This indicator is designed to observe market concentration and overall valuation by combining the Shiller CAPE Ratio with the SP100/SP400 ratio. Blue Line: Represents the Shiller CAPE Ratio, which reflects the overall market valuation. Yellow Line: Represents the SP100/SP400 ratio, which indicates market concentration. The combination of these two metrics...
Our Implementation of the famous Shiller PE Ratio (aka C yclically A djusted P rice-to- E arnings Ratio) a long-term valuation indicator for the S&P 500. Calculation: Share price divided by 10 - year average, inflation - adjusted earnings The indicator works on the M and 12M timeframe and has a built-in moving average that supports an upper and lower...
DISCRIPTION Shiller PE ratio for the S&P 500. Price earnings ratio is based on average inflation-adjusted earnings from the previous 10 years, known as the Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio (CAPE Ratio) TIME FRAME 1M HOW TO USE It provide historic Shiller PE which will provide over-bought or over-sold condition historically from 19th century. MODIFICATION When the...