Coefficient of Variation - EMA and SMA StDevYet another way to try and measure volatility. An alternative to using ATR is Standard Deviation, it can be used to measure volatility or what is also known as risk. SD measures how dispersed or far away the data is from the mean. It's commonly seen in risk management formulas or portfolio diversification formulas. The problem however is that the numbers that ATR and SD give off from one equity might not be relative to others or its own past. For example, SPY can give a large number despite not being as volatile as other equities while others being compared to can have smaller volatility numbers and still be more volatile looking.
A solution I thought of is to use percentages that are relatable to different equities. I found out another name for this idea comes from statistics and is known as coefficient of variation, also known as relative standard deviation. This helps see the volatility as a percentage and not just a number that only relates to what is being seen at the moment. I put in a border line on the zero level to see where zero is at but also to edit in case there is such a thing as a percentage number that can be too high or too low for volatility to be looked at if needed. The average and standard deviation formulas can use either simple moving average or exponential moving average.
Стандартное отклонение
Enhanced Sigma by Cryptorhythms [CR]Enhanced Sigma by Cryptorhythms
Sigma is basically the deviation of returns compared to past returns. The higher / lower the value, shows you how deviated from the average this current bars returns are.
While perhaps not usable as a complete strategy for entering and exiting, its still quite useful and informative. It can give interesting signals as to potential turning points in price action. This behavior extends to all timeframes both long term and short term.
There are 2 overbought and oversold zones here inthe indicator. One is adaptive and will change to suit the shorter term giving your extra potential signals. The fixed line shows a general level for highly deviated values.
Expect a number of further totally unique and exclusive sigma based indicators from CR in the near future. We are nowhere near done extracting the alpha from this concept!
How to get access
This indicator is available for standalone purchase or as part of our subscription options. Please see my signature or profile for more information or contact me directly.
LordPepe Stochastic SignalsThis is the Lord Pepe. Howdy. Basic buy/sell indicator to accumulate along a downtrend and release your stack during the uptrend and oversold levels of the stochastic. The buys should be used to stack, and sells indicate levels of profit taking, they do not signal a long term reversal, only < 25% of stack should be released on "OB" signals.
OB - overbought (sell)
OS - oversold (buy)
Annualised Price Volatility %Annualised Price Volatility in percent, also called Instrument Risk, as outlined by Rob Carver in his excellent books, 'Systematic Trading' and 'Leveraged Trading'.
This is written for those who have read one of his books and want to use this tool on TradingView.
Trend strength, oscillators, and volume indicators are all the rage. Finding a great setup is, of course, key. You've decided to go long. Great!
But how much is your capital at risk?
How does that compare with your level of risk tolerance?
When trading, it's key to understand just how risky a certain instrument is. An uptrend is an uptrend, but is it at an annualised volatility of 2% per year or 500% per year? If it's the former, I know I can put a good chunk of capital into trading it. But if its the latter, I don't want to put so much money at risk. Volatility is rarely in a straight line. It's usually up and down.
I won't give the whole game away. To find out more about how to use this concept of risk, I'd highly recommend the books 'Leveraged Trading' and 'Systematic Trading' by Rob Carver.
Do you have any thoughts, ideas, or questions? Let me know in the comments or send me a message! I'd be glad to help you out.
Muqwishi Volumetric CandleIntroduction
Have you ever heard that each candle represents a battle between bulls (buyer) and bears (seller)? If you know the answer, apparently you understand what the price action means. What if I ask you, how much was bloody in each battle between bulls and bears?!. This indicator may give a clear picture of how to identify the candle’s strength by implementing the Standard Deviation on volume and reshape the candle.
The Muqwishi Volumetric Candles indicator works to weigh each candle instantaneously and updates its color level from lightness to darkness based on the rate of the volumetric standard deviation.
Here’s how the idea started with the conceptual design, then improved till achieved to the implemented design of a structured candle.
The conceptual design mentioned for reviewing how the idea started. However, I want you to understand the “implemented design” in which the indicator has been built to address it. As I stated structurally for the implemented design section, wick and border are identified by the user through “Chart Properties” unlike core and body is measured by the indicator.
The candle’s body is ”Dynamic” that colored based on the amount of volume standard deviation in which the low volume standard deviation is a lighter candle’s color and the high volume standard deviation is a darker candle’s color. The core is “Static” color represents zero volume standard deviation which the volume at the average level. In the case where the core is darker than the body means the volume standard deviation is lower than the average volume level, and when the core is lighter than the body mean the volume standard deviation is higher than the average volume level, and when the core’s color has the same body’s color means the volume is in the average level. The image is the best guide to understand the idea.
Rarely seeing a volume standard deviation below -2σ, even though the volume is apparently dead. However, it’s possible to see more than 3.9σ, and mostly it has the same effect as 3.9σ. Personally, any candle above 1.5σ is taking my attention, and more than 2σ I look around seeking for reasons to not take a trade.
§§ Note, if you have misunderstood the standard deviation concept, there are many great sources to understand it such as Wikipedia, YouTube,... etc. In a basic example, How much is your height relative to the height of average people in your city!!?. Similarly, how much is the amount of volume relative to the average volume of a number series of previous bars?!.
Indicator Overview
Before I get into this section, this is NOT meant to be an educational or recommendation. Just showing you how I use this indicator based on an experience.
The chart above has been remarked as an example of how I apply it. Again, it’s a personal preference, and it doesn’t mean this’s an efficient way.
Indicator Setting
➤ Ensure to visualize the indicator to the front for recognition of the candle’s core.
For more information check the image:
➤ Indicator’s title.
Generates two outputs. The first one is the coordinate location for the char “Core”, don’t pay attention to it. The second one colored in blue is referring to the measurement of the volume standard deviation as your cursor point move at any candle on the chart. For more information check the image:
➤ Indicator’s inputs.
■ Length: Number of previous bars covered in the calculation. Prefer between 14-20.
■ Long Candle Color: Choose a color for bullish candles.
■ Short Candle Color: Choose a color for bearish candles.
■ Color Mode: Kinda color style.
● Lightness: From lightness to darkness colored as low volume SD to high volume SD.
● Saturation: From narrow range to wide range colored as low volume SD to high volume SD.
■ Reverse Mode: Yes → Darkness to Lightness colored as low SD to high SD.
■ Show Core: No → Hide cores.
■ Users should have a fundamental knowledge of Standard Deviation.
■ The candle’s body is dynamic colored. Got light as low volume standard deviation, and Dark as high volume standard deviation occurred.
■ The Candle’s core is static colored. Represents the average volume which Standard Deviation equals zero.
■ This’s not a trading signal. It works to visualize the level of transactions made per candle.
Final Comments
■ My goal was to achieve the conceptual design, but there’re many obstacles that go beyond the coding ability.
■ Let me know if you have any questions, comments, and any improvements to the project.
■ I hope every time you found this indicator useful and scaled up your trading skills, please present support through PayPal that linked in the signature box below. That will help to get me excited and post many ideas.
■ Trade Safe. ✌
EMA Cross Levels + Standard DeviationPlots the price level that the most recent EMA crossover occurred at(Green if bullish and red if bearish).
Also calculates standard deviation over a shorter window-length/lookback period (of 'n_std_fast' length) and another over a much longer span of periods(n='n_std_slow', > 'n_std_fast').
These are the two dotted lines appearing as bands around the cross-level line.
Trend IdentifierTrend Identifier Indicator helps to identify the Trend of intermediate time frame automatically.
It shows the trend and RSI position for Intraday, Daily and Swing time-frame in one go.
IF RSI is > 70 = RSI High
RSI is < 65 > 35 = RSI Side
RSI is < 30 = RSI Low
For Trend High, Low and Side, it makes it's own calculation and identifies the trend for intermediate time frame.
It also shows the standard deviation information.
1sd = 1 standard deviation achieved.
2sd = 2 standard deviation achieved.
Weekly and Monthly std = Weekly and Monthly standard deviation achieved.
Based on your trading style one can hide the other trend std and RSI option.
PM us to obtain the access.
Expected Range and SkewThis is an open source and updated version of my previous "Confidence Interval" script. This script provides you with the expected range over a given time period in the future and the skew of that range. For example, if you wanted to know the expected 1 standard deviation range of MSFT over the next 20 days, this will tell you that. Additionally, this script will also tell you the skew of the expected range.
How to use this script:
1) Enter the length, this will determine the number of data points used in the calculation of the expected range.
2) Enter the amount of time you want projected forward in minutes, hours, and days.
3) Input standard deviation of the expected range.
4) Pick the type of data you want shown from the dropdown menu. Your choices are either the expected range or the skew of the expected range.
5) Enter the x and y coordinates of the label (optional). This is useful so it doesn't impede your view of the plot.
Here are a few notes about this script:
First, the expected range line gives you the width of said range (upper bound - lower bound), and the label will tell you specifically what the upper and lower bounds of the expected range are.
Second, this script will work on any of the default timeframes, but you need to be careful with how far out you try to project the expected range depending on the timeframe you're using. For example, if you're using the 1min timeframe, it probably won't do you any good trying to project the expected range over the next 20 days; or if you're using the daily timeframe it doesn't make sense to try to project the expected range for the next 5 hours. You can tell if the time horizon you're trying to project doesn't work well with the chart timeframe you're using if the current price is outside of either the upper or lower bounds provided in the label. If the current price is within the upper and lower bounds provided in the label, then the time horizon that you're projecting over is reasonable for the chart timeframe you're using.
Third, this script does not countdown automatically, so the time provided in the label will stay the same. For example, in the picture above, the expected range of Dow Futures over the next 23 days from January 12th, 2021 is calculated. But when tomorrow comes it won't count down to 22 days, instead it will show the range over the next 23 days from January 13th, 2021. So if you want the time horizon to change as time goes on you will have to update this yourself manually.
Lastly, if you try to set an alert on this script, you will get a warning about it possibly repainting. This is because of the label, not the plot itself. The label constantly updates itself, which triggers the warning. I tested setting alerts on this script both with and without the inclusion of the label, and without the label the repainting warning did not occur. So remember, if you set an alert on this script you will get a warning about it possibly repainting, but this is because of the label constantly updating, not the plot itself.
Indices Sector SigmaSpikes█ OVERVIEW
“The benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average is off nearly 300 points as of midday today...”
“So what? Is that a lot or a little? Should we care?”
-Adam H Grimes-
This screener aims to provide Bird-Eye view across sector indices, to find which sector is having significant or 'out-of-norm' move in either direction.
The significance of the move is measured based on Sigma Spikes, a method proposed by Adam H. Grimes, where Standard Deviation of returns used as a baseline.
*You can google his blog or read his book, got some gold in there, especially on how he use indicators for trading
█ Understanding Sigma Spikes
As described by Grimes, moves in markets are only meaningful when we consider what “normal” is for that market.
Without that baseline, the daily change number, and even the percent change on the day doesn’t really mean much.
To overcome that problem, Sigma Spikes, as a measure of volatility, attempt to put todays change in price (aka return) in context of the standard deviation of 20 days daily's return.
Refer chart below:
1. The blue bars refer to each days return
2. The orange line is 1 time standard deviation of past 20days daily's return (today not included)
3. The red line is 2 time standard deviation of past 20days daily's return (today not included)
Using the ratio of today's return over the Std Deviation, determining your threshold (1,2,3,etc) will be the key that tells if today's move is significant or not.
*Threshold referring to times standard deviation, and different market may require different threshold.
*20 Days period are based on the Lookback Period, adjustable from user input window.
█ Features
- Scan up to 13 symbols at a time (Bursa (MYX) indices are defaulted, but you may change to any symbols/index from the user input setting)
█ Limitation
- Due to multiple use of security() function required to call other symbols, expect the screener to be slow at certain times
- Custom Timeframe currently accept only Daily and Weekly. I'll try to include lower timeframe in the next update
█ Disclaimer
Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
My opinions and research are my own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever.
Nothing published by me constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or Content published by me be relied upon for any investment/trading activities.
I strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualified investment professional before making any financial decisions.
Any ideas to further improve this indicator are welcome :)
(JS) VWAP BandsThis is a pretty simple script here - I took the VWAP and combined it with Bollinger Bands.
The bands can vary a lot based on chart resolution, so I wanted to make sure the resolution could be modified so you can use the resolution you're most comfortable with, or find the most success with.
Length of bars used to calculate the bands.
Standard Deviation Band 1-3:
There's three bands all together, this option allows you to modify the number of standard deviations per band.
VWAP Period:
This modifies when you want the VWAP to begin (Session, Week, Month, Year).
This moves the VWAP and the bands the amount of bars you select, default is of course set to zero.
This selects the source of calculation, HLC/3 is the default VWAP calculation.
This is a pretty self explanatory script, I thought being able to see the standard deviations of the VWAP could prove to be useful - hope you all like it!
Predictive Period Risk RangeThis script produces a band range that uses a stochastic volatility process to come up with maximum and minimum price ranges over the specified period (using the length variable).
The sample used to predict volatility can be modified using the VolLength parameter, and the extremes can be modified using the VolInflator parameter.
For example, a VolLength of 30 uses the prior thirty days to predict volatility , but that volatility prediction is then adjusted to the period of Length and still only applied to that range
Please PM me for a free trial and for pricing
Volatility Price TargetsPrints lines on the chart marking the price points for the standard deviation move using historical volatility. This script was born out of a need to easily spot target points for the wings of my Iron Condor Options trades. The study only shows on the Daily chart. Volatility is calculated based on the standard deviation of the daily returns of price. Price targets are calculated off yesterday's closing price and will not reprint.
Days to Expiration - allow you to enter the number of days to expiration for the option, default is 30 for those monthly options traders but can be adjusted to your desire.
Standard Deviation - you can enter the number of deviations for which to calculate the price points 1,2, or 3.
Days in Year - you can adjust the number of days in the year used to calculate the daily volatility multiplier.
SDev Adjusted StochasticDescription : This Stochastic variant will auto-adjust stochastic period based on volatility measured by standard deviation.
The idea behind it are in highly volatile market, %K period will be reduced to account for recent price range,
while in low volatility market, %K period will be increased to account less of the recent price range.
This idea is based on one of medium article written by Sofien Kaabar with slight modification on the adjusting logic implementation. Any ideas to further improve this indicator are welcome :)
I always felt Pinescript is a very fast to type language with excellent visualization capabilities, so I've been using it as code-testing platform prior to actual coding in other platform.
Having said that, these study scripts was built only to test/visualize an idea to see its viability and if it can be used to optimize existing strategy.
While some of it are useful and most are useless, none of it should be use as main decision maker.
(VIP) Contrarian Reversal Zones Script is showing potential reversal zones on chart, based on calculations of High/Low of selected period, smoothing it with selected type of Moving Average and applying Standard Deviation. Preferred to be used for contrarian traders. Another alternative usage would be to lock profit from open positions as this is very often early warning before reversal ahead.
If you're interested with access to indicator, please contact me via DM (private message) on ;)
Standard deviation zones Support & Resistance [LM]Hi Guy,
I would like to introduce you Standard deviation zones Support & Resistance horizontals. It draws line horizontals on high and low st dev zone. The colors are dynamic depending whether price is below or above the line.
Credit is due to @Zeiierman for st dev zone calculation so shout out to him.
There are various sections in setting:
general setting where you can select source for zone calculation
tops setting
bottom setting
show and hide section of the first timeframe
show and hide section of the second timeframe
Be aware that when new zone starts and is not finished yet than the top will trail the high of unfinished zone that could be also at the high of current candle and next candle it can change
Any suggestions are welcomed
Mulitple Bollinger Bands with MAsIn this indicator, I used Bollinger Bands and many standard deviation values together. These values are: 0.618 (Yellow), 1, 1.618 (Yellow), 2, 2.618 (Yellow), 3, 3.618 (Yellow), 4, 4.618 (Yellow). Like the indicator I just published, I also added multiple moving average options for the Bollinger Bands calculation. You can create your own strategies for where it bounces in ups and downs.
Bu indikatörde Bollinger Bantları ile birçok standart sapma değerini birlikte kullandım. Bu değerler: 0.618 (Sarı), 1, 1.618 (Sarı), 2, 2.618 (Sarı), 3, 3.618 (Sarı), 4, 4.618 (Sarı). Daha yayınladığım indikatör gibi burada da Bollinger Bantları hesaplaması için birden çok hareketli ortalama seçeneği de ekledim. Yükseliş ve düşüşlerde sektiği yerler için kendi stratejileriniz oluşturabilirsiniz.
The indicator measures the relationship between Average True Range (ATR) that shows how much an asset moves, on average, during a given time frame and Standard Deviation that measuring how widely asset prices are dispersed from the average price. If prices trade in a narrow trading range, the relationship between the ATR and SD will return a low value that indicates low volatility that will lead to potential price quick movement.
To increase the accuracy of the indicator and reduce false signals, it generates three circles, each indicate protentional price quick movement coming. For circle to print, following criteria must meet:
• Green Circle is based on low volatility and both ATR and SD are at minimum value for a short pre-defined time frame.
• Magenta Circle is based on low volatility and SD are at minimum value for a long pre-defined time frame.
• Yellow Circle is based on low volatility and SD are at minimum value for a short pre-defined time frame and Average Directional Movement Index reaching to pre-defined level.
The indicator focuses mainly on identifying potential price quick movement. However, it is equipped with two signal that is generated upon crossing the keltner channel upper or lower bands to help identifying the direction of the price movements but the user shall study the chart on big time frame to confirm the direction of the price movement.
If you would like to use it, please drop a message or find other contact under my signature.
After purchase, open the TradingView indicator library. Under the Invite-Only Scripts section, you will see it. Add it to your chart and save your chart layout.
Divergence Indicator [Nic]This divergence indicator can track the correlation between one or more symbols. I use it to track the divergences between the VIX volatility index, gold, bonds, as well as other market leading indicators.
When using with Vix, lower coefficients can lead to false signals. When in a high vix bear market signals, there is more noise and more false (or missing) signals can occur. Please use with other technical tools.
Tel Aviv LevelsSimple script that calculates static support/resistance levels for potential price reversals using a calculation for predicting liquidity from a base price, use in confluence with other technical analysis tools.
DM me on tradingview for access.
Linear Regression (Log Scale)This code is a slightly modified version of Tradingviews' built-in "linear regression" script which can be correctly plotted on logarithmic charts.
Moving Average Ribbon Master StrategyThe following features available in this strategy are listed below. To access, please visit the website in the signature area of this posting.
Robust, fast, trading system
Multiple time frame (MTF) aspects built in everywhere into the strategy
Combines swing, scalp, greedy, volatile trading mechanisms
Works on intraday day time frames as well as Daily and Weekly
Trade sizing, targets, and stops are shown as new trades form and existing trades develop
Alerts warn the trader on all aspects of the trade evolution
Alerts are ready to be used for complete lifecycle automated trading
Combining EMAs on a higher time frame than the chart time frame is key
Trade conditions are met on a lower time frame that agree with the EMA ribbon direction
With the right EMA settings, it is "hard" to generate trades.
The trade direction can easily shift
Successful trade entry triggers require a strong trend
While the EMA trend is positive, longs are taken on pullbacks, opposite for shorts
A basic learning algorithm is used to create a stop behind the trades
Learns over time the best stop offset from the price based on volatility
Swings and scalps are treated differently.
Swings are the very first trade taken upon a directional shift. This is similar to the DIVINE series trading strategies
Swings are held until stopped out, Scalps always have a target based on the current volatility of the ticker and multiplier
Both swings and scalps start out in the "building" or "forming" phase.
A building phase is triggered when all criteria are met to form a long or short
Both trade types are executed as a market long or short when the ATR execution sensitivity reverses
The current ATR direction can be seen by the colored bars.
VIX Multiplier
Percent of Equity
Percent Risk
Historical trades show the price target of a scalp and the number of ticks of profit in parenthesis
New trades show all of the extra information surrounding the trade. This can be turned on to show the same information for past trades, but is left off to reduce clutter
Go over trade information categories one-by-one
Recent historical trades have a tooltip loaded to hover over and see the hidden information
Scalp trade is filled the numbered scalp icon shows as a (N)
Longs and shorts can only receive an execution signal when the ticker is within one of three session options provided
Last 3 sizing types show the quantity required to enter the trade to meet the parameters
Percent risk automatically adjusts the quantity to meet the risk criteria given the account equity, per trade
The account currency can be changed with will update the quantities automatically
Tick Unit and Value can also be changed if they are not accurate
Alerts for entire trade lifecycle
Full automated trading ready
CC - ATR BandsPlots ATR bands around candles at any HTF resolution you desire, taken in through the inputs. The white line represents the open of the HTF, the red and green the expected boundaries. You can use the risk tolerance slider up/down to adjust how risky you want to be with the ATR bands.
I am not responsible for outcomes using this method, indicator or anything else. Please do your own due diligence.
Nic's VIX CorrelationIdentifies divergences in price action between the VIX (volatility index) and a ticker. Divergences can be a 'red flag' identifying lack of confidence in the price action.
Best used in with volume studies, across multiple time frames, and across multiple tickers.
Supports any volatility ticker (VIX, VXN, RVX).