period.
It allows you to specify a "from" and a "to" candle.
"A regression from 1000 candles back in time and ignore the last 100 candles. This would result in making a regression of 900 candles in total."
The formula used to perform the regression with the assts X and Y is:
Hedge =
mean( (X-mean(X))^2 )
mean( (X-mean(X)) * (Y-mean(Y)) )
You can later use the hedge in a chart of X - Hedge * Y
(Confirm with 1 / hedge )
If the plot is stationary the period tested should look like stationary.
If you cross an imaginary horizontal line across all the values in the period used it should look like a flat channel with values crossing above and below the line.
The purpose of this indicator is to help finding the linear regression test used for conintegration analysis. Conintegration assets is one of the requirements to consider assets for pair and hedge trading.
Highlight BarHighlight bars in the past. I use this to show the start of moving average calculations - very helpful to anticipate the change in slope of moving averages. You can change color as well as how far back in time to highlight. The defaults are 20, 50 and 200.
I learned of the idea from Brian Shannon - thanks!
Machine Learning: Donchian DCA Grid Strategy [YinYangAlgorithms]This strategy uses a Machine Learning approach on the Donchian Channels with a DCA and Grid purchase/sell Strategy. Not only that, but it uses a custom Bollinger calculation to determine its Basis which is used as a mild sell location. This strategy is a pure DCA strategy in the sense that no shorts are used and theoretically it can be used in webhooks on most exchanges as it’s only using Spot Orders. The idea behind this strategy is we utilize both the Highest Highs and Lowest Lows within a Machine Learning standpoint to create Buy and Sell zones. We then fraction these zones off into pieces to create Grids. This allows us to ‘micro’ purchase as it enters these zones and likewise ‘micro’ sell as it goes up into the upper (sell) zones.
You have the option to set how many grids are used, by default we use 100 with max 1000. These grids can be ‘stacked’ together if a single bar is to go through multiple at the same time. For instance, if a bar goes through 30 grids in one bar, it will have a buy/sell power of 30x. Stacking Grid Buy and (sometimes) Sells is a very crucial part of this strategy that allows it to purchase multitudes during crashes and capitalize on sales during massive pumps.
With the grids, you’ll notice there is a middle line within the upper and lower part that makes the grid. As a Purchase Type within our Settings this is identified as ‘Middle of Zone Purchase Amount In USDT’. The middle of the grid may act as the strongest grid location (aside from maybe the bottom). Therefore there is a specific purchase amount for this Grid location.
This DCA Strategy also features two other purchase methods. Most importantly is its ‘Purchase More’ type. Essentially it will attempt to purchase when the Highest High or Lowest Low moves outside of the Outer band. For instance, the Lowest Low becomes Lower or the Higher High becomes Higher. When this happens may be a good time to buy as it is featuring a new High or Low over an extended period.
The last but not least Purchase type within this Strategy is what we call a ‘Strong Buy’. The reason for this is its verified by the following:
The outer bounds have been pushed (what causes a ‘Purchase More’)
The Price has crossed over the EMA 21
It has been verified through MACD, RSI or MACD Historical (Delta) using Regular and Hidden Divergence (Note, only 1 of these verifications is required and it can be any).
By default we don’t have Purchase Amount for ‘Strong Buy’ set, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be viable, it simply means we have only seen a few pairs where it actually proved more profitable allocating money there rather than just increasing the purchase amount for ‘Purchase More’ or ‘Grids’.
Now that you understand where we BUY, we should discuss when we SELL.
This Strategy features 3 crucial sell locations, and we will discuss each individually as they are very important.
1. ‘Sell Some At’: Here there are 4 different options, by default its set to ‘Both’ but you can change it around if you want. Your options are:
‘Both’ - You will sell some at both locations. The amount sold is the % used at ‘Sell Some %’.
‘Basis Line’ - You will sell some when the price crosses over the Basis Line. The amount sold is the % used at ‘Sell Some %’.
‘Percent’ - You will sell some when the Close is >= X% between the Lower Inner and Upper Inner Zone.
‘None’ - This simply means don’t ever Sell Some.
2. Sell Grids. Sell Grids are exactly like purchase grids and feature the same amount of grids. You also have the ability to ‘Stack Grid Sells’, which basically means if a bar moves multiple grids, it will stack the amount % wise you will sell, rather than just selling the default amount. Sell Grids use a DCA logic but for selling, which we deem may help adjust risk/reward ratio for selling, especially if there is slow but consistent bullish movement. It causes these grids to constantly push up and therefore when the close is greater than them, accrue more profit.
3. Take Profit. Take profit occurs when the close first goes above the Take Profit location (Teal Line) and then Closes below it. When Take Profit occurs, ALL POSITIONS WILL BE SOLD. What may happen is the price enters the Sell Grid, doesn’t go all the way to the top ‘Exiting it’ and then crashes back down and closes below the Take Profit. Take Profit is a strong location which generally represents a strong profit location, and that a strong momentum has changed which may cause the price to revert back to the buy grid zone.
Keep in mind, if you have (by default) ‘Only Sell If Profit’ toggled, all sell locations will only create sell orders when it is profitable to do so. Just cause it may be a good time to sell, doesn’t mean based on your DCA it is. In our opinion, only selling when it is profitable to do so is a key part of the DCA purchase strategy.
You likewise have the ability to ‘Only Buy If Lower than DCA’, which is likewise by default. These two help keep the Yin and Yang by balancing each other out where you’re only purchasing and selling when it makes logical sense too, even if that involves ignoring a signal and waiting for a better opportunity.
Like most of our Strategies, we try to capitalize on lower Time Frames, generally the 15 minutes so we may find optimal entry and exit locations while still maintaining a strong correlation to trend patterns.
First off, let’s discuss examples of how this Strategy works prior to applying Machine Learning (enabled by default).
In this example above we have disabled the showing of ‘Potential Buy and Sell Signals’ so as to declutter the example. In here you can see where actual trades had gone through for both buying and selling and get an idea of how the strategy works. We also have disabled Machine Learning for this example so you can see the hard lines created by the Donchian Channel. You can also see how the Basis line ‘white line’ may act as a good location to ‘Sell Some’ and that it moves quite irregularly compared to the Donchian Channel. This is due to the fact that it is based on two custom Bollinger Bands to create the basis line.
Here we zoomed out even further and moved back a bit to where there were dense clusters of buy and sell orders. Sometimes when the price is rather volatile you’ll see it ‘Ping Pong’ back and forth between the buy and sell zones quite quickly. This may be very good for your trades and profit as a whole, especially if ‘Only Buy If Lower Than DCA’ and ‘Only Sell If Profit’ are both enabled; as these toggles will ensure you are:
Always lowering your Average when buying
Always making profit when selling
By default 8% commission is added to the Strategy as well, to simulate the cost effects of if these trades were taking place on an actual exchange.
In this example we also turned on the visuals for our ‘Purchase More’ (orange line) and ‘Take Profit’ (teal line) locations. These are crucial locations. The Purchase More makes purchases when the bottom of the grid has been moved (may dictate strong price movement has occurred and may be potential for correction). Our Take Profit may help secure profit when a momentum change is happening and all of the Sell Grids weren’t able to be used.
In the example above we’ve enabled Buy and Sell Signals so that you can see where the Take Profit and Purchase More signals have occurred. The white circle demonstrates that not all of the Position Size was sold within the Sell Grids, and therefore it was ALL CLOSED when the price closed below the Take Profit Line (Teal).
Then, when the bottom of the Donchian Channel was pushed further down due to the close (within the yellow circle), a Purchase More Signal was triggered.
When the close keeps pushing the bottom of the Buy Grid lower, it can cause multiple Purchase More Signals to occur. This is normal and also a crucial part of this strategy to help lower your DCA. Please note, the Purchase More won’t trigger a Buy if the Close is greater than the DCA and you have ‘Only Purchase If Lower Than DCA’ activated.
By turning on Machine Learning (default settings) the Buy and Sell Grid Zones are smoothed out more. It may cause it to look quite a bit different. Machine Learning although it looks much worse, may help increase the profit this Strategy can produce. Previous results DO NOT mean future results, but in this example, prior to turning on Machine Learning it had produced 37% Profit in ~5 months and with Machine Learning activated it is now up to 57% Profit in ~5 months.
Machine Learning causes the Strategy to focus less on Grids and more on Purchase More when it comes to getting its entries. However, if you likewise attempt to focus on Purchase More within non Machine Learning, the locations are different and therefore the results may not be as profitable.
By default this strategy uses 1,000,000 as its initial capital. The amount it purchases in its Settings is relevant to this Initial capital. Considering this is a DCA Strategy, we only want to ‘Micro’ Buy and ‘Micro’ Sell whenever conditions are met.
Therefore, if you increase the Initial Capital, you’ll likewise want to increase the Purchase Amounts within the Settings and Vice Versa. For instance, if you wish to set the Initial Capital to 10,000, you should likewise can the amounts in the Settings to 1% of what they are to account for this.
We may change the Purchase Amounts to be based on %’s in a later update if it is requested.
We will conclude this Tutorial here, hopefully you can see how a DCA Grid Purchase Model applied to Machine Learning Donchian Channels may be useful for making strategic purchases in low and high zones.
Display Data:
Show Potential Buy Locations: These locations are where 'Potentially' orders can be placed. Placement of orders is dependant on if you have 'Only Buy If Lower Than DCA' toggled and the Price is lower than DCA. It also is effected by if you actually have any money left to purchase with; you can't buy if you have no money left!
Show Potential Sell Locations: These locations are where 'Potentially' orders will be sold. If 'Only Sell If Profit' is toggled, the sell will only happen if you'll make profit from it!
Show Grid Locations: Displaying won't affect your trades but it can be useful to see where trades will be placed, as well as which have gone through and which are left to be purchased. Max 100 Grids, but visuals will only be shown if its 20 or less.
Purchase Settings:
Only Buy if its lower than DCA: Generally speaking, we want to lower our Average, and therefore it makes sense to only buy when the close is lower than our current DCA and a Purchase Condition is met.
Compound Purchases: Compounding Purchases means reinvesting profit back into your trades right away. It drastically increases profits, but it also increases risk too. It will adjust your Purchase Amounts for the Purchase Type you have set at the same % rate of strategy initial_capital to the amounts you have set.
Adjust Purchase Amount Ratio to Maintain Risk level: By adjusting purchase levels we generally help maintain a safe risk level. Basically we generally want to reserve X amount of % for each purchase type being used and relocate money when there is too much in one type. This helps balance out purchase amounts and ensure the types selected have a correct ratio to ensure they can place the right amount of orders.
Stack Grid Buys: Stacking Buy Grids is when the Close crosses multiple Buy Grids within the same bar. Should we still only purchase the value of 1 Buy Grid OR stack the grid buys based on how many buy grids it went through.
Purchase Type: Where do you want to make Purchases? We recommend lowering your risk by combining All purchase types, but you may also customize your trading strategy however you wish.
Strong Buy Purchase Amount In USDT: How much do you want to purchase when the 'Strong Buy' signal appears? This signal only occurs after it has at least entered the Buy Zone and there have been other verifications saying it's now a good time to buy. Our Strong Buy Signal is a very strong indicator that a large price movement towards the Sell Zone will likely occur. It almost always results in it leaving the Buy Zone and usually will go to at least the White Basis line where you can 'Sell Some'.
Buy More Purchase Amount In USDT: How much should you purchase when the 'Purchase More' signal appears? This 'Purchase More' signal occurs when the lowest level of the Buy Zone moves lower. This is a great time to buy as you're buying the dip and generally there is a correction that will allow you to 'Sell Some' for some profit.
Amount of Grid Buy and Sells: How many Grid Purchases do you want to make? We recommend having it at the max of 10, as it will essentially get you a better Average Purchase Price, but you may adjust it to whatever you wish. This amount also only matters if your Purchase Type above incorporates Grid Purchases. Max 100 Grids, but visuals will only be shown if it's 20 or less.
Each Grid Purchase Amount In USDT: How much should you purchase after closing under a grid location? Keep in mind, if you have 10 grids and it goes through each, it will be this amount * 10. Grid purchasing is a great way to get a good entry, lower risk and also lower your average.
Middle Of Zone Purchase Amount In USDT: The Middle Of Zone is the strongest grid location within the Buy Zone. This is why we have a unique Purchase Amount for this Grid specifically. Please note you need to have 'Middle of Zone is a Grid' enabled for this Purchase Amount to be used.
Only Sell if its Profit: There is a chance that during a dump, all your grid buys when through, and a few Purchase More Signals have appeared. You likely got a good entry. A Strong Buy may also appear before it starts to pump to the Sell Zone. The issue that may occur is your Average Purchase Price is greater than the 'Sell Some' price and/or the Grids in the Sell Zone and/or the Strong Sell Signal. When this happens, you can either take a loss and sell it, or you can hold on to it and wait for more purchase signals to therefore lower your average more so you can take profit at the next sell location. Please backtest this yourself within our YinYang Purchase Strategy on the pair and timeframe you are wanting to trade on. Please also note, that previous results will not always reflect future results. Please assess the risk yourself. Don't trade what you can't afford to lose. Sometimes it is better to strategically take a loss and continue on making profit than to stay in a bad trade for a long period of time.
Stack Grid Sells: Stacking Sell Grids is when the Close crosses multiple Sell Grids within the same bar. Should we still only sell the value of 1 Sell Grid OR stack the grid sells based on how many sell grids it went through.
Stop Loss Type: This is when the Close has pushed the Bottom of the Buy Grid More. Do we Stop Loss or Purchase More?? By default we recommend you stay true to the DCA part of this strategy by Purchasing More, but this is up to you.
Sell Some At: Where if selected should we 'Sell Some', this may be an important way to sell a little bit at a good time before the price may correct. Also, we don't want to sell too much incase it doesn't correct though, so its a 'Sell Some' location. Basis Line refers to our Moving Basis Line created from 2 Bollinger Bands and Percent refers to a Percent difference between the Lower Inner and Upper Inner bands.
Sell Some At Percent Amount: This refers to how much % between the Lower Inner and Upper Inner bands we should well at if we chose to 'Sell Some'.
Sell Some Min %: This refers to the Minimum amount between the Lower Inner band and Close that qualifies a 'Sell Some'. This acts as a failsafe so we don't 'Sell Some' for too little.
Sell % At Strong Sell Signal: How much do we sell at the 'Strong Sell' Signal? It may act as a strong location to sell, but likewise Grid Sells could be better.
Grid and Donchian Settings:
Donchian Channel Length: How far back are we looking back to determine our Donchian Channel.
Extra Outer Buy Width %: How much extra should we push the Outer Buy (Low) Width by?
Extra Inner Buy Width %: How much extra should we push the Inner Buy (Low) Width by?
Extra Inner Sell Width %: How much extra should we push the Inner Sell (High) Width by?
Extra Outer Sell Width %: How much extra should we push the Outer Sell (High) Width by?
Machine Learning:
Rationalized Source Type: Donchians usually use High/Low. What Source is our Rationalized Source using?
Machine Learning Type: Are we using a Simple ML Average, KNN Mean Average, KNN Exponential Average or None?
Machine Learning Length: How far back is our Machine Learning going to keep data for.
k-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) Length: How many k-Nearest Neighbours will we account for?
Fast ML Data Length: What is our Fast ML Length?? This is used with our Slow Length to create our KNN Distance.
Slow ML Data Length: What is our Slow ML Length?? This is used with our Fast Length to create our KNN Distance.
If you have any questions, comments, ideas or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.
Magical SMAThis script is an intuitive trading alert system designed to identify potential entry points for both long and short positions. By utilizing a combination of Simple Moving Averages (SMA) and Ichimoku Cloud components, this script provides a robust framework for trend-following strategies.
Key Features:
SMA Crossover Detection: Monitors crossovers and crossunders between a 25-period and a 50-period SMA to signify potential bullish or bearish momentum.
Ichimoku Cloud Confirmation: Enhances the accuracy of entry signals by considering the position of the closing price relative to the Ichimoku Cloud's Lead Lines (A and B).
Long & Short Alert Conditions: Generates alert notifications for potential long and short entry signals based on the defined conditions.
Visualization: Plots the SMAs and Ichimoku Cloud components on the chart for better analysis and understanding of the prevailing market conditions.
Long Entry Alert: Triggered when there's a crossover of the 25-period SMA above the 50-period SMA, and the closing price is above either of the Ichimoku Cloud's Lead Lines.
Short Entry Alert: Triggered when there's a crossunder of the 25-period SMA below the 50-period SMA, and the closing price is below either of the Ichimoku Cloud's Lead Lines.
This script is ideal for traders looking to capitalize on trend-following strategies with an additional layer of confirmation from the Ichimoku Cloud components. Whether you are trading equities, forex, or commodities, the "Chakibz" script is a valuable tool for identifying potential entry points and managing your trades.