Multi StrategyDuring the course of a trade, we can find ourselves changing strategies depending on the market. Instead of using many different templates, I have a simple indicator that clearly says "Buy", "Sell" or "Stay Out". The great thing about this approach, is we instantly observe the majority are in agreement and that decides which way to place our trade.
This indicator includes the following strategies:
- Ichimoku using much faster settings.
- Parabolic SAR
- Supertrend
- TTM Oscillator
- The Squeeze strategy
- The Alligator Strategy
Using this indicator is simple, if the lines are mainly green then buy, if mainly red then sell OR don't trade. So...
Green Line - This strategy is in a buy position
Orange or Black Line - This strategy is undecided
Red Line - This strategy is in a sell position
There are also some green and red circles for reference that appear showing when that bar has broken through the Ichimoku cloud.
The trader's approach is simple, when all indicators are green or red, then take the trade. As soon as one indicator changes, then re-evaluate using your normal process, such as price action, to determine whether to close the trade or continue.
I can customise this further or add other strategies, please message me.
QuantNomad - Heikin-Ashi PSAR AlertsUsing this script you can create alerts for my Heikin-Ashi PSAR Strategy:
When creating alerts use "Once Per Bar Close" in parameters.
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as good as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
QuantNomad - Heikin-Ashi PSAR StrategyContinue experimenting with different combinations of strategies.
Here is the PSAR Strategy calculated based on HA candles. HA is already calculated inside the script, do not apply it to HA candles.
Strategy is calculated based on 25% equity invested with 0.1% commission.
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as good as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
The Enlightened Trader - Higher Time-frame Visual ConfluenceHello. This indicator is unique because the moving averages are pegged to particular time-frames. This keeps moving average placement consistent while flipping through the different time charts. Context isn't lost anymore, while curiosity is free to find profit. Honestly, I put a lot of work into this and it's serving me well. I hope you guys find it valuable too.
The default values are the result of the research study part my creating a master key indicator, however it's still subject to my biases. If you know of any awesome MA combos, feel free to comment them below. This is a long-term work-in-progress, but let me know what you think!
Thank you.
ATR Parabolic SAR Strategy [QuantNomad]I created a version of Parabolic SAR when I accelerate it not based on the difference from the extreme point but based on current ATR. So the idea is that for a more volatile market it should move faster.
Performance is calculated based on 25% equity invested and 0.1% commission.
What do you think about it? Does it make sense to do something like that?
Do you have in mind other ways I can accelerate it when the market starts to be more volatile?
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as good as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
Combination Parabolic MA/IIR/ALMA Strategy, and other goodies Okay, so this is a lot. It started mostly with me combining indicators and looking for ideal entry criteria.
It is also a collection of conditions, whether used or unused, for my current chosen "best" strategy. It is currently set how I like it, but it has changed with time, and will continue to do so. Within, there are variables that are unused, but offer some insight into the overall odds of a trade. They were, in fact, once used but fell out of favor. And all details for this strategy are within the comment header of the script.
As this evolves, I most certainly wont keep any future findings and hope for profit from my peers (yinz). Also, I'd like to give a sincere thanks to the people of TV for what I learned in a few month's time and their flexible membership plans. Basically, I'm just a mad scientist, but this monster's a masterpiece and folks here before me made many indirect contributions to it.
Okay guys, lastly and most importantly,
Each smack of the like button is a vote of your confidence in me, to my beautiful landladies, Celeste and Adele, that my rent will be caught up and that it won't always be a problem. Which, in my mind, makes me a graph. And they've got strong hands and don't sell the low. I more than respect that. Seriously. And I'm very grateful for their willingness to work with me, but the thing is that I didn't ask first; life just happens. But few are tolerant of others. And quite importantly, I truly believe that I will be successful one day, and that "thumbs-up" button is your vote of confidence. If you're not sure, then don't hit it yet. Maybe my scripts will boost your confidence in me :)
PS: And you know what? I'ma give a shout-out to Philakone for teaching me everything that I know about Elliot Wave . Absolutely. Two years ago, I would keep telling myself that one day I will put something in his gratuity wallet or pursue the paid courses. And, I still plan on it, because I'm grateful. And so also, to everybody else, I'm recommending him to learn from. because as a trader who might not know everything for free, you can certainly fill in the gaps with his altruistic offerings. And I'm betting that you will then feel more than inclined to buy the Udemy course.
"If wave 2 retraces a lot; number 4 will not". Repetition. Philakone didn't fix my memory but he sure did find a workaround, haha
Okay, everyone, Thanks!
Hidden_Move [Nextlevelbot]Hello Everyone
its Indicator Base on Parabolic Sar and Trend with Multy Condition
Indicator Feature
➤ Long Side Signal With Alerts
➤ Short Side Signal With Alerts
➤ Long side Take profit Calculated By Open Bar You Can Also Change Calculate Bar Source and percentage input
➤ Short side Take profit Calculated By Open Bar You Can Also Change Calculate Bar Source and percentage input
➤ Long side Stop Loss Calculated By Open Bar You Can Also Change Calculate Bar Source and percentage input
➤ Short side Stop Loss Calculated By Open Bar You Can Also Change Calculate Bar Source and percentage input
➤ Take profit or Stop loss Alerts with Plotshape (if Bar Cross When Alerts Trigger
➤ Trailing stop loss both side with alerts you can also change input point
Important: This Indicator we are using for Automation Trading if You Want This Indicator Access Please Contact me PM on Tradingview
Launch Pad_TrampolineCalled Launch Pad_Trampoline because it allows the user to enter a position before a rocket. Trampoline, because if the user miss a gap up it allows the user to enter on a bounce.
How to use
Time frame: Daily
Long Position:
--Aqua background with white or green bars. Make decision near the Launch Pad (this allows for a near the entry exit if direction changes).
--With aqua background, do not go long with black or red bars.
--If already in a long position with aqua background, and black or red bars appear, ignore or use as a warning that direction may change.
Short position:
--No background with black or red bars. Make decision near the Launch Pad (this allows for a near the entry exit if direction changes).
--With no background, do not go short with white or green bars.
--If already in a short position with no background, and white or green bars appear, ignore or use as a warning that direction may change.
--susceptible to chop: To avoid chop, one can use an ADX indicator, though this may keep you from entering your position near the launch pad (bigger loss if direction changes).
--To avoid chop, one can also give the direction, a couple of bars to develop. As with an ADX indicator, this approach may keep you from entering your position near the launch pad (bigger loss if direction changes).
If by the chance the launch pad is wide, aim for an entry at the bottom of the pad for long, top of pad for short.
Cons are part of the game. All in all the indicator works. Utilize proper risk management and always take profit ("can't go wrong putting money in the bank")
Best of luck all
PRP - Pivot Reversal + PSAR Alerts [QuantNomad]This is study with alerts for my "PRP - Pivot Reversal + PSAR Strategy".
When creating alerts - choose "Once Per Bar Close"
It's a pro indicator, you can have access to it for a small fee. Link to my PRO indicators you can find in my signature.
PRP - Pivot Reversal + PSAR Strategy [QuantNomad]PRP is a combination of Pivot Reversal and PSAR Strategy. With this strategy, I tried to be in a position for big moves in the market.
The strategy uses Pivot Reversal entries with an additional condition that TR of entry bar should be at least X ATRs. This allows to filter out some false signals.
For exits, I recoded the PSAR indicator as trailing stop loss. So I start PSAR Y ATRs below the Pivot level price crossed at entry. After that PSAR behaves as usual.
For stability and easier execution, I check conditions only on the close, no stop/limit orders are used.
Parabolic SAR Alerts (on close) [QuantNomad]This is study with alerts for my previously published strategy:
Use "Once Per Bar Close" alerts.
Parabolic SAR Strategy (on close) [QuantNomad]Created a Parabolic SAR strategy where price has to close under/above the level before for it to reverse. This way it should be a bit more stable and protect you from false breakouts.
It was impossible to adjust the built-in "sar" function so I implemented PSAR from scratch. So if you're interested in how it's work inside you can check the code and probably adjust to your need if you have a custom modification of PSAR in your mind.
[STRATEGY] Parabolic SARA private strategy from the Profitable Parabolic SAR preview for backtesting purposes.
Price-Curve ChannelIntroduction
Although many will use lines in order to make support and resistances, others might use curves, this is logical since trends are not always linear. Therefore it was also important to take this into consideration, and when i published the price-line channel indicator, i already started a curved version of it. Therefore i propose this new indicator based on the recursive bands framework that allow to return curved support and resistances. The benefits of this indicator are : a totally stable approach, user friendly, and extremities able to converge faster toward the price.
The Indicator
The indicator is way faster than the price-line channel one, this is due to the fast convergence toward the price of the extremities. Length control the reactivity of the indicator, while mult is more related to the rate of convergence, values of mult lower than 1 will make the curve converge slower,
mult = .5
Higher values of mult will make the extremities converge faster toward the price.
mult = 2
Unlike the price-line channel indicator this one is directly "readjusted", this is due to the fact that the extremities are no longer linear, of course a "perfectly" curved version could come in an update, but for the moment it wasn't really a necessity.
Comparison With Price-Line
The fact that the extremities converge faster toward the price allow to possibly capture more tops/bottoms/retracements. However the extremities of both indicator have the same behavior regarding their accuracy, for example the upper extremity have a higher chance to detect a retracement when on a downtrend, while the lower extremity have higher chance to detect a retracement while on a up-trend.
On The Indicator Construction
The recursive bands framework is the core of the indicator, it is important to use it. The curved effect is given by multiplying the correction factor by the barssince function, therefore the correction factor is no longer constant which in return allow for a non linear output.
The size is divided by the square of length in order to keep a certain logic between the output and the length period.
The recursive bands framework prove again to be quite interesting, lot of indicators can be made using it, i only posted a fraction of what can be done with it, which make the recursive bands indicator one of the best indicators i ever made in my opinion.
The proposed indicator is stable, and don't require nightmarish manipulations (unlike the linear channels indicator), its ability to detect possible support and resistances points, although subjective, remain a feature of the indicator. The use of recursion make the indicator efficient. I hope the indicator find some use in the community.
Thanks for reading !
Linear version.
Respect the house rules, always request permission before publishing open source code. This is an original work, requesting permission is the least you can do.
I apologize for any grammatical/orthographic error in this post.
TJD Parabolic SAR + Binary PivotsIdentifies support points, and pivots on the market, to place you in trending trades, and identify potential reversals.
Volatility SarsThis script makes use of volatility stop in combination with parabolic sars and price over/under sma to visualize market conditions. I originally wrote it because I wanted something i could zoom all the way out with and easily get an idea at a glance which direction a market is headed. Try it, let me know what you think. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Usage: Buy the red, sell the green
Parabolik+3 SAR Indikator[wozdux]Additional settings of the parabolic indicator allow you to fine-tune it. Usually there are three parameters in the indicator that can be changed. This is the start, step and maximum step. In this version of the indicator, multipliers for each of the three parameters are added. These additional settings will allow you to fine-tune the indicator for the trading instrument.
Дополнительные настройки индикатора параболик позволяют более тонко его настраивать. Обычно в индикаторе присутствуют три параметра, которые можно изменять. Это старт, шаг и максимальный шаг. В данном варианте индикатора добавлены множители для каждого из трех параметров. Эти дополнительные настройки позволят более тонко настроить индикатор под инструмент торговли.
Parabolic SARThis is a redesign of the built-in Parabolic SAR indicator. I added a proper input system, an option to highlight initial points for both lines and an option to choose points width. So, customize it as you want.
Parabolic SAR was originally developed by J. Welles Wilder and described in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems" (1978). It is a trend-following indicator that can be used as a trailing stop loss.
To know which settings for PSAR are the most profitable on your instrument and timeframe you can use this tool
Profitable Parabolic SAR
(JS) Sustained Velocity IndexThe Sustained Velocity Index is an original indicator I've created as a means to accurately measure parabolic moves to the up or down side.
I have added Acceleration to the equation which you can turn on and off.
This is meant to amplify the value when the move is sustained in a given direction.
What this does is amplify the reading based on consecutive green or red candles.
You can also change the Acceleration sensitivity with 5 being the strongest and 1 being the weakest.
This is rather obvious - the look back period for the math formula.
However - I did include presets that I thought best suited Daily/Weekly/Monthly which you can toggle on and off
The rest of the options are purely cosmetic;
Backgroud Off - Turn the indicator background colors on and off.
Simple Background? - This toggles a simple two shade background on and off.
Background Transparency - Allows you to adjust the transparency of the background colors.
Plot Background Off? - Allows you to toggle the background inside the plot on and off.
Plot Line Color Off? - If you don't like the way the plot line changes colors, this turns it white.
Color Scheme - Four schemes to choose from, first three are color based, the last one is a plain version.
Plot Width - Adjusts the width of the plot line on the indicator.
Plot Line Value? - Toggles a line on the indicator at the current value on and off.
Profitable Parabolic SARIntroduction
As you know, Parabolic Stop and Reverse (SAR, PSAR) was originally developed by J. Welles Wilder and was described in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems" (1978). It derives its name from the fact that when charted, the pattern formed by the points resembles a parabola.
Mr. Wilder described it as "one of my favorite systems because it squeezes more profit out of an intermediate move than any method I know" .
PSAR follows price and can be considered a trend following indicator. Once a downtrend reverses and starts up, PSAR follows prices like a trailing stop. Same is true for the opposite direction.
Due to its nature, PSAR continuosly protects on long and short positions.
One of the key components of PSAR is the Acceleration Factor (AF). The AF is one of a progression of numbers beginning at 0.02 and ending at 0.2 . The AF is increased by the increment of 0.02 each time that a new high is made until a value of 0.2 is reached.
Mr. Wilder used the next parameters
Start: 0.02
Increment: 0.02
Maximum: 0.2
and they are default for the built-in PSAR indicator and its strategy.
But are these params really profitable? Mr. Wilder noticed that "I have tried many different acceleration factors on this system and have found that a consistent increase of 0.02 works best overall...the range for the incremental increase is between 0.018 and 0.021 " .
That was then, in 1978. Other times have come. Is our grandpa still right in his recommendations?
I made this tool to figure it out.
What is this tool?
This tool is a performance scanner that uses a decision tree-based algorithm under the hood to find the most profitable settings for PSAR. It analyzes a bunch of different Start (between 0.001 to 0.02 ) and Increment (between 0.001 to 0.03 ) parameters and backtests each combination across the entire history of an instrument. If the more profitable parameters were found, the indicator will switch its values to the found ones immediately.
Instead of manually selecting parameters, just relax - the algorithm will do it for you.
It doesn't touch the last parameter, Maximum , for two reasons.
First, as Mr. Wilder noticed in his book, "...the number of increases it takes to reach at least 0.2 , but do not exceed 0.22 " . That is, the parameter sits in a very narrow range.
Second, I tested different maximums and I came to the conclusion that this parameter has a minimal impact on net profit, compared with the more significant parameters of start and increment.
It has an alert that notifies when the more profitable settings were detected.
NOTE : It does not change what has already been plotted.
Good luck!
Parabolic Weighted Moving AverageThe weights of this moving average are powers of the weights of the standard weighted moving average WMA .
When parameter Power = 0, you will get SMA .
When parameter Power = 1, you will get WMA .
Good luck!
Multi Time Frame SARThis Indicator plots 5 differents time frame SAR in the same graphic.
It must be used in 5 minutes Time Frame.
Plots 5 minutes SAR, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 Hour and 4 Hours.
If you need it to use in other time frame, you can send me a message to evaluate the development of a new version.